Page:Dickens - A Child s History of England, 1900.djvu/527

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ing constantly. He looked extremely well, and appeared in high health and spirits. Mr. Woodensconce also came down in the same conveyance. The distinguished gentleman was fast asleep on his arrival, and I am informed by the guard that he had been so, the whole way. He was, no doubt, preparing for his approaching fatigues; but what gigantic visions must those be that flit through the brain of such a man when his body is in a state of torpidity!

"The influx of visitors increases every moment. I am told (I know not how truly) that two post-chaises have arrived at the Original Pig within the last half-hour; and I myself observed a wheelbarrow, containing three carpet-bags and a bundle, entering the yard of the Pig and Tinder-Box no longer ago than five minutes since. The people are still quietly pursuing their ordinary occupations; but there is a wildness in their eyes, and an unwonted rigidity in the muscles of their countenances, which shows to the observant spectator that their expectations are strained to the very utmost pitch. I fear, unless some very extraordinary arrivals take place tonight, that consequences may arise from this popular ferment, which every man of sense and feeling would deplore."

" Twenty minutes past six.

"I have just heard that the boy who fell through the pastry-cook's window last night has died of the fright. He was suddenly called upon to pay three-and-sixpence for the damage done, and his constitution, it seems, was not strong enough to bear up under the shock. The inquest, it is said, will be held to-morrow."

" Three-quarters past seven.

"Professors Muff and Xogo have just driven up to the hotel door; they at once ordered dinner with great condescension. We are all very much delighted with the urbanity of their manners, and the ease with which they adapt themselves to the forms and ceremonies of ordinary life. Immediately on their arrival they sent for the head-waiter, and privately requested him to purchase a live dog—as cheap a one as he could meet with—and to send him up after dinner, with a pie-hoard, a knife and fork, and a clean plate. It ? conjectured that some experiments will