In some copies of the Work the following errors will be found, which the reader is requested to correct.
In some copies of the Work the following errors will be found, which the reader is requested to correct
Page Col. Line
4 a 22 b. * for W., read E.
17b 17 b. for vii. read xviii.
22 a 19 t. for '(Greek characters)', read '(
Greek characters)'
49 " 37 t. for HIEROSOLYMA, read JERUSALEM.
111 " 33 b. for Phylae, read Phylace.
129 b 31 b. for Attica, read Athens.
162 a 8 t. for Nakr, read Nahr.
169 b 14 b. for SOLIS, read SULIS.
173 " for MOABITIS, read AREOPOLIS.
201 a 32b. for 392, read 302.
292 b 2t. THYREA, read CYNURIA.
" " 33,34 t.for westerly, read easterly.
219 " 5 t. for the latter river, read that river.
242 a 24 t. for MORTUUM MARE, read PALAESTINA.
244 " 19 b. for Boeotia, read Phocis
251 b 6 t. for Thebes, read Thebe.
" " 13 t. for observations, read observation.
255 a 6, 11 t. for of Apsarus, read of the Apsarus.
" " 8t for a magnificent, read an insignificant.
" " 12 t. for Rhezius (Rezah), read Rhiziu (Rizah).
" " 20 t. for the place, read Athenae.
" " 31 t. for between four and five, read about three.
264 " 15,16t for none of the houses were more than one story high, read none of the house appear to have been of any great height
342 b 15 b. for BABYLONIA, read HAURAN.
346 a 24 b. for Auriatae, read Autariatae.
374 b 16 b. for Marmariae, read Maenariae.
375 " 7 b. for [PAMISUS], read [MESSENIA]
377 a 33t. for C. S. Vincent, read C. Espichel. For the extreme SW. headland of Lusitania, read a promontory of Lusitania about 18 miles S. of the mouth of the Tagus.
388 b 16 t. for LIMIA, read GALLAECIA
395 " 31t. 31 t. for (
Greek characters), read (
Greek characters).
403 " " 3b. for Thracians, read Thracian
409 b 14 b for Elis, read Etis.
410 a 10 b for west, read east.
411 b 4 b for steepest, read deepest.
413 " 23 b for Helicon, read Cithaeron.
457 " 4 t. for BURA, read ACHAIA; CYNAETHA.
464 16 b. for HIEROSOLYMA, read JERUSALEM.
508 b 23 t. for aud, read and.
561 a 8t. for CASSO'TIS, read CA'SSOTIS.
595 " 10 b. for 67, read 76.
" " 9 b. dele from and including “ when an important,” down to “short period in Boeotia.”
" b 1 t. for in the neighbourhood, read at Coroneia
" " 2 t. after the word battle, insert “ In consequence of this battle, the Athenians lost the supremacy which they had for a short time exercised in Boeotia.”
" " 10t. for Another and much more celebrated, read A celebrated
616 a 16 b. for Od. iv. 39, read Od. ix. 39, seqq.
724 b 28 t. for 15, read 16.
" " 33t. for PENEIUS, read ELIS.
72? 13 t. for south, read north.
750 b 5t. for Nahr-le-Dan, read Nahr-el-Dan.
" " 7t. for JORDANES, read PALAESTINA.
787 " 3t. after (
Greek characters), insert Thucy.i. 100, iv. 102
791 a 18 b. for v. 5, read v. 52.
829 " before the reference (ENOPE), insert ENNEAODOS. [AMPHIPOLIS.
870 23 t. for Inglirami, read Inghirami.
885 b 24 t. for Volker-, read Völker-.
910 a 10 t. for LIMIA, read GALLAECIA.
920 " last insert Aen
951 b 2 t. after straight, insert line
1014 a 34 t. for this isthmus, read the isthmus.
1031 b 11,16 t. for Parthenius, read Parthenias.
109 8 b. for left, read right
152 " The article LEBEN should come after article LEBEDOS
192 " 2 t. for Bolim-, read Volim-.
" " 3 t. for Bolim-, read Volim-.
278 a 15 b. for Od. i. 40, read Od. ix. 196, segq.
" " 10b. for Od. ix. 197, read Od. ix. 209.
for north-eastern, read north-western
309 b 21,22 t. for Nymphus, read Nymphas.
343 a 19 t. for Laconia, read Messenia
The article METHYDRIUM should preced art. METHYMNA in col. a
352 b 24 b. for p. 36, read p. 3, b.
445 " 9 t. for rose, read descended.
164 " 25 b. for Philip III., read Philip V.
574 a 6t. dele pp.
595 " 22 b. for astoricracy, read aristocracy.
" " 7 b. for 367, read 359.
595 b 2 t. for 362, read 359.
599 a 15 b. for Gangites, read Angites,
799 30 b. for Mars Ultor, read Temple of Mars Ultor.
881 a last. insert of.
884 " dele the note after the words “near the Thermodon”
" " 38t. for coeurs, read course
" " 38t. for Her. 1. 105, read 1erod. i. 103, segq.
1125 a 4b. for Vog. read Yoy.
1161 " 10 b. after (Greek characters) , insert Eth. Thermitanus.
1176 " 3 b. for § 480, read p. 480
1183 b 2 t. for imperuosity, rend impetuosity.
1190 " 20b for 59—88, read 57—88.)
1223 a 36 b. tor Ukert, il. 2. § 230, read Ukert, il. pt. 2, p. 230
1228 b 10 b. for § 25, read p. 25.
- t. means from the top; b. from the bottom, of the column.