Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/339

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HALESUS. das. (Thuc. v. 11.) It is probably this same Hagiion who in the Samian war, B. c. 440, led, with Thucydides and Phormion, a reinforcement of forty ships to Pericles ; and, without question, it is he who in the second year of the Peloponnesian war, B. c. 430, was on the board of generals, and succeeding, with Cleopompus, to the command of the force which Pericles had used on the coast of Peloponnesus, conveyed it, and with it the in- fection of the plague to the lines of Potidaea. After losing by its ravages 1500 out of 4000 men, Hag- non returned. (Thuc. ii. 58.) "We hear of him again in the same quarter, as accompanying Odryses in his great invasion. (Thuc. ii. 95.) It may be a question whether or not it is the same Hagnon again, who is named as the father of Theramenes. (Thuc. viii. 68.) According to Ly- sias (p. 426 Reiske), he was one of the irpoSovhoi chosen from the elder citizens, after the news of the Sicilian defeat, to form a sort of executive coun- cil. (Thuc. viii. 1.) Lysias accuses him of having in this capacity paved the way for the revolution of the 400. Xenophon, in the mouth of Critias {IMlen. ii. 3. § 30), speaks of Theramenes as having at first received respect for the sake of his father Hagnon, whom he thus seems to imply was a man of note. The Scholia on the Frogs of Aris- tophanes (11. 546 and 1002) say that Hagnon only adopted him, and refer in the latter place to Eu- polis for confirmation. Of the founder of Amphi- polis, Polyaenus relates a story. In accordance with an oracle, he dug up from the plain of Troy the bones of Khesus, took them, and buried them on the site of his new settlement. He made a truce of three days with the opposing Thracians ; and, using an equivocation parallel to that of Pa- ches (Thuc. iii. 34), laboured hard at his fortifica- tions during the three nights, and on the return of the enemy was strong enough to maintain himself. (Polyaen. vi. 53.) [A. H. C.J HALCY'ONE. [Alcyone-I HALCYONEUS ('AA/cuoi/eus), a son of An- tigonus Gonatas, king of Macedonia. We know nothing of the time of his birth, but we find him already grown up to manhood in B. c. 272, when Antigonus advanced into the Peloponnesus to oppose the schemes of Pyrrhus, and he accompanied his father on that expedition. During the night attack on Argos, by which Pyrrhus attempted to force his way into the city, Halcyoneus was dispatched by Antigonus with a body of troops to oppose him, and a vehement combat took place in the streets. In the midst of the confusion, word was brought to Halcyoneus that Pyrrhus was slain ; he hastened to the spot, and arrived just as Zopyrus had cut off the head of the fallen monarch, which Halcyoneus carried in triumph to his father. Antigonus up- braided him for his barbarity, and drove him an- grily from his presence. Taught by this lesson, when he soon after fell in with Helenus, the sou of Pyrrhus, he treated him with respect, and con- ducted him in safety to Antigonus. (Plut. Pyrrh. 34.) It appears from an anecdote told by Aelian ( V. H. iii. 5) and Plutarch {De Consolal. 33) that Halcyoneus was killed in battle during the lifetime of Antigonus, but on what occasion we are not in- formed. [E. H. B.J HALE'SUS, a chief of the Auruncans and Oscans. He was the son of a soothsayer, and was allied with Tumus, but was slain by Evander. (Virg. Aen. vii. 723, x. 411, &c.) He is described HAMILCAK. 323 as a relation of Agamemnon, after whose death he fled to Italy, whence he is called Agamemnonius, Atrides, or Argolicus. The town of Falerii derived its name from him. (Ov. Amor. iii. 13. 31, Fast. iv. 74 ; Serv. ad Virg. Aen. vii. 695, 723 ; Sil. Ital. viii. 476.) Another mythical personage of the same name is mentioned by Ovid. {^Met. xii. 462.) [L. S.] HA'LIA ('AAfo). 1. One of the Nereides ( Horn. II. xviii. 42 ; Apollod. i. 2. § 6) ; but the plural, Haliae, is used as a name for marine nymphs in general. (Soph. Pldloct. 1470 ; Callim. //y?yi«. in Dian. 13.) 2. A sister of the Telchines in Rhodes, by whom Poseidon had six sons and one daughter, Rhodos or Rhode, from whom the island of Rhodes re- ceived its name. Halia, after leaping into the sea, received the name of Leucothea, and was wor- shipped as a divine being by the Rhodians. (Died. V. 55 ; comp. Rhodos.) [L. S.] HALIACMON {'KKi&kixuv), a son of Oceanus and Thetys, was a river god of Macedonia. (Hes. Theog. 341 ; Strab. vii. p. 330.) [L. S.J HALIARTUS('AAfapTos), a son of Thersan- der, and grandson of Sisyphus, was believed to have founded the town of Haliartus in Boeotia. He is further said to have been adopted with Coronus by Athamas, a brother of Sisyphus. (Pans, ix. 34. § 5 ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 268.) [L. S.J HALIME'DE ('Ai;U7J57}), one of the Nereides. (Hes. TJieoq. 255 ; Apollod: i. 2. § 6.) [L. S.J HALIRRHO'THIUS ('AAt^^dflios), a son of Poseidon and Euryte. He attempted by violence to seduce Alcippe, the daughter of Ares and Agrau- los, but he was taken by surprise by Ares, who killed him. (Apollod. iii. 14. §2; Eurip. jEJ/ed. 1261 ; Pind. 01. xi. 73.) [L. S.J HALITHERSES ('AAtflepo-rjs), a son of Mastor of Ithaca. He was a soothsayer, and during the absence of Odysseus he remained behind in Ithaca and assisted Telemachus against the suitors of Penelope. (Horn. Od. ii. 157, 253, xxiv. 451.) Another mythical personage of this name is men- tioned bj'^ Pausanias. (vii. 4. § 1.) [L. S.J HA'LIOS ("AAtos), the name of two mythical personages, one a Lycian, who was slain by Odys- seus (Horn. //. v. 678), and the other a son of Al- cinous and Arete. (Orf. viii. 119.) [L.S.J HALM US ("AAyuos), a son of Sisyphus, and father of Chryse and Chrysogeneia. He was re- garded as the founder of the Boeotian town of Halmones. (Pans. ix. 34. § 5, ii. 4. § 3.) [L. S.] HALOSYDNE {'hKoai^vri that is, "the sea- fed," or the sea-born goddess, occurs as a surname of Amphitrite and Thetys. (Horn. Od. iv. 404, 11, XX. 207.) [L. S.J HAMADRYAS. [Nymphae.J HAMARTO'LUS, GEO'RGIUS. [Georgius, literary. No. 27. J HAMILCAR {"AfxlKKas and 'Anixap, the latter form occurs in Appian only). The two last sylla- bles of this name are considered by Gesenius {Lt7i- guae Fhoeniciae Mojiunienta, pp. 399, 407) to be the same with Melcarth, the tutelar)'- deity of the Tyrians, called by the Greeks Hercules, and that the signification of the name is ** the gift of Melcarth." The name appears to have been one of common occurrence at Carthage, but, from the absence of family names, and even in most cases of patrony- mics, among the Carthaginians, it is often im- possible to discriminate or identify with certainty Y 3