Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1120

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1105 MNESARCHUS. geteers. (Xen. Hell. vi. 2. §§ 4—23 ; Diod. xv. 46, 47 ; Wesseling, ad loc. ; Schneider, ad Xen. Hell. vi. 2. § 10 ; Rehdantz, Viiae Jphicratis, Chubriae, Timothei, iv. § 3. Berol. 1845. [E. E.] MNASI'THEUS. [Mnesitheus.] MNASITFMUS. [Mnesitimus.] MNASON (Mi'ao-w;/). ]. A Phocian, a friend and disciple of Aristotle. He seems to have in- curred considerable odium on account of the large number of domestic slaves whom he kept. ( Athen. vi. p. 264, d. 272, b.) Whether it was this Mnason who came on an embassy to Athens, and was appealed to as a witness by Aeschines {de Falsa Leg. p. 47, ed. Steph.), we are not informed. 2. Tyrant of Elatea. He seems to have distin- guished himself by his liberal patronage of the tine arts. For a picture painted by Aristeides he paid 1000 minae ; and for pictures of the twelve gods bv Asclepiodorus 300 minae for each. (Plin. H.N. XXXV. 36. § 18. 21.) [C. P. M.] MNEMARCHUS (Uu-fiimpxos), is the name sometimes given to the father of Pythagoras ; but his proper name is Mnesarchus. [Mnesarchus, No. 1.] [C. P. M.] MNEME (Mi/^^Tj), i. 6. memory, was one of the three Muses that were in early times worshipped at Ascra in Boeotia. (Pans. ix. 29. § 2.) But there seems to have also been a tradition that Mneme was the mother of the Muses, for Ovid {Mei. V. 268) calls them Mnemonides ; unless this be only an abridged form for the daughters of Mnemosyne. [Comp. Musae.] [L. S.] MNEMON (Mj/Tfyuwj/), a physician of Side, in Paniphylia, who was a follower of Cleophantus, and lived in the third century B. c. (Galen, Comment, in Hippocr. *■'■ Epid. III.' ii. 4, iii. 71, vol. xvii. pt. i. pp. 603, 606, 731). He is known only as one of the individuals whose name occurs in con- nection with the marks or characters (xapa/cTTjpes) appended to certain medical cases in the third book of Hippocrates, *' De Morbis Popularibus," of which Mneraon was by some persons (but probably without sufficient reason) supposed to be the author. (See Littre's Hippocrates, vol. i. p. 274.) [ W. A.G.] MNEMO'SYNE {Mvrjfji.oavv'n)-, i. e. memor^^ a daughter of Uranus, and one of the Titanides, became by Zeus the mother of the Muses. (Horn. Hi/mn. in Merc. 429 ; Hes. Theog. 54, 915 ; Diod. v. 67 ; Orph. Hymn. 76 ; Cic. De Nat Deor. iii. 21.) Pausanias (i. 2. § 4) mentions a statue of Mnemo- syne at Athens ; and near the oracle of Trophonius she had a sacred well and a throne. (Paus. ix. 39. § 4, &c.) [L. S.] MNESAECHMUS {Uvftcraixnos), an Athe- nian orator of the time of Demosthenes, is also called Menesaechmus. [Menesaechmus.] MNESARCHUS (MvTJo-apxos). 1. The son of Euphron or Euthyphron, and father of Pytha- goras. He was generally believed to be not of purely Greek origin. According to some accounts, he belonged to the Tyrrhenians of Lemnos and Imbros, and is said to have been an engraver of rings. (Clemens Alex. Strom., i. p. 300 ; Schol. wi Plat. Rep. p. 420, ed. Bekk. ; Diog. Laert. viii. 1 ; Porphyr. Vit. Pyth. 1,2.) According to other accounts, the name of the father of Pythagoras was Marmacus, whose father Hippasus came from Phlius. (Paus. ii. 13 ; Diog. Laert. viii. 1.) 