tree. They describe with great vividness their impressions when they saw the first ship approach the land. They imagined it some huge winged monster of the deep, and there was a universal consternation. One man fled inland for fourteen miles without stopping, and spread the terrifying news amongst his own friends.
Wundi—(K.G.S.) A species of Iguana.
Wun-du, s.—Human hair, made into a coarse string, and worn as an ornament round the head and arms.
Wundun, v.—Pres. part., Wunduning; past tense, Wundunăga; to stare; to wonder; to look at a person in order to recognise him.
Wun-gan, v.—Pres. part., Wunganin; past tense, Wunganăgga; to embrace, or fold the arms round a person to restrain him. When a native is in a passion, his friends (Wungan) hold him back from attacking or harming others till the fit goes off.
Wunnara, s.—A species of Tea-tree, of which spears are made.
Wunno, ad.—This way; in this direction; round about.
Wunnoitch, ad.—Thus.
Wurak, s.—Macropus elegans; a species of kangaroo.
Wurak, s.—A glossy brown-barked Eucalyptus, abounding to the eastward of the hills, but not found to the west.
Wuraling, s.—Nymphicus Nov. Hol.; crested parrot.
Wurdoitch, s—The name of a star, supposed to have been a native.
Wurdukumeno—Name of the Ballarok family in the Murray district.
Wurdytch—The name of a star, supposed to have been a native.
Wurgyl, s.—A frog. When this species of frog has the embryo within it in the state of the young roe of a fish, it forms a favourite food of the natives, and marks a particular season. They are found in great abundance in the swamps and shallow lakes.
Wurjallăk—The name of a star.
Wurriji, s.—Small species of lizard, not eaten by the natives.
Wurtamar—(K.G.S.) To beat; to strike.
Wu-yun, v.—The soul.
Wyamăk, a.—Straight; slender.
Wyan, s.—Ardea, Novæ Hollandiæ; the Blue Crane.
Wy-e, s.—A species of snake.
Wyen, v.—Pres. part., Wyenin; past tense, Wyenăgga; to fear; to dread to be afraid.
Wyen wyen, s.—A coward. A term of great insult, as among more civilised people.
Wyerow, v.—Pres. part., Wyerowin; past tense, Wyerow; to raise; to construct. As Mya wyerowin; raising a hut; Gabbi wyerowin; the water is rising.
Wyni kanbar, ad.—Now at this immediate moment.
Wyrodjudong, s.—Glyciphila Ocularis? Gould; the white-breasted honey-sucker.