ANTIOCHUS, a Jurist, who was at the head of the commission appointed to compile the Theodosian Code. He was praefectus praetorio and consul. In the 33rd Novell of Theodosius the Younger (a. d. 444), he is spoken of as a person deceased, illustris memoriae Antiochus. He is con- founded by Jac. Godefroi, in the Prolegomena of his edition of the Theodosian Code (c. 1. § 5) with two other persons of the same name; Antiochus, mentioned by Marcellinus as living in the year 448, and Antiochus, the eunuch, who was praepositus santi cubiculi. This error was pointed out by Ritter in the 6th volume of his edition of the Theodosian Code, p. 6. [J. T. G.]
ANTI′OCHUS ((Greek characters)), of Laodicea, a sceptic philosopher, and a disciple of Zeuxis, mentioned by Diogenes Laërtius. (ix. 106, 116.) [L. S.]
ANTIOCHUS ((Greek characters)), a monk of the monastery of St. Saba, near Jerusalem, flourished at the time of the taking of Jerusalem by the Persians, (a. d. 614.) He wrote, besides other works of little importance, one entitled (Greek characters), an epitome of the Christian faith, as contained in scripture, in 130 chapters. This work was first published in Latin by Tilman, Paris, 1543, 8vo., reprinted in the Bibliotheca Patrum, Paris, 1579; Colon. 1618; Lugd. 1677. The original Greek was first published by Fronto Ducaeus, in the Auctarii Bibl. Patr. Paris, 1624, reprinted in Morell's Bibl. Patr. Paris, 1644. A considerable fragment of it is printed in Fabricius' Bibl. Graec. X. p. 501. [P. S.]
ANTI′OCHUS PA′CCIUS. [Paccius Antiochus.]
ANTI′OCHUS PHILOME′TOR ((Greek characters)) is supposed by some persons to have been a physician, or druggist, who must have lived in or before the second century after Christ; he is the inventor of an antidote against poisonous reptiles, &c., of which the prescription is embodied in a short Greek elegiac poem. The poem is inserted by Galen in one of his works (De Antid. ii, 14, 17, vol. xiv. pp. 185, 201), but nothing is known of the history of the author. Others suppose that a physician of this name is not the author either of the poem or the antidote, but that they are connected in some way with the Theriaca which Antiochus the Great, king of Syria, was in the habit of using, and the prescription for which he dedicated in verse to Aesculapius (Plin. H. N. xx. cap. ult.) or Apollo. (Plin. Valer. De Re Med. iv. 38.) (See Cagnati Variae Observat. ii. 25, p 174, ed. Rom. 1587.) [W. A. G.]
ANTI′OCHUS ((Greek characters)). 1. A physician, who appears to have lived at Rome in the second century after Christ. Galen gives a precise account (De Sanit. Tuenda, v. 5, vol. vi. p. 332) of the food he used to eat and the way in which he lived; and tells us that, by paying attention to his diet, &c., he was able to dispense with the use of medicines, and when upwards of eighty years old used to visit his patients on foot. Aëtius (tetrab. i. serm. iii. c. 114. p. 132) and Paulus Aegineta (vii. 8, p. 290) quote a prescription which may perhaps belong to this physician, but he is probably not the person mentioned by Galen under the name "Antiochus Philometor."
2. The name of two physicians, saints and martyrs, the first of whom was born of an equestrian family in Mauritania. After devoting some years to the study of sacred and profane literature, he finally embraced the medical profession, not for the sake of gain, but merely that he might be useful to mankind. He spent some time in Asia Minor, where he exercised his profession gratuitously, and used to endeavour to convert his patients to Christianity. He then went to Sardinia during the persecution against the Christians under Hadrian, about a. d. 120, where he is said to have been cruelly tortured, and at last miraculously delivered by being taken up into heaven. His memory is celebrated by the Romish church on the 13th of December.
3. The other was born at Sebaste in Armenia, and was put to death during the persecution under Diocletian, a. d. 303—311. He is said to have been tortured, and thrown to the wild beasts, and, when these refused to touch him, at last beheaded; it is added that milk, instead of blood, issued from his neck, upon which the executioner immediately professed himself to be a Christian, and accordingly suffered martyrdom with him. His memory is celebrated by the Greek and Romish churches on the 15th of July. (Martyrologium Romanum; Bzovius, Nomenclator Sanctorum Professione Medicorum; Acta Sanctorum, Jul. 15, vol. iv. p. 25; Clementis, Menolugium Graecorum, vol. iii. p. 168; Fabricius, Bivlioth. Graeca, vol. xiii. p, 64, ed. vet) [W. A. G.]
ANTI′OCHUS ((Greek characters)), bishop of Ptolemaïs in Palestine, was a Syrian by birth. At the beginning of the 5th century after Christ, he went to Constantinople, where his eloquent preaching attracted such attention, that he was called by some another Chrysostom. He afterwards took part warmly with the enemies of Chrysostom, and died not later than 408 a. d. Besides many sermons, he left a large work "against Avarice," which is lost, (Gennad. 20; Theodoret. Dial. ii.; Phot Cod. 288; Act. Concil. Ephes. iii. p. 118, Labbe; Catal. Codd. Vindobon. pt. i. p. 116, No. 58.) [P. S.]
ANTI′OCHUS ((Greek characters)), an Athenian SCULPTOR, whose name is inscribed on his statue of Athene in the Villa Ludovisi at Rome. (Winckelmann's Werke, iv. 375, vi. 252, ed. 1829.) [P.S.]
ANTI′OCHUS ((Greek characters)), the father of Seleucus Nicator, the king of Syria, and the grandfather of Antiochus Soter, was one of Philip's generals. (Justin, xv. 4.) A genealogical table of his descendants is given under Seleucidae.
ANTI′OCHUS ((Greek characters)), of Syracuse, a son of Xenophanes, is called by Dionysius of Halicarnassus (Ant. Rom. i. 12) a very ancient historian. He lived about the year b. c. 423, and was thus a contemporary of Thucydides and the Peloponnesian war. (Joseph. c. Apion. i. 3.) Respecting his life nothing is known, but his historical works were held in very high esteem by the ancients on account of their accuracy. (Dionys. i. 73.) His two works were: 1. A history of Sicily, in nine books, from the reign of king Cocalus, i. e. from the earliest times down to the year b. c. 424 or 425. (Diod. xii. 71.) It is referred to by Pausanias (x. 11. § 3), Clemens of Alexandria (Protrept. p. 22), and Theodoret (P. 115.)—2. A history of Italy, which is very frequently referred to by Strabo (v. p. 242, vi. pp. 252, 254, 255, 257, 262, 264, 265, 278), by Dionysius (ll. cc., and i. 22, 35; comp. Steph. Byz. s. v. (Greek characters); Hesych. s. v. (Greek characters); Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, i. p. 14, &c. The fragments of Antiochus are cou-