liſh, or 982 parts of an acre Scotch[1]. Pliny expreſsly declares, that no perſon was allowed a larger ſhare[2]. Agreeable to this, we find, that, when the Romans divided the conquered lands, they gave to every hundred men 200 jugera, which 200 jugera were, from the hundred men, called centuria[3].
- ↑ Bina jugera quod a Romulo primum diviſa veritim, &c. Var. de. R. R. lib. i cap. x A jugerum, according to Columella, contains 28800 ſquare feet. ‘Actus quadratus undique finitur pedibus cxx. Hoc duplicatum facit jugerum.—Ergo, ut dixi, duo actus jugerum efficiunt longitudine pedum ccxi latitudine pedum cxx; qua utraeque fummae inter ſe multiplicatae quadratorum faciunt pedum viginti octo millia et octingentos;’ Col. lib. v. cap. i. The roman foot, according to Doctor Arbuthnot, contains 11.604 Engliſh inches; the Roman ſquare foot is therefore to the Engliſh ſquare footas 134.65 is to 144; ſo that 28800, the number of ſquare feet Roman in a jugerum, is equal to 26930.56 ſquare feet Engliſh. The Engliſh acre contains 43560 ſquare feet; the jugerum, therefore, is only .618 parts of an Engliſh acre. The Scots acre contains 54760 ſquare feet; the jugerum, therefore, is only .491 parts of a Scotch acre.
- ↑ Bina tunc jugera pop. Rom. fatis erant, nullique majorem modum attribuit; Plin. Nat. Hiſt. lib. xviii. cap. ii.
- ↑ Centuriis, quarum mentionem nunc facimus, vocabulum datum eſt ex eo; cum antiqui Romanorum agrum ex hoſte captum victori populo per bina jugera partitiſunt, centenis hominibus ducentena jugera dederunt, et ex hoc facto centuria juſte apellata eſt; Siculus Flaccus de cond. agr.