Creon's vengeance, Hæmon kills both Antigone and himself.
(2) Antigone, daughter of Eury̌tĭŏn and wife of Pēleus (q.v.), hanged herself for grief at the supposed infidelity of her husband.
Antĭgŏnŭs. A Greek writer of Carystus, about 240 b.c., author of a collection of all kinds of curiosities and fictions in natural history. The work is now extant only in a much abbreviated form, and is of no value but for its numerous quotations and fragments from lost writings.
Antigrăpheus. The name of a financial officer at Athens. See Grammateus.
Anticleia. Daughter of Autŏly̌cus, wife of Laërtēs, and mother of Odysseus (q.v.).
Antĭlŏchus. The son of Nestor, who accompanied his father to the Trojan War, and was distinguished among the younger heroes for beauty and bravery. Homer calls him a favourite of Zeus and Poseidōn. The dearest friend of Achilles next to Patroclus, he is chosen by the Greeks to break the news to him of his beloved companion's fall. When Memnōn attacks the aged Nestor, Antiloch us throws himself in his way, and buys his father's safety with his life. He, like Patroclus, is avenged by Achilles, in whose grave-mound the ashes of both friends are laid; even in the lower world Odysseus beholds the three pacing the asphodel meadow, and in after times the inhabitants of Ilium offered to them jointly the sacrifices due to the dead on the foreland of Sigēum.
Antĭmăchus. A Greek poet and critic of Cŏlŏphōn, an elder contemporary of Plato, about 400 b.c. By his two principal works—the long mythical epic called Thebāïs and a cycle of elegies named after his loved and lost Lydē, and telling of famous lovers parted by death—he became the founder of learned poetry, precursor and prototype of the Alexandrians, who, on account of his learning, assigned him the next place to Homer amongst epic poets. In striving to impart strength and dignity to language by avoiding all that was common, his style became rigid and artificial, and naturally ran into bombast. But we possess only fragments of his works. As a scholar, he is remarkable for having set on foot a critical revision of the Homeric poems.
Antĭnŏüs. A beautiful youth of Claudiopŏlis in Bithynia, a favourite and travelling companion of the emperor Hadrian. He drowned himself in the Nile, probably from melancholy. The emperor honoured his memory by placing him among the heroes, erecting statues and temples, and founding yearly games in his honour, while the artists of every province vied in pourtraying him under various forms, human, heroic, and divine; e.g. as Dionȳsus, Hermēs, Apollo. Among the features common to the many surviving portraitures of Antinous are the full locks falling low down the forehead, the large, melancholy eyes, the full mouth, and the broad, swelling breast. Some of these portraits are among the finest works of ancient art, for instance, the colossal statue in the Vatican, and the half-length relief at the Villa Albani. (See cut.) There is also a fine bust in the Louvre.
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Antĭŏpē. (1) In Homer a daughter of the Bœotian river-god Asōpus, mother by Zeus of Amphīōn and Zēthus. In later legend her father is Nycteus of Hyria or Hysiæ. As he threatens to punish her for yielding to the approaches of Zeus under the form of a satyr, she flees to Epōpeus of Sĭcy̌on. This king her uncle Lycus kills by order of his brother Nycteus, now dead, and leads her back in chains. Arrived on Mount Cithærōn, she gives birth to twins, Amphion by Zeus, Zethus by Epopeus, whom Lycus leaves exposed upon the mountain. After being long imprisoned and ill-treated by Dircē, the wife of Lycus, she escapes to Cithæron, and makes acquaintance with her sons, whom a shepherd has brought up. She makes them take a frightful vengeance upon Dirce (see Amphion), for doing