us bung our Eyes in Drink; and I drank, with him, which is this Richard Turpin.
Court to Turpin. There was a Mare and Foal loſt, what Account can you give, how you came by that Mare and Foal?
Priſ. I was going up to Lincolnſhire to John Whitehead; there was a Mare and Foal before his Door, and I was there drinking.
Coun. Does he keep a Houſe, and ſell Ale?
Priſ. Yes.
Coun. What Place was it at?
Pris. Within a Mile of Heckington.—The Man had been at a Fair, and bought a Mare and Foal, and he wanted toſell them again.
Coun. What Time was it?
Pris. In August: I aſked the Price, and gave him ſeven Guineas for Mare and Colt; he gave me back Half a Crown; I ſtaid all Night, and came away next Morning. I went to all Markets, and whenever I went, I rode with them, without ever being challenged.
Court. Have you any Thing more to ſay?
Pris. I have ſent a Subpœna for a Man and his Wife, they were preſent when I bought them.
Court. What is his Name?
Priſ. I cannot tell, therefore I deſire ſome longer Time that theſe Witneſſes may be examined. I alſo ſent a ſpecial Meſſenger with a Letter.
[Mr Griffith the Jaylor being call'd, ſaid, The Meſſenger is come back.]
Court. What ſsay you to that?
Priſoner was ſilent.
Court. If you have any Witneſſes, you ſhould