Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/120

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104 ALIUU. in[ght muDtaiu tluimBelTeB against iLe CheniBci and Sigamhri. it waa mtuotcd st the pcnnt when the EIlso cniptiH itself into tha Lspia (_Lippe, Dion CiaL hv. 33.) Then csn be no doubt that Iho phtce thus described b; Dion CwisiDi xinder the noma EAlirair, ia the same as the Aliio mentioned by Velldua (ii. 130) Mid Tadtiu (Aon. u, 7), and which ui A. D. 9, aiter Uieddeat of Varus, waa taken bf the Gemuuis. In a.d. 19 it waa reconquered bj the RonMBs; but bmg, the year after, besieged by the Geimans, iC waa relieved bj Gernoanicua. So long nj the Romans were inrolved in wars with the Germans in their own country, Aliso wai a place of the highest importance, and a military road with strong furtificationa Jcept up * The n; probably lakon from the Uttlc liier Eliso, on whoao bank it aloml. The 'AAfisev (in Plolemy ii. 1 1) is probably only another form of the name of thiafbrtrcas. Mni'h baa been written m niadeni times njnn [he aila of the ancient Aliso, and difiercnC results hare been arrived at ; but fmn the accurate description of IHon Cassins, then can be htlla doubt that the vil- lage of ^bm, about two miles Irom Paderbom, situ- ated at the confluence of the Abae(IXio) and Lippe (Lupia), ia the rite of the andcnt Aliw. (Lodebur, Dai Land a. Valh der Brucltrtr, p. 309, fiJI.; W. E. Gicfeis, Da Atiione CaiUllo CoBimeMatio, Ciefcld, 1844, 8™.)J(. [L.S.] A'LIUM. [ACROREIA.] ALLA'RIA('AAAa»ii=: Eth. 'kafii.rni),t.aj of Cnls of uncertain site, of iwhich cnine ate eitiot, bearing on the ubveiso the head of Pallaa, and on Uie rcvcise a figure of Heraclci standing. (Polyb. ap. Strph. B. *. r.) A'LLIA « A'LIA* (i 'AAtat, Plot) a small river which Sows uito the Tiber, on ita left bank, about 1 1 miles N. of Rome. It was on ita buika that the Romans suatamed the memorable defeat by the Ganls nnder Breimns in D. c. 390, which hid to the capture and destruction of the dtj by the bar- barians. On this account the day on which the batthi waa fonght, the 16th of July (iv. Kal. Sei- tiles), called the Dia AUimnt, was ever after n- gsrded aa disastrous, and it waa Ibrbidden to trana- act any public bnsiness on it. (Liv. -n. 1 , 3S j Virj[.^e».Yii.717;T»c.iru(.ii,9i; Varr.ifeL.L. vi. §33; Lucan.Tii.408: Cic Ep. ad AU. i. 5; Kal. Amitem. ap. Ordl Tnicr. vol. ii. p, 394.) A fbw yean later, B.C. 377, the Praenestines and Iheir allies, during a war with Borne, took up a position on the Allia. trusting that it would prove of evil omen lo then- adTcrsartes ; but their bnpes • According to Niebnhr (vol. ii. p. 533, not the correct form ia Ali*, hot the ordinaiy for AluaIs supported by manygoodMS&,andretainr by (iie n»at recent editor of Livy. The note Servina (ad Ata. vii. 717) is certahily founded . were deeeired, and they were totally deftaled by the dictator Cincinnatos. (Uv. vL 3S; Enln^ It. 2.) The sitnation of this edebnted, but uiagnifi- cant, stream is marked with tmosual pndsioa by Livy: " Aegre (hottibas) ad undtdranm IspidHi occuDinni est, qua dumen Aliia Cnutominis niouU' bus praealtn deflneni alveo, hand mnllum infra riim Tiberino amni miatetnr ," (v. 37,) The Ganli wen advancing upon Rome hy the left hank of the Tib«, ao that there can be no doubt that the " via* ben mentioned is Che Via Solaria, and the (rarectnes of the distance is confirmed by PlntarehCCimiaiS), who reckons it at 90 stadia, and by Eatropna (L SO), while Vibius Sequester, who places it at 14 miki from Rome (p. 3), is an authority tf no valne ra such a pnnt. Notwithstanding this accnnte de- scription, the identification cf the river designited bos been the subject of much doubt and discnssiai, principally arising ^m the drctunstance that then is no stream which actnalty crosses tha VU galiris at the required distance from Home. Indeed the only two streams which can in any degree iaene Ibe title of riven, that flow into this part of Ihe Tiber, are the Rio del Motto, which crosses the modern mad at Ihe Otieria del CriHo ibaat ISmila tram Borne, and the Fo$io di Conca, which ri»t il a place called Conca i;near the sila of Ficnki), about 13 miles from Rome, bnt flows in a aoutbeily dircelion and eroases the Via Solaria st Malpaao, not quite 7 milea from the city. The fornitr of these, though soppoeed by Cluverius to be the Allia, is not only mach loo distant from Rome, bnt does not correspond with the description of Livy, as it flows through a nearly flit oonntry, nnd ita bsoki an low and defencelesa. The Foao di Coaca on the contrary is too near to Borne, where it crosses the road and enters the Tiber; cm which account Nibby and Gell have supposed the battle to ban been fought higher up its course, above Tom di S- Giovanni. But the eipresoons of Livy above dted and his whole narrative clearly prove that be conceived the hattb to have been fougbt dc« to the Tiber, so that the Romans rested their left wing on that river, and Ibeir right on the Cmstumian hills, protected by the nserve force which was posted on (Hie of those hills, and against which Brennna directed hia first attack, fiolh Iheee two rivers must theiefon be njectedj but between them are two smaller streams whidi, tbougb little man than ditches in appearance, flow through deep and narrow ravines, where they issue from the hills; the frst of these, which rises not far from the Foho di Coaca, crosses the road about a inilo beyond La JUareigliaaa, and nther more than 9 fhra Rome; the seconi!, called the Scolo del CataU, about 3 miles further on, at a spot named the Fimla diPapa, which is just more than 12 miles from Borne. The choice must lie between these two, nt which Ibe former has been adopted by Holstcnius and Weslphal, but the btler has on the whole the best claim to be teganled as the true Allia- It coincides in all rc-ipects with Livy'g description, except that the distance i> a niile tao great; but the difference in the other case is greater, and the cor' respondence in no olher respect more ialisfacloij. If it be objected that the Utile brook at Fonte di I'apa is too trifling a stream to have earned auch V'"'"