John Palmer, alias Pawmer, alias Richard Turpin, was indicted a Second time, for ſtealing a Black Gelding, the Property of Thomas Creaſey.
Court. CALL Thomas Creaſsey.] Sir, Was you in Poſſe{{ls}ſion of a Gelding in Auguſt laſt.
Crea. Yes. I was.
Coun. About what time did you miſs it?
Crea. The 18th Day of Auguſt I miſſed this Gelding.
Coun. Where did you find him, and what Colour was he?
Crea. I found him at the Blue Bell in Beverley.
Coun. How came you to hear he was there?
Crea. Richard Graſby was the perſon that told me it was my Gelding.
Coun. Did you deſcribe his Gelding to him?
Crea. Yes, and then he told me it was the ſame.
Coun. Upon that what did you do?
Crea. I went to the Landlord of the Houſe at Beverley, and deſcribed him to him.
Coun. Do you remember what Deſcription you gave him of the Gelding.
Crea. Yes, the Deſcription was a black Gelding, with a little Star on his Forehead.
Coun. What did he (the Landlord) do then?
Crea. I went with him, and he shewed me the Horſe.