Page:Diary of a Prisoner in World War I by Josef Šrámek.pdf/50

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The fallen were immediately robbed by the Albanians of the last things they had on them.

Hard to imagine for someone who did see it himself the miserable state of the once victorious army now fleeing. The soldiers were just skeletons covered with yellow skin who were already two months fleeing, clad in muddy rags, mostly barefoot, throwing away their weapons. Not one in a hundred had his rifle, and soundlessly they dragged themselves forward. Legs up to the knees in mud, and it was most difficult to advance step by step. Everyone was throwing away everything unnecessary and soon unnecessary was everything except for remainders of food that were being saved for the worst.

December 11

We lie indifferently, expecting death from starvation. For 3 days already I've had nothing to put in my mouth.

The Serbian cavalry was passing nearby, pitiful and exhausted, and that was our