for the present I can only tell yon this truth, that I am and ever will be
Faithfully yours,
H. Sidney.
6th. The Greffier was with me, and advised me to have an audience in the afternoon. The master of the ceremonies was with me, and appointed the next day for my audience.
7th. I had my audience; it was conducted by two deputies, one of Rotterdam, the other of Middleburgh; after I had been with the States, I invited them to dinner, and Colonel Fitzpatrick. In the afternoon I went to Serichamp and Monsieur de Lira.
The Hague.
Yesterday being the day appointed for my audience, two of the States' deputies came in one of their coaches, and carried me to the assembly, where a great chair was set for me just over against the President. After I had spoke to them, the President answered me in Dutch, which was afterwards interpreted to me by one of the depu-