Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1213

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pears to have contemplated a series of such productions, of which this was only the (Symbol missingGreek characters) . Various appendices or scholia to it, and a collection of 107 prose epistles are yet unpublished. The first edition of this work was published by Gerbelius in 1546. The best edition is that of Kiessling (Lips. 1826), though much still requires correction and supplementation (see Struve, Ueber den politischen Vers der Mittelgriechen, 1828, and in the Krit. Biblioth. 1827, 11 p. 241, &c. ; comp. DUbner, in the Rhein. Mus. iv. 1). Some insignificant scholia on the Chiliades by Tzetzes are published in Cramer's Anecdota. Oxon. (iii. 350, &c.). 3. An iambic poem on the education of children is printed in the editions of the Chiliades. 4. A series of mythical and epic narratives, in 777 political lines, entitled (Symbol missingGreek characters) , discovered by Immanuel Bekker, and published in the Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie, 1840. 5. A versified treatise

(Symbol missingGreek characters) , and another  (Symbol missingGreek characters) 

(Cramer, Anecd. Oocon. iv. 302, &c. ; Welcker, Rhein. Mus. iv. 393, &c. ; Meineke, Com. Gr. ii. p. 1245 — 1254, V. p. 3). 6. An equally worthless poem or collection of verses, (Symbol missingGreek characters) (Cramer, Anecd. Paris. i. 59 — 162). 7. Some versified scholia on Hermogtmes (Cramer, Anecd. Oxon. iv. p. 1 — 148). 8. Lines (Symbol missingGreek characters) (Bekker, Anecd. vol. iii. p. 1088—1090). 9. An (Symbol missingGreek characters) on the Iliad of Homer ; published by G. Hermann, together with the work of Draco of Stratonicea, en metres (Leip- zig, 1812). 10. Scholia on Hesiod, printed in the editions of Hesiod by Trincavelli (Venice, 1537), and Heinsius (Leyden, 1603).

Of the unpublished works of Joannes Tzetzes, the most considerable is: 1. The Homeric Allegories ((Symbol missingGreek characters), consisting of some 6000 political lines. Tzetzes mentions this work in the Chiliades (v. 7, 776, ix. 282, &c.). Besides this there are, 2. Scholia on the Halieutica of Oppian. 3. Expositio Isagoges, sen Libri de V. Vocibus Porphyrii, in political verses. 4. An epitome of the rhetoric of Ilermogenes, in political verses. 5. (Symbol missingGreek characters) (comp. Chil. xi. 361). 6. A col- lection of 107 letters (see above). 7. A treatise on the Canon of Ptolemy. 8. Various short pieces, epigrams, &c. For an account of the manuscripts in which these are found the reader is referred to Fabricius, Bibl. Gr. vol. xi. p. 215, &c., comp. i. 403, &c. vi. 352. (Schöll, Geschichte der Griech. Litteratur, vol. iii. p. 84, &c. ; Bernhardy, Grundriss der GriecMschen Litteratur, vol. ii. p. 1070.)

2. Isaac ((Symbol missingGreek characters)), brother of the preceding, is named in the manuscripts as the author of the commentary on the Cassandra of Lycophron. It appears however from passages in his works, that Joannes Tzetzes claimed it as his production {Chil. ix. hist. 298 ; comp. Schol. ad Lycophr. 83). The same claim is made in a letter of Joannes Tzetzes to the Protonotarius Basilius Achridenus, printed in Fabricius, vol. iii. p. 753, and in Küster's Suidas, s. v. (Symbol missingGreek characters) In Chil. viii. hist. 204, Joannes says that some other grammarian attempted to set up a claim to be the author of the commentary, but was speedily detected. The last editor, J. C. Müller, is of opinion that Isaac Tzetzes first published a commentary on Lycophron, and that Joannes Tzetzes subsequently published an enlarged and improved edition of it. Of this he finds traces in the manuscripts, some of which contain apparently the older edition of Isaac, others the improved edition of Joannes, the additions exhibiting not only the learning, but the arrogant self-complacency of Joannes. The latter moreover does tell us that his brother Isaac wrote a commentary on Lycophron (Schol. ad Hesiod. Proleg. (Symbol missingGreek characters); comp. Chil. viii. 486). The commentary is printed in several of the editions of Lycophron, as in that printed at Basel, 1546 ; in those of Canter (Basel, 1566), Stephamis(1601), Potter (Oxon. 1697), Owen (Oxon. 1702), Sebastiani (Rome, 1803). The best edition of the commentary, without the text of Lycophron, is that by Muller (Leipzig, 1811). [C. P. M.]

U. V.

VABALATHUS. Vopiscus, in his life ut Aurelian (c. 38), asserts that Zenobia assumed the purple as regent for her son Balbatus (al. leg. Babalatus), and not in the name of Herennianus and Timolaus, which is the statement of Trebcllius Pollio (Trig. Tyrann. xxix.). It is certain that we find no trace of either Herennianus or Timolaus on medals, while a few are extant, both Greek and Roman, which exhibit imp. C. VABALATHUS AUG. or (Symbol missingGreek characters) with the effigy and titles of Aurelian on the reverse. But several of these bear words or characters, in addition to those given above, which have proved a source of much embarrassment. Thus, on one we find VABALATHUS. VCRIMDR., abbreviations to which no archaeologist has been able to supply a satisfactory interpretation; on others, (Symbol missingGreek characters) or, (Symbol missingGreek characters) or, (Symbol missingGreek characters), in which (Symbol missingGreek characters), &c., is supposed to stand for (Symbol missingGreek characters), while Sroias or Srias may be a sort of praenomen. Finally, there is a rare coin displaying on the obverse two laurelled heads, one of a bearded man, the other of a smooth-faced boy, with the legend (Symbol missingGreek characters) It would be tedious and improfitable to enumerate the various theories proposed to solve the problems suggested by these pieces. The only conclusion we can safely form is, that Sroias, Vabalathus, and Athenodorus were princes of Palmyra, connected with Odenathus and Zenobia, but in what relation they stood to them and to each other, has never been determined. [W. R.]

An image should appear at this position in the text.

VACCA, FLAMI'NIUS, a Roman sculptor, of whom all that is known is contained in the following inscription: D. O. M. FLAMINIO VACCAE SCULPTORI ROMANO QUI IN OPERIBUS QUAE PECIT NUNQUAM SIBI SATISFECIT. (Montfaucon, Diar. Ital. p. 105 ; Welcker, Rhein. Mus. 1848, vol. vi. p. 383.) [P. S.]