Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1006

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143.) In private life sacrifices were offered to Tellus at the time of sowing and at harvest-time, especially when a member of the family had died without due honours having been paid to him, for it was Tellus that had to receive the departed into her bosom. (Ov. Fast. iv. 629, &c.) At the fes- tival of Tellus, and when sacrifices were offered to her, the priests also prayed to a male divinity of the earth, called Tellumo. (Varro, ap. August de av. Dei, vii. 23.) [L. S.]

TELMI'SSIUS (Tefii(r<rm a surname of Apollo derived from the Lycian town of Telmissus or Telmessus. (Cic. de Div. i, 41 ; Steph. Byz. s, V. yaXewrai ; Strab. xv. p. 665.) [L. S.J TELPHU'SA (TeKcpovffffa or Te(pov(Ta). 1. A daughter of Ladon, a nymph from whom the town of Telphusa in Arcadia derived its name. (Steph. . Byz. s. v.) Telphussaea or Tilphussaea occurs as a surname of Demeter Erinnys, derived from a town Telphussion. (Schol. ad Soph. Antig. 117 ; Callim. Fragm. 207, ed. Bentley.) [L. S.] TELYS (TtjAus), a citizen of Sybaris, who raised himself to the tyranny by the arts of a demagogue, and persuaded the people to banish 500 of the richest citizens, and to confiscate their property. The exiles having taken refuge at Cro- tona, Telys sent to demand that they should be given up, but, if we may believe Diodorus, Pytha- goras prevailed on the Crotoniats to persevere in protecting them. The consequence was the war between Sybaris and Crotona, in which the former was destroyed, B.C. 510. (Herod, v. 44 ; Diod. xii. 9.) In opposition to the above statement, Hera- cleides of Pontus {ap. Aihe?i. xii. p. 521) repre- sents the tyranny of Telys as overthrown by the Sybarites before the fatal war with Crotona. In this revolution, he tells us, they were guilty of great cruelty, massacring all the adherents of Te- lys even at the altars, so that the statue of Hera turned aside in horror and anger, and a fountain of blood gushed forth from the earth, which nothing but walls of brass could check. The destruction of their city followed as their punishment. [E. E.]

TEME'NIDAE. [Temenus, No. 3.]

TEMENITES(T6/iej'fT7js),a surname of Apollo, derived from his sacred temenus in the neighbour- hood of Syracuse. ( Steph. Byz. s. v. ; Sueton. Tib. 74 ; Thuc. vi. 75, 100.) [L.S.]

TE'MENUS (Template:Grek missing). 1. A son of Pelasgus, educated Hera at Stymphalus in Arcadia. (Paus. viii. 22. §2.)

2. A son of Phegeus. (Paus. viii. 24. § 4.)

3. A son of Aristomachus, one of the Heracleidae. He was the father of Ceisus, Cerynes, Phalces, Agraeus, and Hyrnetho. (Paus. ii. 28 ; Apollod. ii, 8. § 2.) He was one of the leaders of the Heracleidae into Peloponnesus, and, after the conquest of the peninsula, he received Argos as his share. (Apollod. ii. 8. § 4, &c. ; Plat. Min. p. 683, b.; Strab. viii. p. 389.) His tomb was shown at Temenion near Lema. (Paus. ii. 38. § 1.) His descendants, the Temenidae, being expelled from Argos, are said to have founded the kingdom of Macedonia, whence the kings of Macedonia called themselves Temenidae. (Herod .viii. 138 ; Thuc. ii. 99.)

[L. S.]

TEMPA'NIUS, SEX., one of the officers of the cavalry under the consul C. Sempronius Atra- tinus, in the war against the Volscians, b. c. 423. It was chiefly through the exertions of Tempanius that the Roman army was saved from defeat ; and the people out of gratitude elected him tribune ot the plebs in the following year. When one of his colleagues L. Hortensius attempted to bring Sem- pronius to trial for his misconduct in the war, Tempanius generously came forward in defence of his former commander. (Liv. iv. 38 — 42 ; comp. Val. Max. vi. 5. § 2.)

TEMPSA'NUS, L. POSTU'MIUS, praetor B. c. 1 85, received Tarentum as his province, and proceeded with great vigour against the shepherds who had been plundering the surrounding country. He condemned as many as 7000 men. He was continued in his post the following year, that he might entirely crush the insurrection of the shep- herds, and likewise apprehend those persons who had taken part in the Bacchanalia at Rome, and who had fled for refuge to that part of Italv. (Liv. xxxix. 23, 29, 41.)

TE'NERUS (TeVepos), a soothsayer, a son of Apollo by Melia, and a brother of Ismenius. (Paus. ix. 10. § 5, 26. § 1 ; Strab. ix. p. 413 ; Schol. ad Find. Pi/th. x. 5.) [L.S.]

TENES or TENNES (T^wijs), a son of Cycnus, the king of Colone in Troas, and Procleia, or, ac- cording to others, a son of Apollo, and brother of Hemithea. After the death of Procleia, Cycnus married Philonome, a daughter of Craugasus or Traganasus. She fell in love with her stepson ; and as she was unable to win the love of Tenes, she accused him before his father of improper con- duct towards her. Cycnus accordingly threw both his son and daughter into a chest, and exposed them on the waves of the sea. But the chest was driven on the coast of the island of Leucophrys, which Tenes, after his own name, called Tenedos, after its inhabitants had chosen him for their king. Cycnus at length heard of the innocence of his son, killed Philonome, and went to his children in Tenedos, where both he and Tenes were slain by Achilles, who, on his voyage to Troy, made a land- ing on Tenedos. But Tenes was afterwards wor- shipped as a hero in Tenedos. (Paus. x. 14. § 2 ; Diod. V. 83 ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 232 ; Strab. xiv.' p. 640.) According to Pausanias, Tenes did notj allow his father to land in Tenedos, but cut off the( rope with which Cycnus had fastened his ship the coast. (Comp. Steph. Byz. s. v. TeVeSos.) Th«  death of Tenes by Achilles also is related diffe- 1 rently, for once, it is said, when Achilles was') pursuing the sister of Tenes in Tenedos, Tenes,J endeavouring to stop him, was slain by Achilles,] who did not know that Tenes was a son of Apollo. < (Plut. Quaest. Graec. 28 ; Tzetz. l. c.) In the| temple of Tenes in Tenedos, it was not allowed toi mention the name of Achilles, nor was any flute- player permitted to enter it, because the flute-player Molpus had borne false witness against Tenes to- please his step-mother Philonome. (Plut. andi Diod. ;. c.) [L.S.]

TE'NICHOS or TY'NNICHOS, an artist of | unknown time, and perhaps only a mythological | name, mentioned on an inscription quoted by Pro- ' copius {Bell. Goth. iv. 22, p. 355. 4, ed. Hoeschel), ' as occurring on a monument ascribed by local trar j dition, and by the inscription itself, to Agamemnon i (SeeWelcker,.%%e, No. 182, p. 226; R. Rochette,] Lcttre a M. Schorn, p. 413, 2d ed.) [P. S.] TENNES (T6W7?s), king of Sidon in the re-' volt of Phoenicia against Artaxerxes III. He betrayed the town to Artaxerxes, but was not- withstanding put to death by the Persian king.