238 APOLLONIUS. duced Apollonius to betray the other leaders of the insurrection, and to aid the Romans in sup- pressing it. (Diod. xxxvi. Edog. 1. p. 529, &c.) 6. Of Drepanum, a son of Nicon, was a profli- gate but wealthy person, who had accumulated great treasures by robbing orphans of their pro- perty, and was spoiled in his turn by Verres. He obtained the Roman franchise, and then received the Roman name of A. Clodius. (Cic. in. Verr. iv. 17; Quintil. ix. 2. § 52.) 7. A tyrant of a town in Mesopotamia called Zenodotia, which was destroyed by M. Crassus in B. c. 54, because 100 Roman soldiers had been put to death there. (Plut. Crass. 17; Pseudo- Appian, Parth. p. 27, ed. Schweigh.) [L. S.] APOLLONIUS ('AiroAAaJi/tos), literary. 1. Of AcHARNAK, a Greek writer, the author of a work on the festivals. (Ilepl eopTaJi/; Harpocrat. s. w. veKavoSf Tlxtav6^ia, XoA/ceta ; Phot. s. v. vSpo<l>opla.) 2. Of Alabanda, sumamed 6 MaXcucdsj was Bome years older than Apollonius Melon, with whom he has sometimes been confounded. He was a rhetorician, and went from Alabanda to Rhodes, where he taught rhetoric. (Strab. xiv. p. 655.) Scaevola in his praetorship saw him and spoke with him in Rhodes. He was a very dis- tinguished teacher of rhetoric, and used to ridicule and despise philosophy. (Cic. de OrcU. i. 17.) Whenever he found that a pupil had no talent for oratory, he dismissed him, and advised him to ap- ply to what he thought him fit for, although by retaining him lie might have derived pecxmiary advantages. (Cic. de Orat. i. 28 ; comp. Spalding, ad Quintil. i. p. 430, ii. p. 453, iv. p. 562 ; Clinton, F.H. vol. ii. p. 147, &c.) 3. Of Alabanda, sumamed Molon, likewise a rhetorician, who left his country and went to Rhodes (Strabo, xiv. p. 655) ; but he appears to have also taught rhetoric at Rome for some time, as Cicero, who calls him a great pleader in the courts of justice and a great teacher, states that, in b. c. 88, he received instructions from him at Rome. (Cic. Brut. 89.) In B. c. 81, when Sulla was dic- tator, Apollonius came to Rome as ambassador of the Rhodians, on which occasion Cicero again be- nefited by his instructions, {Brut. 90.) Four j-ears later, when Cicero returned from Asia, he staid for some time in Rhodes, and had an oppor- tunity of admiring the practical eloquence of Apol- lonius in the courts as well as his skill in teaching. {Brut. 91.) Apollonius is also called a distin- guished writer, but none of his works has come down to us. They appear however to have treated on rhetorical subjects, and on the Homeric poems. (Phoebam. i. p. 98 ; Porphyr. Quaest. Homeric, p. 10.) Josephus {c. Apion. ii. 36) mentions some work of his in which he spoke against the Jews. Julius Caesar was also one of his disciples. (Plut. Cues. 3 ; Suet. Caes. 4 ; comp. Cic. dd Att. ii. 1 , Brut. 70, de Invent, i. 56 ; Plut. Cic. 4 ; Quintil. iii. 1. § 16, xii. 6. § 7.) 4. Of Aphrodisias in Cilicia, is called by Sui- das a high priest and an historian. He is said to have written a work on the town of Tralles, a se- cond on Orpheus and his mysteries, and a third on the history of Caria (Kapi/ca), of which the eigh- teenth book is mentioned, and which is often re- ferred to by Stephanus of Byzantium, (s. vv. Bdp- yacra, Xcv(raops, ""AyKvpa, Xuh.6v Ti7xos ; Etym. M. s. V. "Apnaaos^ &c.) APOLLONIUS. 5. The son of Archebulus, Archebius, or An- chibius, was like his father an eminent graramariitii of Alexandria. He lived about the time of Au- gustus, and was the teacher of Apion, while he himself had been a pupil of the school of Didymus. This is the statement of Suidas, which Villoison has endeavoured to confirm. Other critics, as Ruhnken, believe that Apollonius lived after the time of Apion, and that our Apollonius in his Ho- meric Lexicon made use of a similar work written by Apion. This opinion seems indeed to be the more probable o£ the two ; but, however this may be, the Homeric Lexicon of Apollonius to the Iliad and the Odyssej-, which is still extant, is to us a valuable and instructive relic of .antiquity, if we consider the loss of so many other works of the same kind. It is unfortunately, however, very much interpolated, and must be used with great caution. The first edition of it was published by Villoison from a MS. of St. Germain belonging to the tenth century. (Paris, 1773, 2 vols, fol., with valuable prolegomena and a Latin translation. It was reprinted in the same year at Leipzig, in 2 vols. 4to.) H. Tollius afterwards published a new edition with some additional notes, but without Vil- loison's prolegomena and translation. (Lugd. Bat. 1788, 8vo.) Bekker's is a very useful edition, Ber- lin, 1833, 8vo. This Apollonius is probably the same as the one who wrote explanations of expres- sions peculiar to Herodotus. (Etymol. M. s.vv. Kbxpos and o'o<|)j(7tt;s.) 6. Of AscALON, an historian. (Steph. Byz. s. v.
- A<r/coa5;/.)
7. Of Athens, a sophist and rhetorician, lived in the time of the emperor Severus, and was a pupil of Adrianus. He distinguished himself by his forensic eloquence, and taught rhetoric at Athens at the same time with Heracleides. He was appointed by the emperor to the chair of poli- tical eloquence, with a salary of one tiilent. He held several high offices in his native place, and distinguished himself no less as a statesman and diplomatist than as a rhetorician. His declama- tions are said to have excelled those of many of his predecessors in dignity, beautj^ and propriety ; but he was often vehement and rythmical. (Phi- lostr. Vit. Soph. ii. 20 ; Eudoc. p. 57, &c.) 8. Of Athens, a son of Sotades, wrote a work on the obscene poetry of his father. (Athen. xiv. p. 620 ; Sotades.) 9. Sumamed 'ArraXevs^ the author of a work on dreams. (Artemid. Otieir. i. 34, iii. 28.) 10. The son of Chaeris, a Greek writer, who is referred to by the Scholiast on Aristophanes {Vesp. 1231), and the Venetian Scholiast on Ho- mer. {II. iii. 448 ; comp. Fabric. Bibl. Graec. iv. p. 275.) 11. Of Chalcedon or Chalcis, or, according to Dion Cassius (Ixxi, 35) of Niconiedia, was invited by the emperor Antonmus Pius to come to Rome, for the purpose of instructmg his son Marcus in philosophy. {CoT^iiolin. Antojihi. Pius, 10; M. An- tonin. de Rebus suis, i. 8; Lucian, Demoii. 31; comp. Fabric. Bill. Graec. iii. p. 539.) 12. A freedman of Crassus, to whom he was much attached. He afterwards became a useful friend of Cicero's, and served in the army of J. Cae- sar in the Alexandrine war, and also followed him into Spain. He was a man of great diligence and learning, and anxious to write a history of the ex- ploits of Caesar. For this reason Cicero gave him