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Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1084

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1072 TIIEODOTIUS. Theophilus with Theodora of Paphlagonia, In A. D. 830, was appended to the epitome of the Aeihiopica of Heliodorus, published by Martin Criisius at Frankfort, 1584. The entire work has never been printed. There is also a MS. in the royal library at Munich. (Fabric. Bibl. Grace, vol. vii. p. 472 ; Vossius, de Hist. Grace, p. 504, ed, Westermann ; Tafel, de Tlicodosio Alelitmo^ ineditae Ilistoriae Byzantinae scriptore^ ex Godice Tuhingensi Notitia Literaria., Prog. Acad. Tubing. 1828, 4to.) 8. Another writer of the history of the later Roman empire, was a Syracusan monk, in the tenth century of our era. He wrote an account of the taking of Sy- racuse by the Spanish Arabs, in the form of a letter to Leo Diaconus, a Latin version of which, by the monk Joasaph, or Josaphat, has been published in a more or less complete form in the various col- lections of works on the history of Italy (Mura- tori. Script. Rcr. Ital. vol. i. pt. ii. p. 257, a). The Greek text was first published, with a new Latin version and notes, by C. B. Hase, in his edition of Leo Diaconus, Paris, 1819, fol. (Vossius, de Hist. Graec. p. 504, ed. Westermann ; Hoffmann, Lexi- con. Btbliograph. Scriptor. Graecorum, s. vv. Tlieo- dosius and Leo.) 9. Diaconus, a third Byzantine historian, who appears to have lived about the same time as the preceding, was the author of five aKpodcreis in iambic verse, on the subject of the expedition of Nicephorus Phocas to Crete, in A. D. 961, which was first publislied in Greek and Latin by Fl. Cor- nelius, in his Crcta Sacra, Venet. 1755, 4to. ; again, by P. F. Fogginius, in his Nova Appendix Corporis Historiae Byzantinae, Romae, 1777, fol. ; and lastly, with notes and a vocabulary of words peculiar to the author, by F. Jacobs, in his edition of Leo Diaconus, in the Corpus Script. Hist. By- zant. Bonn. 1 828, 8vo. ( Fabric. Bibl. Grace, vol. vii. p. 533 ; Vossius, de Hist. Graec. I. c; Hoffmann, Lexicon, II. cc.) 10. A monk, the titles of whose answer to the arguments against the resurrection of the body, and another work in refutation of John Piiilo- ponus, are given bv Photius (^Bibl. Cod. 22, comp. Cod. 22.) ' [P. S.] THEODO'SIUS {&ioU(Tios), a physician who must have lived in or before the fifth century after Christ, as he is quoted by Aetius (ii. 2. 54, p. 276). He is perhaps the same person who is quoted by Rhazes. (See Haller's Bibl. Med. Pract. vol. i. p. 354.) [Theodotius.] [W. A. G.] THEO'DOTA (©eoSoTTj), an Athenian cour- tezan, and one of the most celebrated persons of that class in Greece (Liban. vol. i. p. 582), is introduced as a speaker in one of the dialogues in Xenophon's Memorabilia (iii. 11), where some in- formation is given respecting her. (Comp. Ath. v. p. 220, f.) She at last attached herself to Alci- biades, and, after his murder, she performed his funeral rites. (Ath. xiii. p. 574, f.; Cobet, Prosop. ^f«opA. pp. 83, foil.) [P. S.] TllEODO'TIUS (eeoSJrtos), the author of a medical formula, quoted by Alexander Trallianus (xi. 1. p. 310), who is called by him ^ ^i(TO(pos. He may perhaps be the same person who is called Theodosius. The word occurs in several other pas- sages of Alexander Trallianus and of Aetius, but probably in each it is the name of a medicine, and not of a man. (See Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. viii. p. 329, xii. G02, xiii. 433, ed. vet.) [Sever us, p. 802.J [W. A. G.j THEODOTUS. THEO'DOTUS (0€o'5otos), historical. 1. A Macedonian in the service of Antigonus, king of Asia. In B.C. 315 he commanded a fleet with which he was preparing to join Antigonus, when be was surprised by Polycleitus, the admiral of Piolemy, on the coast of Lycia, all his ships captured, and he himself mortally wounded. (Diod. xix. 64.) 2. An officer who was entrusted by Lysimachus with the important charge of the citadel of Sardes, in which he for a time defied all the efforts of Seleucus. But that monarch, having at length proclaimed a reward of 100 talents for the head of Theodotus, rendered the latter so suspicious of his own followers, that he himself secretly opened the gates of the fortress to Seleucus. (Polvaen. iv. 9. § 4.) 3. A Rhodian to whose judicious advice in regard to the management of his elephants Antiochus I. king of Syria was mainly indebted for the great victory over the Gauls, to which he owed the security of his throne and kingdom (Lucian, Zcuxis, 9, JO; Droysen, Hellenism, vol. ii. p. 232.) 4. Surnaraed Hemiolius ('H^jJAjos, probably as suggested by Schweighauser from his unusual stature), was a general in the service of Antiochua the Great, by whom he was sent in b. c. 222 together with Xenon against Molon, who had raised the standard of revolt in the eastern provinces of the monarchy [Molon]. The two generals were however unable to cope with the rebel satrap, and withdrew within the walls of the cities, leaving him in possession of the open country. (Polyb. V. 42, 43.) After the final defeat of Molon by Antiochus himself, Theodotus was selected by that monarch to take the command in Coele Syria, while he himself undertook to reduce Seleucia. What Theodotus accomplished at this time we know not, but the next year (b. c. 219) we find him serving under the immediate command of Antiochus himself, and bearing an important share in the action against Nicolaus the general of Ptolemy, near Porphyreon, as well as shortly after at the siege of Rabbatamana. On both these occasions he was associated with Nicarchus, with whom he also shared in the command of the phalanx at the memorable battle of Raphia, b. c. 217. After that great defeat he was chosen by Antiochus as one of the ambassadors whom he sent to Ptolemy to sue for peace. (Id. v. b% 68, 69, 7 1, 79, 83, 87.) 5. An Aetolian, who at the accession of Anti- ochus the Great (ac. 223) held the command of the important province of Coele Syria for Ptolemy Philopator king of Egypt. He was an able general, and repulsed with ease the first attack made by the king of Syria upon his government, but instead of being rewarded by Ptolemy for his services, he was recalled to Alexandria, where he nearly fell a victim to the intrigues of some of the courtiers and favourites of the king. Disgusted with this treat- ment, and despising the vices and luxury of Ptolemy, when he was again suffered to resume the command in Coele Syria (b. c. 219) he con- ceived the design of betraying that province into the hands of Antiochus. His overtures were readily welcomed, and he surrendered the two important fortresses of Tyre and Ptolemais to the Syrian monarch, whom he immediately joined with the forces under his command. Nicolaus however prevented his design from taking full effect, and retained a part of the Syrian provinces under tiie