2. Grandson of the preceding, and son of Py- thagoras and Theano. According to some accounts he succeeded Aristaeus f AristaeusJ as president MNESIMACHUS. of the Pythagorean school. (Suid. s. v. (dcavi ; lamblich. Vit. Pyth. c. 36.) According to a notice in Photius (Cod. 259, p. 438, b. ed. Bekker), he died young. 3. A Stoic philosopher, a disciple of Panaetius. He flourished about b. c. 11 0, and appears to have been one of the most distinguished of his sect. He taught ;it Athens. Among his pupils was Antiochus of Ascalon. [Antiochus.] (Cic. de Fin. i. 2, de Orat. i. 1 1 , Acad. ii. 22 ; Euseb. Praep. Evang, xiv. p. 739.) [C. P. M.] MNE'SICLES ["HlvnaiKXris), one of the great Athenian artists of the age of Pericles, was the architect of the Propylaea of the Acropolis, the building of which occupied five years, b. c. 437 — 433. It is said thai, during the progress of the work, he fell from the summit of the building, and was "supposed to be mortally injured, but was cured by an herb which Athena showed to Pericles in a dream. (Philoch. Frag. p. 55 ; Plut. Peric. 13.) Pliny relates the same story of a slave (yerna) of Pericles, and mentions a celebrated statue of the same slave by Stipax, which, from its attitude, was called Splanchnoptes. (Plin. //. A^. xxii. 17. s. 20, xxxiv. 8. s. 19. §21.) [P. S.] MNESI'LOCHUS {yivr)(rloxos), one of the thirty tyrants at A^thens. (Xen. Hellen. ii. 3. 2. The father of Choerine or Choerilla, the first wife of Euripides [Euripides]. He is intro- duced by Aristophanes as one of the dramatis personae in the Thesraophoriazusae. Teleclides (as quoted by the author of the life of Euripides, pub- lished by Elmsley in his edition of the Bacchae) asserted that Mnesilochus assisted Euripides in the composition of some of his plays. (Suidas s. v. 3- Son of Euripides by his wife Choerilla. He was an actor. {Eurip. Vit.) [C. P.M.] MNESI'MACHE (Mi'tjo-imoX'?), is the name given by Apollodorus (ii. 5. § 5) to the daughter of Dexamenus, more usually called Dei'aneira. [Dexamenus.] [L. S.] MNESFMACHUS (Mj/7j(rt>axos). 1. A comic poet of the Middle Comedy, according to Suidas (s. V.) and Athenaeus (vii. p. 329, d.). This is also confirmed by the titles of his pieces. Eudocia (p. 303) calls him a poet of the New Comedy. Nothing further is known respecting him. The following plays of his are mentioned : — 1. Bovaipis (Athen. x. p. 417, e.; Suid.). 2. AvaKoKos (Athen. viii. p. 359, c). 3. 'lTnroTp6(pos (Suidas and Athen. vii. p. 301, d. 322, e. and ix. p. 402,f. where a passage of considerable length is quoted). 4. ^iKiinros. 5. 'AKicfiaiwy (Diog. Laert. viii. 37). The Alcmaeon referred to in this play is sup- posed by Meineke to have been the Pythagorean philosopher of that name [Alcmaeon], from the tenor of the lines quoted by Diogenes Laertius. 6. 'laOfiioviKTi (Aelian, H. A. xiii. 4). 7. ^apfia- kottooKt) (SchoL Arist. Aves., 4:1  ; according to the correction of Menagius on Diog. Laert. ii. 1 8.) (Fabric. Bill. Grace, ii. 470 ; Meineke, Hist. Crit. Com. Grace, p. 423.) 2. An historical writer, a native of Phaselis, the author of a work entitled AiaKoafioi, quoted by the scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, iv. 1412. The first book, which treated of the Scythians, is also referred to by the Schol. on ii. 1015. (Vossius, de Hist. Graec. p. 471, ed. Westermann ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. ii. 470.) [C. P. M.]