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J90 PLANUDES. Anthology with various copies of the Vatican Codex ; and they now appeared for the first time revised by a scholar competent to the task. Brunck also adopted a new arrangement, which certainly has its defects, but yet is invaluable for the student of the history of Greek literature : discarding alto- gether the books and chapters of the early Antho- logy, he placed together all the epigrams of each poet, and arranged the poets themselves in chro- nological order, placing those epigrams, the authors of which were unknown, under the separate head of dSecnroTa. Important as Brunck's edition was when it was published, it is now unnecessary to give any further account of it, as it has been en- tirely superseded by the edition of Jacobs, who gives, in his Prolegomena, an elaborate criticism on the labours of his predecessor, and of the few contributions which were made by other scholars to the emendation or explanation of the Anthology between the publication of Brunck's edition and of his own. The Lediones of Brunck are an indis- pensable supplement to the Analeda. 2. The original plan of Jacobs was only to form a complete commentary on Brunck's Analeda, but the scarceness of copies of that work induced him to reprint it, omitting those parts which do not properly belong to the Greek Anthology, and care- fully re-editing the whole. The result of his labours was a work which ranks most deservedly as the standard edition of the Greek Anthology. It is in 13 vols. 8vo, namely, 4 vols, of the Text, one of Indices, and three of Commentaries, divided into eight parts. The titles and contents are as follow : — Vols. 1 — 4. Anthologia Graeca, sive Poe- tarum Graecorum Lusus. Ex Rccensione Brunckii. hidices et Commentarium adjecit F, Jacobs, Lips. 1794, 4 vols. 8vo. ; Vol. 5. Indices in Epigram- muta quae in Analedis Veterum Poetarum a Brunchio edilis reperiuntur, Audore F. Jacobs, Lips. 1795, containing (I) an alphabetical index of the first lines of the epigrams in Brunck's Ana- lecta, in the Planudean Anthology, in the Miscel- lanea Lipsiensia, and in the Anthology of Reiske ; (2) An Index to the Planudean Anthology, with references to the pages of Stephanus, Wechel, and Brunck ; (.3) An Index to Klotz's Edition of the Alusa Puerilis of Straton, with references to the pages of Brunck ; (4) a similar Index to the Anthologies of Reiske and Jensius ; (5) Geogra- phical Index to the Analecta ; (6) Index of Proper Names ; (7) Arguments of the Epigrams. Vols. 6 — 13. F. Jacobs Animadversiones in Epi- yrammata Anthologiae Graecae secundum ordinem Analectorum Brunckii, vol. i. partes i. ii. Lips. 1798, containing the Preface, Prolegomena in quibus Historia Ant/iologiae Graecae tiarratur, and the Notes to the Epigrams in vol. i. of the Analeda ; vol. ii. partes i. ii. iii. Lips. 1799 — 1801, containing the Notes on vol. ii. of the Analeda ; vol. iii. partes i. ii. Lips. 1802-3, containing the Notes on vol. iii. of the Analecta, p. iii. Lips. 1814, com- pleting the Addenda et Emendanda, and containing the following Indices: (1) Graecitatis ; (2) Poe- iaruni et capitum in AntJiologia ; ( 3) Verborum quae in Animadv. eocplicantur ; (4) Rerum in Animadv. illust. ; (5) Sciiptorum in Animadv. illust. ; with the following most important Appen- dices : (1) Paralipomena ex Codice Palatino, or Mantissa Epigrammatum Vaticani Codicis, quae in Brunckii Analedis desiderantur ; (2) Epigram- atata ex Libria edilis et Marnu>i~ibus collecia ; PLANUDES. (3) Catalogus Podarum qui Epigrammata scripse- runi, which contains, cot a mere list of names, but a full account of each of the writers.* 3. In editing his AntJiologia Graeca, Jacobs had the full benefit of the Palatine Anthology. Not content with the almost perfect copy of Spalletti (the Apographum Gothanum), he availed himself of the services of Uhden, then Prassian ambassador at Rome, who collated the copy once more with the original codex in the Vatican. The important results are to be found in Jacobs's emendations of Brunck's text, in his corrections of many of Brunck's errors in the assignment of epigrams to wrong authors, and in his Appendix of 213 epigrams from the Vatican MS. which are wanting in the Analecta. In the mean time he formed the design of rendering to scholarship the great service of printing an exact and complete edition of this cele- brated Codex. In the preface to his Ardhologia Palatina, he gives a most interesting account of his labours, and of the principles on which he pro- ceeded. It is enough here to state that he fol- lowed the rule (always a good one, but absolutely essential where there is only one MS.), to repre- sent exactly the reading of the MS., even if it gave no sense, unless the necessary correction was clear beyond all doubt, placing all doubtful and con- jectural emendations in the margin. After the printing of the text was completed, the unlooked- for restoration of the MS. to the University Library at Heidelberg afforded an opportunity for a new collation, which was made by A. J. Paulssen, who has given the results of it in an Appendix to the third volume of Jacobs's Antho- logia Palatina. This work ma}*^ therefore be con- sidered an all but perfect copy of the Palatine Codex, and is therefore invaluable for the critical study of the Anthology. The following is its title : — Anthologia Graeca, ad Fidem Codicis Pala- ti7ii, nunc Parisini, ex Apographo Gothano edita. Curavit, Epigrammata in Codice Palatino desiderata et Annotationem Criticam adjecit, F.Jacobs. Lips. 1813— 1817, 8 vo. ; in 3 vols., of which the first two contain the text of the Palatine Anthology, with an Appendix of Epigrams which are not found in it, including the whole of the fourth and parts of the other books of the Planudean Anthology,

  • This is the edition of the Anthology to which

the references in the Dictionary are generally made ; but the references are for the most part to the pages of Brunck, which are given in the margin, and which are those always referred to by Jacobs him- self in his Notes and Indices. The practice of writers is diverse on this point, some quoting the Analecta, and some the books and numbers of the Palatine Anthology. The latter practice has its advantages, especially as Tauchnitz's cheap reprint of Jacobs's Anthologia Palatina is probably the form in which most persona possess the Anthology ; but the AntJiologia Graeca of Jacobs is so much the most valuable edition for the scholar, that this consideration is enough to determine the mode of reference. It is to be most earnestly hoped that, in any future edition of the Anthology, the arrange- ment of Brunck will still be preserved, and his pages be given in the margin, and that a great defect of Jacobs's edition will be supplied, namely, a comparative index of the pages of Brunck and the chapters and numbers of the Palatine Antho- logy.