Warraja, s.—Zapornia? Little swamp-hen.
Warrajudong, s.—Anthus Australia; the lark. It has not the splendid song of the English lark, yet it twitters very cheerfully when on the wing.
Warran, s.—One of the Dioscoreæ. A species of yam, the root of which grows generally to about the thickness of a man's thumb; and to the depth of sometimes of four to six feet in loamy soils. It is sought chiefly at the commencement of the rains, when it is ripe, and when the earth is most easily dug; and it forms the principal article of food for the natives at that season. It is found in this part of Australia, from a short distance south of the Murray, nearly as far to the north as Gantheaume Bay. It grows in light rich soil on the low lands, and also among the fragments of basaltic and granitic rocks on the hills. The country in which it abounds is very difficult and unsafe to pass over on horseback, on account of the frequency and depth of the holes. The digging of the root is a very laborious operation. It is said to grow to a very large size, to the north; but this may be a traveller's exaggeration. This root is known by the same name in New South Wales.
Worran-ăng, s.—A porpoise.
Warrang-ăn, v.—Pres. part., Warrang-ănin; past tense, Warrang-ănăga, to tell; to relate; to bid; to desire.
Warrăp, s.—Any parasitical plant. Almost every tree has a parasite peculiar to itself, affecting it like a vermin, to such an extent, as frequently to destroy the tree. The flower is in general beautiful. The splendid flowering tree Nuytsia floribunda, is said to be an independent parasite. The only known Loranthus of that character.
War-roitch—(K.G S.) A species of fish.
Warru, s.—A female kangaroo. Cloaks are made of the skin of the female, that of the male being considered too hard and unsuited for the purpose.
Warryl-bardang, s.—Gerygone culicivorus? ash-coloured wren.
Warryn, s.—A word. The grammatical structure of the language appears simple and rudimentary, and not very copious, as many compound words are used; and there are few or no terms to express abstract ideas.
Watti—(K.G.S.) A species of Mimosa.
Watt, ad.—Away; off. Ngan-ya watto, I am off.
Wattobardo, v.—To go away; depart.
Wattobarrang, v.—To carry off.
Watto-djin im. v.—Look out; keep out of the way. Literally, away! see!
Waubătin, a.—Full; overflowing.
Waubbaniranwin, part.—Joking; jesting.
Waubbow, v.—Pres. part., Waubbowin; past tense, Waubbow, to play to tease.