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478 OLYMPIA. PLAN OF THE ALTIS AT OLYMPIA {cbfttr Leake). Olynnpieium. Pelopium. Heraeum. Great Altar of Zeus. I'illar of Oenomaus. Metroum. Prytaneium. Boiileuterion. Philippeiiim. Hippotlamiiim. Temple of Eileithyia. Temple of Aphrodite. Treasuries. Zanes. Studio of Pheidias. Gymnasium. 19. Palaestra. 20. Stadium. 21. Hippodrome: — a a. Secret entrance to the Stadium. b b. Pompic entrance to the Stadium. c. Stoa of Agnaptus. d. HIppaphesis. e e. Chamliers for the horses. /. Embolus. g. Taraxippus. h. Passage out of the Hippodrome. i i. vvtrcroci. k. Temple of Demeter Chamyne. II. Artificial side of the Hippodrome. m m. Natural height. 22. Theatre.