Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/700

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torn JUSTINUS. both mentioned by Eusebius (//. E. iv, 18) and Jerome {L c). Besides these works, Justin wrote several others, of which not even the names have come down to us (Euseb. iv. 18) ; but the follow- ing are ascribed to him on insufficient grounds: 1 7. 'TTrofj.v^/j.aTa eis 'E^art/j-epov, Commentarius in llexacmeron, a work of which a fragment, cited i'rom Anastasius Sinaita {In Hexaem. Lib. vii.)^ is given by Grabe (Spicil. SS. Pair. vol. s. saec. ii. p. 195) and Maran {0pp. Justin.). Maran, however, doubts if it is Justin's, and observes that the words of Anasttisius do not imply that Justin wrote a sepa- rate work on the subject. 18. llpos Evcppdcriov (TO(pL(TTrjv irepi irpovoias koL TricTTews, adversus Euphrasium SopJmtam, de Providentia et Fide, of which a citation is preserved by Maximus (Opusc. Polemica, vol. ii. p. 154, ed. Combefis). This treatise is probably the work of a later Justin. . A Commentary on the Apocalypse. The sup- position that Justin wrote such a work is pro- bably founded on a misunderstanding of a passage in Jerome {De Viris Illustr. c. 9.), who says that

  • ' Justin Martyr interpreted the Apocalypse : " but

without saying that it was in a separate work. The authorship of the work, TlipX roD ttuvtos, De Universo., mentioned by Photius {Bill. cod. 48), was, as he tells us, disputed, some ascribing it to Justin, but apparently with little reason. It is now assigned to Hippolytus. [Hippolytus, No. 1.] Nearly all the works of Justin, genuine and Bpurious (viz. all enumerated above in the first three divisions except the Oratio ad Graecos and the Epistola ad Dioynetum), were published by Robert Stephanus, fob Paris, 1551. This is the editio princeps of the collected works ; but the Cohortatio ad Graecos had been previously pub- lished, with a Latin version, 4to. Paris, 1539. There is no discrimination or attempt at discrimi- nation in this edition of Stephanus between the genuine and spurious works. The Oratio ad Graecos and the Epistola ad Diognetum, with a Latin version and notes, were published by Hen. Stephanus, 4to. Paris, 1592, and again in 1595. All these works, real or supposed, of Justin were published, with the Latin version of Langus, and notes by Frid. Sylburgius, fol. Heidelburg, 1593: and this edition was reprinted, fol. Paris, 1615 and 163b", with the addition of some remains of other early fathers ; and fol., Cologne ( or rather Wit- temburg), 1686, with some further additions. A far superior edition, with the remains of Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus of Antioch, and Herraias the Philosopher, with a learned preface and notes, was published, opera et studio unius ex Monachis congreg. S. Mauri," i. e. by Prudentius Maranus, or Maran, fol. Paris, 1742. In this the genuine pieces, according to the judgment of the editor (Nos. 1 — 6 in our enumeration), are given in the body of the work, together with the Epistola ad Diognetum, of the authorship of which Maran was in doubt. The two Apologies were placed in their right order, for the first time, in this edition. The remaining works, together with fragments which had been collected by Grabe (who had first pub- lished, in his Sjricilegium SS. Patrum, the frag- ment on tlie Resurrection, from Joannes Damas- cenus) and others, and the Martyrum S. Justini, of which the Greek text was first published in the Acta Sanctorum, April, vol. ii., were given in the Appendix. From the time of Maran, no complete JUSTINUS. edition of Justin was published until that of Otto, 2 vols. 8vo. Jena, 1842—1844. The first volume contains the Oratio et Cohortatio ad Graecos, and the Apologia Prima and Apologia Secunda. The second contains the Dialogus cum Tryphone, the Epistola ad Diogneium, the fragments, and the Acta Martyrii Justini et Sociorum. Several valuable editions of the separate pieces appeared, chiefly in England. The Apologia Prima was edited by Grabe, 8vo. Oxford, 1700 ; the Apologia Secunda, Oratio ad Graecos, Cohortatio ad Graecos, and De Monarchia, by Hutchin, 8vo. Oxford, 1703 ; and the Dialogus cum Tryphone, by Jebb, 8vo. London, 1719. These three editions had the Latin version of Langus, and variorum notes. The Apologia Prima, Apologia Secunda, and Dialogus cum Try- phone, from the text of Rob. Stephanus, with some corrections, with the version of Langus, amended, and notes, were edited by Thirlby, and published, fol. London, 1722. It has been conjectured that this valuable edition, though pub- lished under the name of Thirlby, was really by Markland. The Apologia Prima, Apologia Secunda, Dialogus cum Trypho?ie, ani the fragments, are given in the first volume of the Bibliotheca Patrum of Gallandi. We do not profess to have enumerated all the editions of the Greek text, and we have not noticed the Latin versions. Full information will be found in the prefaces of Maran and Otto. There are English translations of the Apologies by Reeves, of the IHalogue with Trypho by Brown, and of the ExhoHation to the Gentiles by Moses. (Eu- seb. H. E. iv. 8—13, 16—18; Hieronym. De Vir. Illustr. c. 23 ; Phot. Bill. codd. 48, 125,232, 234; Martyrium s. Acta Martyrii Justini. apud Acta Sanctorum, April, vol. ii. ; s. apud Opera Justini, edit. Maran and Otto ; Halloix, Illusirium Eccl. Client. Scriptoriim Vitae, Saecul. ii. p. 151, &c. ; reprinted with a Comment. Praevius and Notae, by Papebroche, in the Acta Sanctorum, April, vol. ii. ; Grabe, Spicilegium SS. Patrum, Saecul. (s. vol.) ii. p. 133; Baronius, Annates, ad annos 130, 142, 143, 150, 164, 165 ; Pagi, Cri- tice in Baronium ; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. i. p. 60, ed. Oxford, 1740 — 1743 ; the ecclesiastical histories of Tillemont, vol. ii. p. 344, &c. ; Fleury. vol. i. pp. 413, &c., 476, &c. ; Neander and Milman ; Dupin, Nouvelle Biblioiheque, ^c. ; Ceillier, Au- teurs Sacrts, vol. ii, p. 1, &c. ; Lardner, CredihilHy, &c. ; Otto, De Justini Martyiis Scriptis ; Fabric. Blbl. Grace, vol. vii. p. 52, &c. ; Semisch, Justin. Martyr, (transl. by Ryland in the Biblical Cabinet) ; and the Prolegomena and notes to the editions of Justin, by Maran and Otto.) 2. Of Jerusalem. In the Acta S. Anastasii ^ Persae Martyris, of which two Latin versions are m given in the Acta Sanctorum, Jantiar. vol. ii. p. 426, V &c., mention is made of Justin, who was abbot of the monastery of St. Anastasius, about four miles distant from Jerusalem, about a. d. 620. To this Justin some critics ascribe the Epistola ad Zenam et S&renum, which has been ascribed to Justin j Martyr, and printed among his works. [No. 1.] Ul 3. Of Sicily, bishop of one of the sees in that ' island in the latter part of the fifth century. He was present at a council held at Rome A. d. 483 or 484, under Pope Felix III., in which Petrus FuUo {Fi/acpevs), or Peter the Fuller, patriarch of Antioch, was condemned as a heretic, for having added to the " trisagion" the heretical words " who suffered for us." Several bishops, among whom