Page:Diary of a Prisoner in World War I by Josef Šrámek.pdf/100

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They want to get everywhere just like cattle. They pulled out their Serb chaykashes[1], which we generally hate. It's hot here as it was on Asinara—it's a pity we cannot hide under the trees that are around the camp.

We miss our homes so much. Our memories have always given us comfort, but where do I get a chance? We play cards every day.

Camp de Carpiagne

July 13

Verkaterung[2]—we got food for 3 days—a loaf and a half, 4 bits of bacon approximately as big as those on Asinara for 1 Lira, and 3 cans of sardines. At 10 we got our last tasty meal and marsch[3] to the Cassis station. From afar we saw a new transport from Asinara that had just arrived. The people on it went a different way so we wouldn't meet. There was a large transport of blacks who showed us their white teeth.

They[4] wore uniforms—and would escort us. Their fingers were full of rings, and they showed off.

  1. No idea what it means
  2. Catering
  3. Marched.
  4. Unclear whether this refers to the blacks from previous paragraph