Page:Diary of a Prisoner in World War I by Josef Šrámek.pdf/76

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worth nothing. Yet he goes around the other camps and buys them still. A real good officer!

April 5

The bakery worked for the first time today. Our cook stood in for the baker. I was to go to the kitchen but I refused. We are getting a second vaccination. I am still waiting for a letter from home, but it's in vain! Mail arrives very rarely. Still there is news that peace is near. Supposedly we'll get 15 cts. daily.

April 7

Our meals are all the same—at noon it's rice or macaroni, and in the evening it's soup and a bit of meat. No potatoes or vegetables. I dislike that food now. The rice is boiled down to a glue, and it's never greasy, and the macaroni is the same. Coffee is but a little dirty water.

Vejvoda from our platoon and Ryba from my tent got some money from home. The priests here are making a secret list for Austria[1]. For teachers they set up a special group like for one-year volunteers.

April 9

It is ordered that everyone must have their hair cut bald to get rid of the last few lice that still resist here and there (mainly among the Croats).

  1. Purpose of the list is unknown