ROMAN HISTORY. 1S87 328 Constantini 10 : Licinii 9. Coss. Sabinus. Rufinus. Constantini 11 : Licinii 10. Coss Gallicanus. Bassus. Constantini 12: Licinii 11, — The rank of Caesar is conferred upon Crispus and Con- stantine, the sons of the emperor Constan- tine ; and upon Licinius, the son of the emperor Licinius, Coss. Imp. Caes. Val. Licinianus Licinius Aug. V. Fl. Jul. Crispus Caesar. Constantini 13: Licinii 12. Coss. Imp, Caes. FI.VaLConstantinus Aug.V. Fl, Val. Licinianus Licinius Caesar. Constantini 14: Licinii 13. Coss. Imp.Caes, FLVaLConstantinusAug.VI, Fl. CI. Constantinus Caesar, Constantini 15: Licinii 14, — Crispus de feats the Franks in Gaul. Coss. Fl. Jul. Crispus Caesar II. Fl. CI. Constantinus Caesar II. Constantini 16: Licinii 15. Nazarii Panegyricus Constantino. Coss. Petronius Probianus. Anicius Julianus. Constantini 17: Licinii 16, — Constantino defeats the Sarmatians, and pursues them across the Danube Coss. Acilius Severus. Vettius Rufinus. Constantini 18. — War between Constantine and Licinius. Constantine defeats Licinius near Adrianople on July 3rd, and again at Chalcedon on September 18th. Licinius surrenders himself to Constantine. Con- stantius, the son of Constantine, is ap- pointed Caesar November 8th. Constan- tine is now sole Augustus, and his three sons Crispus, Constantine and Constantius are Caesars. Coss. Fl. Jul. Crispus Caesar III-. Fl. CI. Constantinus Caesar III. Constantini 19. — Licinius is put to death by command of Constantine. Coss Paullinus. Julianus. Constantine 20. — The Vicennalia of Con- stantine. The Christian council of Nicaea (Nice): it is attended by 318 bishops and adopts the word dfioovaiov. Coss. Imp. Caes. Fl. Val. Constantinus Aug. VI L Fl. Jul. Constantinus Caesar. Constantini 21. — Constantine celebrates the Vicennalia at Rome. Crispus and the younger Licinius are put to death. Con- stantine leaves Rome, and never returns to it again. Coss. . Constantinus. Maximus. Constantini 22. — Death of Fausta. Con- stantine founds Helenopolis in honour of his mother Helena. Coss Januarinus. Justus. Constantini 23. Libanius (aet. 14) is at Antioch A.D. 329 330 331 332 333 334 535 336 337 338 339 340 Coss, Imp. Caes. Fl. Val. Constantinus Aug. VII L Fl. CI. Constantinus Caesar IV. Constantini 24. Coss Gallicanus. Symmachus. Constantini 25. — Dedication of Constanti- nople, which Constantine makes the capital of his empire. Cuss. (Annius) Bassus. Ablavius. Constantini 26. — Birth of Julian. Birth of Hieronymus (St. Jerome^ Coss Pacatianus. Hilarianus. Constantini 27. — War with the GothS : they are defeated by Constantine Caesar. Coss. Fl. Jul, Delmatius (qui postea Caesar app, e.). Zenophilus. Constantini 28. — Constans, the son of Con- stantine, is made Caesar. Famine and pestilence in Syria. Coss. L. Ranius Acontius Optatus. Anicius Paullinus. Constantini 29. — The Sarmatians receive settlements in the empire. Calocaerus, a usurper in Cyprus, is slain by Delmatius. Coss. Julius Constantius. Ceionius Rufus Albinus. Constantini 30. — The Tricennalia of Con- stantine. Delmatius or Dalmatius, and Hanniballianus, the nephews of the em- peror, are made Caesars. A fresh distri- bution of the provinces made among the five Caesars. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, is deposed by the council at Tyre and goes into exile. Coss. Fl. Popillius Nepotianus. Facundus, Constantini 31. — Marriage of Constantius. Coss Felicianus. T. Fabius Titianus. Death of Constantine in May : he is bap- tized before his death by Eusebius of Ni- comedeia. He was at the time making preparations for war with the Persians. Constantinus II., Constantius II. and Constans are declared Augusti. The Caesars Delmatius and Hanniballianus and the other relations of the late emperor are put to death. Cuss Ursus. Polemius. Constantini II,, Constantii II,, Constantis 2. — Constantius carries on the war against the Persians, First siege of Nisibis by the Persians. Athanasius returns from exile. Coss. Imp. Caes. Fl.Jul. Imp. Caes. Fl. Jul. Constans Aug. Constantini II., Constantii II,, Constantis 3 — Constantius carries on the war against the Persiansj. Constantine is at Treves and Constans at Sirminm. Coss. Acindyniis. L. Aradius Val, Pioculus. Constantii II,. Constantis 4, — War between Constantine II, and Constans. Constan-