oligarchical party, being driven out, betook them- selves parly to Ptolemy Lagi, king of Egypt, and partly to Thimbron. Ptolemy thereupon sent a large force against Cyrene under Ophelias, to vv^hom the exiles, who had taken refuge with Thimbron, endeavoured to escape, but were detected, and put to death. The Cyrenaean people then made com- mon cause with Thimbron against the new in- vader; but Ophelias defeated him, and he was obliged to seek safety in flight. He fell, however, into the hands of some Libyans, and was by them delivered up to Epicydes, an Olynthian, whom Ophelias, having taken Teucheira, had made go- vernor of the town. The citizens of Teucheira, with the sanction of Ophelias, sent Thimbron to Apollonia, the scene of much of his violence and extortion, to be crucified, B. c. 322. (Diod. xvii. 108, xviii. 19—21 ; Arr. ap. Phot. cod. 92 ; Strab. xvii. p. 837; Just, xiii.6,8; Oros.iii.23.) [E. E.] THISBE {@l(T€ri). 1. A beautiful maiden at Babylon, was beloved by Pyramus. The lovers living in adjoining houses, often secretly conversed with each other through an opening in the wall, as their parents would not sanction their marriage. Once they agreed upon a rendezvous at the tomb of Ninus. Thisbe arrived first, and while she was waiting iot Pyramus, she perceived a lioness who had just torn to pieces an ox, and took to flight. While running she lost her garment, which the lioness soiled with blood. In the mean time Pyramus arrived, and finding her garment covered with blood, he imagined that she had been mur- dered, and made away with himself under a mul- berry - tree, the fruit of which henceforth was as red as blood. Thisbe, who afterwards found the body of her lover, likewise killed herself. (Ov. Met. iv. 55 — 165 ; comp. Anthol. Lat. i. p. 106, &c. ed. Burm.) . A Boeotian nymph, from whom the town of Thisbe derived its name. (Paus.ix. 32. § 2.) [L. S.]
THOANTEA, a surname of the Taurian Arte-
mis, derived from Thoas, king of Tauris. (Val.
Flacc. viii. 208 ; Ov. lb. 386.) [L. S.J
THOAS ( oay). 1. A sou of Andraemon and
Gorge, was king of Calydon and Pleuron, in
Aetolia, and went with forty ships against Trov.
(Hom. //. ii. 638, iv. 529, vii. 168, xiii. 216, xV.
281 ; Pans. v. 3. § 5 ; Hygin. Fab. 97 ; Tzetz.arf
Lycoph. 780, 1011 ; comp. Strab. vi. p. 255 ;
Paus. X. 38. § 3.)
2. A son of Dionysus and Ariadne. (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. iii. .997 ; Stat. Theb. iv. 769.) He was king of Lemnos and married to Myrina, by whom he became the father of Hypsipyle and Si- cinus. (Hom. //. xiv. 230 ; Diod. v. 79 ; Schol. ad Apollon. i. 601 ; Hygin. Fab. 15, 120 ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 1374.) When the Lemnian women killed all the men in the island, Hypsipyle saved her father Thoas, and concealed him. (Apollod. i. 9. § 17.) Afterwards, however, he was discovered b)' the other women, and killed (Apollod. iii. 6. § 4), or he escaped to Tauris (Hygin. Fab. 15), or to the island of Oenoe near Euboea, which was henceforth called Sicinus. (Schol.arf JjooZ/ow.i.624.)
3. A son of Icarius and Periboea, and a brother of Penelope. (Apollod. iii. 1 0. § 6.)
4. A son of Borysthenes, and king of Tauris, into whose dominions Iphigenia was carried by Artemis, when she was to have been sacrificed. He was killed by Chryses. (Anton. Lib. 27 ; Hygin. Fah. 121 ; Eurip. Iphig. Taur.)
5. A son of Omytus or Ornytion. (Paus. ii. 4. § 3 ; Schol. ad Eurip. Or. 1087.)
6. A Trojan who was slain by Menelaus. (Hom. /Z. xvi. 311.) rL.S.] THOAS {©Sas), an Aetolian, who was praetor of that nation in b. c. 193, and at a council held at Naupactus, took a prominent part in urging his countrymen to war with Rome, and advised them to send embassies to Philip and Antiochus. These, however, produced no effect for the moment, and the following year (b. c. 192) we find Thoas en- gaging on his own account in an imsuccessful at- tempt to reduce the important fortress of Chalcis. But circumstances now caused Antiochus to lend a more favourable ear to his overtures, and having repaired in person to join the king in Asia, he obtained great influence over his mind, and, by his magniloquent promises, was mainly instrumental in persuading him to pass over in person with his army into Greece. Here also he readily induced the Aetolians, who were assembled in council at Lamia, to conclude an alliance with Antiochus, and , place themselves under his command. We do not, however, hear any thing of the services which he rendered to the king during the war that followed ; while by the advice which he had given at the com- mencement, he had prevented Antiochus from availing himself of the important assistance of Han- nibal. After the defeat of the Syrian monarch the Romans made the surrender of Thoas one of the conditions of the peace which they granted him : but though this demand was complied with, they were induced to set him at liberty at the in- tercession of Nicander and Pantaleon. At a sub- sequent period, however (b. c. 169), having again taken an active part against these last partizans, he fell a victim to the popular indignation, being as- sailed with stones by the assembly of the people. (Liv. XXXV. 12, 37, 38, 42, 45, xxxvii. 45, xxxviii. 38 ; Polyb. xxi. 14, xxii. 26, xxviii. 4 ; Diod.] xxx.ETC.Legat.-p.62,Ea:c. Fa^.p. 71.) [E.H.B.jJ THOMAS (0a)/ias). 1. Magister, a rhetori-;] cian and grammarian, who flourished about a. d. 1310. He appears to have been a native of The»-J salonica, and to have lived at the court of the em^ peror Andronicus Palaeologus 1., and to have helc the offices of marshal (Mayister Officiorum) and] keeper of the archives {Chartophylax) ; but he after-vj wards retired to a monastery, where he assumed the] name of TV/eo^w/Ms, and devoted himself to the study j of the ancient Greek authors. His chief work wa»i a Lexicon of Attic Words {Kara *A.X(pa&riTov bvoixir Twv 'Attikmu 'EKkoyai), compiled from the work»| of the elder grammarians, such as Phrynicbu8,| Ammonius, Herodian, and Moeris ; but with veiy little judgment. The work has some value on ac- count of its containing much from the elder gram- marians, which would otherwise have been lost 'A but, when Thomas deserts his guides, he oftenf falls into the most serious errors. He wrote Scholia upon Pindar, Euripides, and Aristophanes, the remains of which are merged in the collections of ancient scholia, and also lives of those authors, which are prefixed to some of the editions of their works. His other writings consist of letters and orations, the latter being partly scholastic essays in imitation of the ancient orators, partly en- comiums on the great men of former days, such as that upon Gregory of Nazianzus, partly laudatory addresses to his contemporaries, and partly relating to passing events.