Resin of the Xanthorhea, prepared for use by mixing it with charcoal—Tadibi; Tutdeba; Bigo.
Resin of Xanthorhea Arborea—Nallang; Firing.
Resin of the tough-topped Xanthorhea—Kadjo.
Restrain, to—Wungan.
Retaliation, in retaliation—Băngal.
Retaliate, to—Bang-al buma.
Return, to—Garroyuăl.
Revenge, to—Bang-al buma.
Ribs, the—Ngarral; Nimyt.
Ribs, the short—Bun-galla.
Right, proper—Gwabba.
Right arm—Ngunman.
Ring, a circle for enclosing game—Murga.
Rise, to—Irabin.
Robin; Petroica Multicolor—Guba.
Robin, red-crowned; Petroica Goodenovii—Minijidang.
Rock, crystal, species of—Wirgo.
Rocking—Binbart binbart.
Rocky—Buyi billanăk.
Roll, over, to (a. v.)—Billang; Billangur.
Rolling from side to side—Binbart binbart.
Roots of plants or trees—Nganga; Djinnara, or Jinnara; Wannyl.
Roots, decayed—Mandju.
Roots, edible—
- 1. Hæmadorum Spicatum—Bohn.
- 2. An orchis, like a small potato—Djubăk.
- 3. Hæmadorum—Djakăt.
Roots, edible—
- 4. Ganno.
- 5. Gwardyn.
- 6. a species of rush—Jitta.
- 7. Jitetgorun.
- 8. Kogyn.
- 9. Kuredjigo.
- 10. a large kind of Bohn—Mini.
- 11. Hæmadorum Paniculatum—Mădja.
- 12. Mărang.
- 13. Nangergun.
- 14. Ngulya.
- 15. Resembling Bohn—Nguto.
- 16. One of the Dioscoreæ; a species of yam—Warran
- 17. Typha angustifolia; broad-leaf marsh flag—Yanjidi
Rough—Batiri; Burr.
Round about; on the other side—Wunno.
Rub, to, on, or over—Năbbow.
Rub together—Yurang yurang.
Rubbing, pounding—Barrang yurrarangin.
Rump—Byi; Kakăm.
Run, to—Yugow murrijo.
Run away, to—Bărdăng.
Rushes in general—Gurgogo; Batta.
Rush — Thysanotus Fimbriatus; used by the natives in sewing the kangaroo skins together to form their cloaks—Batta.
Salmon—Melak; Ngarri; Ngarrilgul.
Salt (subst.)—Gal-yarn (Eastern word).