Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/205

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FUSCUS. (Dionys. xi. 52.) Livy (iv. 1) mentions the roga- tion, but not Furnius. 2. Tribune of the plebs B. c. 50 (Cic. ad Aft. v. 2, 18), and a fiiend and correspondent of Cicero. {Ad Fain. x. 25, 26.) Cicero trusted to the exertions of Furnius, while tribune, to obtain for him his recal at the end of his first year as proconsul of Cilicia, and, after his return, a suppli- catio or thanksgiving. {Ad Fam. viii. 10, ix. 24, XV. 14.) A clause, however, which Furnius in- serted in his plebiscite, making the recal depend- ent on the Parthians remaining quiet until the month of August, B. c. 50, was unsatisfactory to Cicero, since July was the usual season of their inroads. (Cic. ad Alt. vi. 1.) Furnius, as tribune, was opposed to the unreasonable demands of the oligarchical party at Rome, tliat Caesar should im- mediately and unconditionally resign his proconsul- ship of Gaul. (Cic. ad Fam. viii. 10.) After the breaking out of the civil war, he was sent by Caesar with letters to Cicero in March, b. c. 49. {Cic. ad Alt. ix. 6, 11, vii. 19.) Cicero recom- mended Furnius to L. Munatius Plancus [Plan- cus], at that time, B.C. 43, proconsul in Transal- pine Gaul {ad Fam. x. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12), and he was legatus to Plancus during the first war be- tween Antony and Augustus, and until after the battle of Philippi, B. c. 42. During the war be- tween Antony and the senate, Furnius apprised Cicero of the movements and sentiments of the Roman legions and commanders in Gaul and Spain, but his letters have not been preserved. {Ad Fam. x.) In the Perusine war, B. c. 41-2, Furnius took part with L. Antonius. [Antonius, No. 14.] He defended Sentinum in Umbria against Augustus, and shared the suflForings of the " Perusina Fames." Furnius was one of three officers commissioned by L. Antonius to negotiate the surrender of Perusia, and his reception by Augustus was such as to awaken in the Antonian party suspicions of his fidelity. (Appian, B. C. v. 30, 40, 41 ; Dion Cass, xlviii. 13, 14.)" In B. c. 35 he was prefect of Asia Minor, under M. Antony, where he took prisoner Sex. Pompeius, who had fled thither after his defeat by Agrippa, B. c. 3(5. (Appian, B. C. V. 137—142.) After the battle of Actium, b. c. 31, Furnius, through the mediation of his son C. Furnius, was reconciled to Augustus (Senec. De Bene.f. ii. 25), and received from him the rank of a consular senator (Dion Cass. Hi. 42), and was afterwards appointed one of the supplementary consuls, in B. c. 29, which is the first time the name of Furnius appears on the consular Fasti. He was prefect of Hither Spain in B. c. 21. (Dion Cass, liv.5; Flor. iv. 12.) Furnius is probably men- tioned by the author, DeOratorilms (c. 21) among the speakers whose meagre and obsolete diction rendered their works impossible to read without an inclination to sleep or smile. 3. Son of the preceding, consul B.C. 17. He reconciled Augustus to his father, C. Furnius, who had been up to b. c. 31 a staunch adherent of M. Antonius. (Senec. Benefic. ii. 25.) It is doubtful whether the Furnius put to death by the senate in the reign of Tiberius, A. d. 26, for adul- tery with Claudia Pulchra, be the same person. (Tac. Ann. iv. 52.) [W. B. D.] FUSCIA'NUS. [TusciANUs.] FUSCUS, ARE'LLIUS, a rhetorician who flourished at Rome in the latter years of Augustus. He was of equestrian rank, but was degraded from FUSCUS. 191 it on account of some remarkable scandal attached to his life. (Plin. H.N. xxxiii. 12. § 152.) He instructed in rhetoric the poet Ovid (Senec. Con- irov. X. p. 157. Bip.), the philosopher Fabianus (Id. Controv. proem, ii.), and others. He declaimed more frequently in Greek than in Latin {Suasor. iv. p. 29), and his style of declamation ih describ«^d by Seneca (Cowiror. proem, ii. p. 134), as more brilliant than solid, antithetical rather than elo- quent. Seneca, however, highly commends his statement (e-rp/zmh'o) of an argument. {Suasor.'w.) Mis eulogy of Cicero {Suasor. vii. p. 50) is the most interesting specimen of his manner. The Suaso- riae and Controversiae both abound in citations from the rhetorical exercises of Fuscus. His rival in teaching and declaiming was Porcius Latro [Latro], and their styles seem to have been exact opposites. (Comp. Controv. ii. proem, and x. p. 1 57.) Pliny (//. N. xxxiii. 1 2. § 1 52) reproaches Fuscus with wearing silver rings. There were two rhetoricians of this name, a father and son, since Seneca generally affixes "pater" to his mention of Arellius Fuscus. The praenomen of one of them was Quintus. [W. B. D.] FUSCUS, ARI'STIUS, a friend of the poet Horace. (Sat. i. 9. 61, Ep.i. 10.) Aero (ad loc.) calls Fuscus a writer of tragedies ; Porphyrioii {ib. ) of comedies ; while other scholiasts describe him as a grammarian. Since the names Viscus and Tuscus are easily convertible into Fuscus, Heinsius {ad Ov. ex Pont. iv. Q. 20) contends that Viscus (Hor. Sat. i. 9. 22) and Tuscus (Ov. I. c), the author of a poem entitled Phyllis^ should be read Fuscus. (See Jahn's Jahrhuch d. Phil, ii 4, p. 420, for the year 1829.) Horace addressed an ode {Carm. i. 22) and an epistle {Ep. i. 10) to Fuscus Aristius, whom he also introduces else- where {Sat. i. 9. 61 ; 10. 83). [W. B. D.] FUSCUS, TI. CLAU'DIUS SALINA'TOR, a correspondent of the younger Plin}"-. {Ep. ix. 36, 40.) Fuscus was of a senatorian family, pos- sessed of great eloquence and learning (Plin. Ep. vi. 11), and remarkable for his simplicity and sobriety of character, (vi. 26.) He was Hadrian's colleague in the consulship of a. d. 11 8. He mar- ried a daughter of Julius Servianus. (Plin. Ep. vi. 26 ; Dion Cass. Ixix. 17 ; Westermann, U'6- misch. Beredsamk. § 84, 35.) Fuscus, son of the preceding, was put to death in his nineteenth year, with his father-in-law, Ser- vianus, hy Hadrian, who charged Fuscus with aspiring to the empire. (Spartian. Hadrian. 23.) Dion Cassias (Ixix. 17) says that Fuscus and Ser- vianus owed their death to imprudentl}' expressing displeasure at Hadrian's choice of L. Commodus Verus for his successor. [W. B. D.] FUSCUS, CORNE'LIUS, one of the most active adherents of Vespasian in his contest with Vitellius for the empire a. r>. QQ. In decision, zeal, and popularity with the soldiers, Tacitus ranks P'uscus second to Antonius Primus alone. fPiuMUs, Antonius.] During Nero's reign, Fuscus lived in retirement on an estate inherited from noble ancestors ; but he served under Galba, and was made by him procurator of Pannonia. In the war with Vitellius, the fleet at Ravenna elected Fuscus their leader, and under his command moved along the eastern coast of Italy, in concert with the troops of Vespasian. For his services at this time Vespasian rewarded Fuscus with the insignia and rank of praetor. Under Doraitian Fuscus was