Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/931

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MANILIUS. and she not only kept in obedience the cities en- trusted to her, but also added to them by conquest the maritime towns of Larissa, Hamaxitus, and Colonae, which she took with the Greek mercena- ries whom she maintained liberally in her service. She continued to conciliate the favour of Pharna- bazus by frequent presents, as well as by splendid and agreeable entertainments, whenever he came into her satrapy. The valuable assistance, too, which slie rendered him both by arms and coun- sel, he fully appreciated ; and she seems to have been at the heiglit of her prosperity, when she was murdered by her son-in-law Mkidias, shortly be- fore the arrival of Dercyllidas in Asia, in B. c. 399. (Xen. Hell. iii. 1. §§ 10—14 ; Polyaen. viii. 54.) 2. An Athenian hetaera, a great favourite of Demetrius Poliorcetes. Mania was only her nickname. (Mach. ap. Allien, xiii. pp. 578, 579.) [E. E.] MANIA'CES GEO'RGIUS. [Georgius, No. 15, p. 246.] MA'NIAE {Mavlai certain mysterious divini- ties, who had a sanctuary in the neighbourhood of Megalopolis, in Arcadia, and whom Pausanias (viii. 34. § 1) considered to be the same as the Eumenides. [L. S.] MAN r LI A GENS, plebeian. It is difficult often to distinguish persons of this name from the Mania and Maliii, as we sometimes find the same person called Maydlius, Manlius, and Mallius, in different authors, or in different manuscripts of the same author. The first person of this gens who obtained ^he consulship was M. Manilius, in B. c. 149 ; but the gens never became of importance in the state, and the smallness of its numbers is shown by its never being divided into any families. Under the republic its only cognomen is Mancinus, though even this, perhaps, belongs to the Manlii ; but in the time of the empire we find one or two surnames. There are no coins of this gens. MANI'LIUS. I. Sex. Manilius, was elected with M. Oppius, as the commander of the soldiers, in their secession to the Aventine during the second decemvirate, B. c. 449 (Liv. iii. 51). He is called Manlius [MaKios) by Dionysius (xi. 44). 2. P. Manilius, one of the legates sent into lllyricum in B. c. 167, to settle the affairs of that country after the conquest of Perseus ( Liv. xlv. 1 7 ). 3. M. Manilius, consul b. c. 149, was a jurist. [See below.] 4. Manilius, praetor b. c. 1 37, Avas defeated in Sicily by Eunus, the leader of the slaves in the great servile war in that island. [EuNus.] (Flor. iii. 19 ; comp. Liv. Epit. 56 ; Oros. v. 6.) 5. P. Manilius, consul b. c. 120, with C. Pa- pirius Carbo, but nothing is recorded of him. (Cassiod. ; Chron. Alex. ; Fasti Noris.) 6. L. Manilius, praetor probably in b. c. 79, had the government of Narbonese Gaul, with the title of proconsul, in b. c. 78. In the latter year he crossed over into Spain, with three legions and 1500 horse, to assist Metellus in the war against Sertorius ; but he was defeated by Hirtuleius, one of the generals of Sertorius, lost his camp and bag- gage, and escaped almost alone into the town of Ilerda. (Oros. v. 22 ; Liv. JSpit. 90 ; Plut. iiertor. 12.) 7 C. Manilius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 66, was a partisan of Pompey, and is described by Velleius Paterculus (ii. 33) as ** semper venalis et ulienae minister potentiae." Manilius entered MANILIUS. fil7 upon his tribunate on the 1 0th of December, b. c. 67, and on the last day of the year carried a law, granting to the freedmen the right of voting in all the tribes along with their patrons ; but as there seems to have been a violation of some consti- tutional forms in the comitia, the senate was able on the following day to declare the law invalid. (Dion Cass, xxxvi. 25 ; Ascon. in Cic. Corn. pp. 64, 65, ed. Orelli ; comp. Manlius, No. 5.) Not disheartened by this failure, Manilius shortly after- wards brought forward a bill, granting to Pompey the command of the war against Mithridates and Tigranes, and the government of the provinces of Asia, Cilicia, and Bitliynia, in the place of Lucullus, Marcius Rex, and Acilius Glabrio. This bill was warmly opposed by Q. Catulus, Q. Hortensius, and the leaders of the aristocratical party, but waa passed notwithstanding by the people, who were worn out by the length of the war, and were very ready to bestow new honours upon their favourite Pompey. Cicero, who was then praetor, spoke in favour of the law ; and the oration which he de- livered on the occasion has come down to us, and is one of the best specimens of his declamatory oratory. The reasons which induced Cicero to support the bill and to praise Pompey in such extraordinary terms, are mentioned in the life of the former. [Vol. I. p. 711.] (Cic. pro Lege Manilla ; Dion Cass, xxxvi. 25, 26 ; Veil. Pat. ii. 33 ; Liv. EpU. 100 ; Appian, B. Mithr. 97 ; Plut. Pomp. 30, Lucull. 35.) Manilius had incurred the bitter enmity of the aristocratical party ; and, therefore, immediately upon the expiration of his tribunate he was brought to trial before Cicero, whose praetorship had still a few days to run. Dion Cassius and Plutarch speak as if Cicero was at first unfavourably disposed towards the accused, and was induced to support him and attack the senate by the evident displeasure which the people felt at his conduct. But this can hardly be a true account of the affair ; for Cicero would certainly have had every reason for supporting the partizan of Pompey, whose favour and support he was so anxious to gain in order to secure his election to the consulship. So much, however, is certain : that the trial of Manilius was put off to the follow- ing year, that Cicero spoke in his favour, and that, notwithstanding all the efforts of his advocate, he was condemned. Of what offence Manilius was accused, is uncertain ; Plutarch speaks of extortion, but Asconius says that he was accused of violently disturbing the court for the trial of C. Cornelius. [C. Cornelius.] (Dion Cass, xxxvi. 27 ; Plut. Cic. 9 ; Ascon. in Cic. Cornel, pp. 50, 75, ed. Orelli ; Cic. Oral. Fragm. pp. 445, 448, 450, ed. Orelli ; Q. Cic. de Pet. Con. 13.) 8. Q. Manilius Cumanus, tribune of the plebs B. c. 52. (Ascon. in Cic. Mil. p. 38, ed. Orelli.) M. MANI'LIUS, the jurist. The praenomen of Manilius is generally given as Manius in the printed books, but Mai asserts that in the MS. of Cicero, De Re Puhlica, the name is clearly written 'M', which means Marcus, and not 'M'., which would mean Manius. Marcus Manilius is one of the speakers in the De Re Publico (i. 12), and consequently a con- temporary of C. Fannius, Q. Scaevola, Laelius, and Scipio Africanus the younger. He was a jurist {De Rep. iii. 10) and he is mentioned by Pom- ponius (Dig. 1. tit. 2. s. 1. § 39) with P. Mucins, Pontifex Maximus, and Brutus ; he calls these 3n 3