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ANTISTIUS. whether they are the same person as the Rhodian, or two distinct writers, or the Ephesian Antis- thenes mentioned by Diogenes Laertius (vi. 19), cannot be decided. [L. S.] ANTI'STHENES {'AvriaOfmis), a Spartan admiral in the Peloponnesian war, was sent out in H. c. 412, in command of a squadron, to the coast of Asia Minor, and was to have succeeded Astyo- chus, in case the Spartan commissioners thought it necessary to deprive that officer of liis command. (Thuc. viii. 39.) We hear of him again in b. c. •399, when, with two other commissioners, he was sent out to inspect the state of affairs in Asia, and announce to DercylJidas that his command was to be prolonged for another year. (Xen. Hellen. iii. 2. § 6.) There was also an Athenian general of this name. {Mem. iii. 4. § 1.) [C. P. M.] ANTl'STIA. 1. Wife of Ap. Claudius, Cos. B. c. 143, .and mother-in-law of Tib. Gracchus. (Plut. Tib. Gracch. 4.) 2. Daughter of P. Antistius [Antistius, No. 6] and Calpurnia, was married to Pompeius Magnus in B. c. 8G, who contracted the connexion that he might obtain a favourable judgment from Antistius, who presided in the court in which Pompeius was to be tried, Antistia was divorced by her husband in B. c. 82 by Sulla's order, who made him marry his step-daughter Aemilia. (Plut. Pomp. 4, 9.) ANTl'STIA GENS, on coins and inscriptions usually ANTE'STIA, plebeian. (Liv. vi. 30.) In the earlier ages of tlie republic, none of the mem- bers of the gens appear with any surname, and even in later times they are sometimes mentioned without one. Tlie surnames under the republic are Labeo, Reginus, and Vetus : those who had no surname ai'e given under Antistius. No per- sons of this name are of great historical importance. ANTI'STIUS. 1. Sex. Antistius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 422. (Liv. iv. 42.) 2. L. Antistius, consular tribune, b. c. 379. (Liv. vi. 30.) 3. M. Antistius, tribune of the plebs, about B. c. 320. (Liv. xxvi. 33, ix. 12.) 4. M. Antistius, was sent in b. c. 218 to the north of Italy to recall C. Flaminius, the consul elect, to Rome. (Liv. xxi. 63.) 5. Sex. Antistius, was sent in B.C. 208 into Gaul to watch the movements of Hasdrubal. (Liv. xxvii. 36.) 6. P. Antistius, tribune of the plebs, B. c. 88, opposed in his tribuneship C. Caesar Strabo, who was a candidate for the consulship without having been praetor. The speech he made upon this occa- sion brought him into public notice, and afterwards he frequently had important causes entinisted to him, though he was already advanced in years. Cicero speaks favourably of his eloquence. In consequence of the marriage of his daughter to Pompeius Magnus, he supported the party of Sulla, and was put to death by order of young Marius in B. c. 82. His wife Calpurnia killed herself upon the death of her husband. (Cic. Brut. 63, 90, pro Rose. Amcr. 32; Veil. Pat. ii. 26; Appian, D. a i. 88 ; Liv. EpU. 86 ; Plut Pomp. 9 ; Dru- mann, Gesch. Horns, i. p. 55.) 7. T. Antistius, quaestor in Macedonia, n. c. 50. When Pompey came into the province in the following year, Antistius had received no suc- cessor; and according to Cicero, he did only as much for Pompey as circumstances compelled him. He took no part in the war, and after the battle of ANTONIA. 209 Pbarsalia went to Bithynia, where he saw CacHat and was pardoned by him. He died at Corcyra on his retuni, leaving behind him considerable pro- perty. (Cic. ail Fam. xiii. 29.) ANTI'STIUS, the name of the physician who examined the body of Julius Caesar after hia murder, B. c. 44 ; and who is said by Suetonius {Jul. Cues. 82) to have declared, that out of all his wounds only one was mortal, namely, that which he had received in the breast. [W. A. G.] ANTIS'TIUS {^hvriarios), a writer of Greek Epigrams, though, as his name seems to indicate, a Roman by birth. Respecting his life and his age nothing is known, but we possess three of his epigrams in the Greek Anthology. (Jacobs, ad Antliol. Gr. xiii. p. 852.) [L. S.] ANTI'STIUS SOSIA'NUS. [Sosianus.] SP. A'NTIUS, a Roman ambassador, was sent with three others to Lar Tolumnius, the king of the Veientes, in b. c. 438, by whom he was killed. Statues of all four were placed on the Rostra. (Liv. iv. 16 ; Cic. Phil. ix. 2.) In Pliny {H. N. xxxiv. 6. s. 11) the reading is Sp. Nautius, which ought, however, to be changed into Antius. (Comp. Drakenborch, ad Liv. I.e.) ANTO'NIA. 1. A daughter of Antonius the orator, Cos. b. c. 99 [Antonius, No. 8], was seized in Italy itself by the pirates over whom her father triumphed, and obtained her liberation only on payment of a large sum. (Plut. Pomp. 24.] 2. 3. The two daughters of C. Antonius, Cos. B. c. 63, of whom one was married to C. Caninius Gallus (Val. Max. iv. 2. § 6), and the other to her first cousin, M. Antonius, the triumvir. The latter was divorced by her husband in 47, on the ground of an alleged intrigue between her and Dolabella. (Cic. Phil. ii. 38 ; Plut. Ant. 9.) 4. Daughter of M. Antonius, the triumvir, and his second wife Antonia. was betrothed to the son of M. Lepidus in B. c. 44, and married to him in 36. (Dion Cass. xliv. 53 ; Appian, B. C. v. 93.) She must have died soon after; for her husband Lepidus, who died in 30, was at that time married to a second wife, Servilia. (Veil. Pat. ii. 88 ; Dru- mann, Gesch. Roms, i. p. 518.) 5. The elder of the two daughters of M. An- tonius by Octavia, the sister of Augustus, was bom B. c. 39, and was married to L. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos. B. c. 16. Her son by this maiTiage, Cn. Domitius, was the father of the em- peror Nero. [See the Stemma, p. 84.] According to Tacitus {Ann. iv. 44, xii. 64), this Antonia was the younger daughter ; but we have followed Sueto- nius {Ner. 5) and Plutarch {Ant. 87) in calling her the elder. (Compare Dion Cass. Ii. 15.) 6. The younger of the two daughters of M. An- tonius by Octavia, bom about b.c. 36, was married to Drusus, the brother of the emperor Tiberius, by whom she had three children : 1. Germanicus, the father of the emperor Caligula ; 2. Livia or Livilla ; and 3. the emperor Claudius. She lived to see the accession of her grandson Caligula to the throne, A. D. 37, who at first conferred upon her the great- est honours, but afterwards treated her with so much contempt, that her deatli was hastened by his conduct : according to some accounts, he admi- nistered poison to her. The emperor Claudius paid the highest honours to her memory. Pliny {H.N. XXXV. 36. § 16) speaks of a temple of An- tonia, which was probably built at the command of Claudius. Antonia was celebrated for her beauty, p