Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1158

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1144 NAUMACHIUS. As Isocrates wrote models for judicial and poli- tical orations, Naucrates furnished models (none of which are extant) of funeral orations, celebrating men of public fame. (Dionys, vol. ii. p. 39, ed. Sylburg.) Eustathius twice refers to a commentary on Homer by Naucrates Eryfhraeus, who may, per- haps, be regarded as identified with the rhetorician by the term Sophista which he applies to him. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. i. pp. 484, 517.) But the manner in which the commentator is men- tioned by Stephanxis Byzantinus (s. v. EpvOpd), solely in connection with the commentary, renders it doubtful whether there may not have been two of the same name. 2. Stobaeus mentions the saying of one Nau- crates, whom he designates 6 (TO<pds (vol. i. p. 390, ed.Gaisford). LW.M.G.] NAUCY'DES (NauKuSTjs), an Argive statuary, the son of Mothon, and the brother and teacher of Polycleitus II. of Argos, made a gold and ivory statue of Hebe, which stood by the celebrated statue of Hera by Polycleitus I. in the Heraeum near Mycenae ; a bronze statue of Hecate at Argos ; and several statues of athletes. (Pans. ii. 17. § 5, 22. § 8, vi. 6. § 1, 8. § 3, 9. § 1.) Tatian mentions his statue of Erinna the poetess. (Jdv. Cfraec. 51, p. 1 13, Worth.) Pliny, who places him at 01. 90, B.C. 420 {H.N. xxxiv. 8. s. 19), men- tions his Mercury, Discobolus, and a man sacri- ficing a ram {Ibid. §19). Besides his brother Polycleitus, Alypus of Sicyon was his disciple. (Paus. vi. 1. § 2 ; comp. Thiersch, Epochen, pp. 143, 150, 282, 283, and Sillig, Caial. Artif. s. V.) [P. S.] NA'VIUS. [Naevius, No. ].] NA'VIUS, ATTUS, a renowned augur in the time of Taiquinius Priscus. In his boyhood he showed his skill in the art before he had received any instruction ; but after he had been taught by the Etruscans, he excelled all the augurs of his time. The most extraordinary proof of his know- ledge of augury is related in the legend of Tar- quinius Priscus. This king proposed to double the number of the equestrian centuries, and to name the three new ones after himself and two of his friends, but was opposed by Navius, because Ro- mulus had originally arranged the equites under the sanction of the auspices, and consequently no alteration could be made in them without the same sanction. The tale then goes on to say that the king thereupon commanded him to divine whether what he was thinking of in his mind could be done, and that when Navius, after consulting the heavens, declared that it could, the king held out a whetstone and a razor to cut it with. He imme- diately cut it. A statue of Attus was placed in the comitium, on the steps of the senate-house, the place where the miracle had been wrought, and beside the statue the whetstone was preserved. There was a current report, according to Dionysius, that Attus fell a victim to the anger of Tarquin. Attus Navius seems to be the best orthography, making Attus an old praenomen, though we fre- quently find the name written Attius. (Li v. i. 36 ; Flor. i. 5 ; Aurel. Vict, de Fir. III. 6 ; Dionys. iii. 70—72 ; Cic. de Div. i. 17, de Nat. Dew. ii. 3, iii. 6, de Rep. ii. 20 ; Niebuhr, Hist of Rome, vol. i.pp. 360, 361.) NAUMA'CHIUS (Nouywoxtos), a Gnomic poet. Of the age in which he lived nothing is known. NAUPLIUS. In addition to the verses which bear his name, there has been conjecturally attributed to him a moral poem, assigned by Gesner to Phocylides, which Brunck thinks inferior to the known pro- ductions of Naumachius. There are three frag- ments of this {iuthor in hexameters preserved by Stobaeus. 1 . Eleven lines of what seems to be an introduction to a poem on the due management of the marriage state on the part of women ; the in- troduction, however, dissuading from marriage, and recommending celibacy. 2. Fifty-eight lines of what seems to be the poem itself. The instruc- tions are exceedingly comprehensive, including most sensible and prudent directions for the be- haviour of a good wife to a wise and to a foolish husband, for the regulation of her household, her choice of companions, and her dress. He disap- proves of second marriages, and enjoins cheerful- ness and discretion. 3. Four lines and a portion of a fifth, depreciating gold, precious stones, and purple clothing. The first and third fragments have more of poetry than the larger piece, but the language of all is pure, and the style glowing and spirited. It must have been from a seeming allusion in the first to the superiority of celibacy, as introducing to a mystic marriage, where the virgin becomes queen of women, that the suggestion has been made that Naumachius was a Christian writer. If so, however, we could not have failed to detect in the second extract some allusion to the injunctions of Scripture on the subject. But there seems to be no reason to doubt that his notions were purified by an acquaintance with the maxims of Christianity. (Stobaeus, vol. iii. pp. 22, 68, 234, ed. Gaisford ; translated by Hugo Grotius in Stobaeus, iv. p. 164, &c. p. 187, &c., 224, ed. Gaisford ; Fabric. Bibl. (iraec. vol. i. pp. 721, 726.) [W. M. G.] NAU'PLIUS (Nai^TTAios). 1. A son of Po- seidon and Amymone, of Argos, a famous navi- gator, and father of Proetus and Damastor ( Apollon. Rhod. i. 1 36, &c. ; Schol, ad Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1091). He is the reputed founder of the town of Nauplia, which derived its name from him (Paus. ii. 38. § 2, iv. 35. § 2 ; Schol. ad Eurip. Orest. 54). He is also said to have discovered the constellation of the great bear. (Theon, ad Arat. Phaen. 27 ; Paus. viii. 48. § 5 ; Strab. viii. p. 368.) 2. A son of Clytoneus, was one of the Argonauts and a descendant of Nauplius, No. 1. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 134.) 3. A king of Euboea, and father of Palamedes, • Oeax and Nausimedon, either by Clyraene or Phi- lyra or Hesione (Apollod. ii. 1. § 4). Clymene was a daughter of Catreus, and she and her sister Aerope had been given by their father to Nauplius, who was to carry them to some foreign country ; but Nauplius married Clymene, and gave Aerope to Pleisthenes, who became by her the father of Agamemnon and Menelaus (Apollod. iii. 2. § 2). His son Palamedes had been condemned to de;ith by the Greeks during the siege of Troy, and as Nauplius considered his condemnation to be an act of injustice, he watched for the return of the Greeks, and as they approached the coast of Euboea, he lighted torches on the most dangerous part of the coast. The sailors thus misguided suffered ship- wreck, and perished in the waves or by the sword of Nauplius (Philostr. Her. x. 11 ; Schol. ad Eurip. Orest. 422 ; Tzetz, ad Lycoph. 384 ; Hygin. Fab. 116). He is further said to have wreaked his