must be upon a smuggling expedition. Sometimes the captain talks of going to the Cape, sometimes to China. I suspect he was trying to smuggle tea, and was frightened by our ships of war in those seas. Common labourers in Perth have struck for 7s. a day, and mechanics of some sort are asking 15s. a day. Snug fellows these.
Dec. 12th.—Had a very long swim after a raft that had floated away. It is composed of two barrels, with poles fastened to them. It is easily made, and answers for crossing the river on an emergency. My flock of sheep scattered some days ago, whilst under the charge of a native boy, and got into a neighbour's corn. He wants to charge me £10 damages for what they have done—rather heavy that; and, besides, one sheep has died, and several are sick and one blind in consequence of eating the wheat.
Saturday, 26th.—Have been up at Menolup to-day to see the flock and cull some for sale. Hearing an unusual commotion amongst the natives this evening, I went out to them, and found that they expected the "Waylemen" and Perth men, and that there was great excitement among them, not knowing whether they would be for peace or for war.
Monday, Dec. 28th.—Mr. Samuel Burgess was here to-day. This place is beginning to look deserted and neglected.
Saturday night, 2nd January, 1841.—Have been kept in town all the week on business. I had arranged to withdraw from business on the last day of the year, but Nash was not ready, and our sessions came on the 1st of the month, so I did business for him.
The foundation stone of the first church in Perth was laid yesterday morning at eight o'clock by the Governor, and he gave us a long speech on the occasion. I had to remain in town to dine with him. I have been in great doubts which ship to go by. The Elizabeth is a bad sailor, but goes direct, while the Shepherd goes by the Isle of France, gets there first in the hurricane months, stays there three or four weeks (the