Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/463

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of the Abrolhos group, there exists a small animal of this sort, which is now rarely if ever found on the adjacent mainland. This seems to favour the tradition that those islands once formed part of the mainland, but were dissevered by a great fissure of the earth from volcanic action.

Bang-ar, s.—(North word); very large species of lizard, four to six feet long.

Bang-ga, s.—Part of; half of anything.

Bang-ga nginnaga, a.—Broken; divided. From Bangga, half; and Nginnow, to remain.

Banggin, s.—Hæmatops; black-headed honey-sucker.

Banjar, a.—Patient.

Bannagul, v.—(Mountain dialect) to flee.

Ban-ya, v.—Pres. part., Banya; past tense, Banya; to perspire; to sweat.

Ban-ya, s.—Sweat; perspiration.

Ban-yadak—Weighty or heavy to carry; as causing perspiration.

Bappigăr, v.—(K.G.S.) To mend; to stop up.

Barrăng-yurar-ăngwin, s.—The act of rubbing between the hands; as in the case of cleaning the By-yu or Zamia nuts; or twirling a stick rapidly round within a hole in a piece of wood, to procure fire.

Bardă-ăr, a.—Bald; bare; clean. Instances of baldness are very rare.

Bărdal-ya, s—A fulness between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow.

Băr-dang, v.—Pres. part., Bardangwin; past tense, Bardang-ăga; to fly; flee; to run away.

Bardangbardo, v.—To flee.

Bardangnginnow, v.—To jump; from Bardang, to fly; and Nginnow, to sit or stoop, because in jumping you stoop to gather strength, to spring or fly forward. This word is evidently derived from the motion of the kangaroo.

Bărdănitch, s.—Botaurus. The bittern.

Bardi, s.—The edible grub found in trees. Those taken from the Xanthorea or grass-tree, and the wattle-tree, have a fragrant, aromatic flavour, and form a favourite food among the natives, either raw or roasted. The presence of these grubs in a Xanthorea is thus ascertained: if the top of one of these trees is observed to be dead, and it contain any Bardi, a few sharp kicks given to it with the foot will cause it to crack and shake, when it is pushed over and the grub extracted, by breaking the tree to pieces with a hammer. The Bardi of the Xanthorea are small, and found together in great numbers; those of the Wattle are cream-coloured, as long and thick as a man's finger, and are found singly.

Bardo, v.—Pres. part., Bardin; past tense, Bardaga. To go.

Barduk, ad.—Near; not far; close.

Bardunguba.—Large-nosed, blue-winged duck.

Bard-ya. s.—Quartz; quartzose rock. Besides the veins and fragments of this rock which are found in the granite districts, very large