Page:Dick & Nell, or, Linky Lanky.pdf/2

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COLD and peeviſh is the weather,
I hope this night will bring no harm,
Says Dick to Nell we'll ly together,
and we will keep each other warm.
Oh, then we will roll in ſoft delight,
I'll turn to my love and kiſs her too,
We will huddle cuddle all the night,
and do as father and mother do.


With a flim flam I wou'd go to my love,
linky lanky, there, oh there,
With a twinketer, twanketer, tall lal lal,
ha, ha, ha, he lov'd her dear.

No, ſays Nell, I'll ly with no man,
for I have often heard it ſaid,
Men hath got poiſon to give to women,
and to be poiſon'd I'm afraid.
Or elſe ye might roll in ſoft delight, too,
you might turn to your love & kiſs her
You might huddle cuddle all the night,
and do as father and mother do, &c.

Oh! ſays Dick, the poiſon is pleaſant,
ſo pretty a doſe you never had,
It would get us both lads and laſſes,
that would make you mam & I ll be dad.