Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/190

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imported eleven horses, fifteen head of black cattle, twenty goats, fifty tons of potatoes, twenty-five tons of flour, and 200 bushels of seed-wheat; and the other vessel is freighted with forty tons of flour, and some potatoes; and both have beef and pork.

I shall now enumerate my own stock:—

Sheep (old and young) 66
Cows 8
Horses 2
Pigs 21
Goats 3
Fowls 24
Ducks 5
Dogs 3
Cats 5

It is rumoured that another vessel (the Georgina) is also coming out with stock, and that one from Sydney is bringing out 1,000 sheep. If these grand expectations be realised, we shall soon have stock in abundance, and plenty of seed-wheat and potatoes.

April 5th.—I went last Tuesday to Fremantle, to see about the chest, pork, &c.; but they have not been landed from the vessel. This is provoking; for, with most feminine curiosity, I longed to open the chest and inspect its contents. By some untoward chance it got into the commissary store at Hobart Town, and Major Nairn had great trouble in effecting its liberation.


To-morrow I must go to Perth; my judicial duties there being important.


You know that I have never suffered myself to shut my eyes to the difficulties and inconveniences of my situation; but rather forced myself to contemplate them in their sternest aspect. The certainty may be painful; but why