Page:Diary of a Prisoner in World War I by Josef Šrámek.pdf/64

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much as we are weak. But we are weak because we are hungry like wolves!

January 4

Today we landed on an island. 8 large steamers were anchored there. We were so hungry. We get less and less food every day. Many dead men were thrown into the sea again today. They think they can stop that dying by giving us less food. The lunch was very poor. They keep giving us biscuits instead of bread. I am looking forward to a piece of bread so much. I am hungry as I haven't been since the Albania days. Lunch is 5 spoons of soup; supper is just coffee. We are completely hopeless. We lie in the hold, many among us sick. I saw one who could not eat macaroni and vomited them. A Croat came and picked the macaroni from the vomit on the floor.

January 5

At noon we disembarked on the Asinara island, where we are supposed to be for the quarantine. It's a small and bare island, just rocks and shrubs. Thousands of prisoners are camped here. Every one of us got a can of meat and biscuits. I made soup from the sea water. I met Šalomoun and Hruška. We sleep in one tent. Also Roubík, Černý, and others are here.

January 6

It seems like we had a feast today—I am sated once again. The day is beautiful and warm. The worst thing is there is no water. We walk