Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/209

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AfiCADU. Ot. Vet. TiiL SIS.) Thoi we find ParrhuUkt MeSoi, L B. Dm mijor (Oi. Fail. iv. 577); Par- i. C«menl» {Ov. FatL i. 61B); 0, i. •. CiUislo. (Ot, Trill, ii. 190) B. la mgaSae, W. of Pim^uuia mnd K. oT Ue»- •mil, PniCAixi. 9. In r^nrui, S. of Phigmlica uid ParrWia: Ljeoia [Me Licoa] ; Theisoa ; Bresthb ] tniios uid Alphein* (P«iu. ™. 28. § 3); Tbv- RJIECK 1 HYrSDS; GoRTTB OT GoRTVMA ; Ma- UTHA; BrFHAGlVK; AuPHERA. la Jn Eatraia (Etrfnprfa), > district between FbtIiiui tod HaoBlia, inhiluted b/ the Enlnaii (Xm. Hell. Tu. 1. § 29.), of which the Hlow- M« tonu in c*anwnited bj Finsaniu (viii. 37. f 3): Trieolau (Tpi«iawv, liii. 3. § 4, 39. f S) ; Zotmimm or Zoelia (Zafri ur or ZmtIb, riiL 35.^6); Ckariiia(Xapirla,ii. 3.^4,35.% 5); flaUerma (n-taXUtfiia); CtlOMtma (KKib0ar)i Pwrtia ^Tlapipiia, viii. 35. § 6). In EuOrea*, tbtn na m nlkge, Snru (Siii)], IS stadia ftom Ik^iliipoJis; then fbUowed in order, northwards, CLvina, Tricolemi, Zotteum or Zoelia, iind Paro- rna; bat the pofrilioD of the other fiacei is doubt- fi^ Strpbuinfl speaks of a town Evtraii (j. v. ECr^fsii), and Utsjchins of a town Evire (i. v. Efrtur); bat in Paosaoias the name ii only fonnd M ilat of the peii|i]e. 1 1, la Henmtit ('HiuiaTu), tlM district in the W. OD the borders of EEs, Heilaea and Uei^e- IS. Id OnJuHteaia COpxoiuria'), the district X. eii totjesia and Cjnaria, and £. of Hereatia : OKmoaEsca ; Amilus ; Methtdrtuv , Pha- Li^TTBUii; TheihoA; Teuthis; XofUKrUyCaiiiOj ■id Dip^eita, (armii^ a Tripolia, bnt otbenriBe ■Bknowo. (Pans. Tin. 27. § +.) This Kuiacri. MHBt net be cooiaunkd with the Nonaciis In Pbe- Bntis, where the Stjx nee. 13. In Caphfotii (Kn^wrii), the district N. and W.of Ordunienia; CAmrAE and iVofi (Nwoi), on Hw Htct Tngns. (Pans. liiL 23. §§ 2, 9.) U. In Pianatii (^frtSrn), the district N. of Caphjalis, and in the NE. of Arcadia, on the frcnimof Achaia: PHEiiEtis; Ltcueuaj Cartas; Pextelel-n; No:<acris. 15. In CldtaTia (lOnn-opla), tha district W. of Pbmratis: Cleitor; Lcai; Pad's; Sdrae (iiT/xu, Paas. liiL 23. § 9 ; ni. DtiAuni, Leake, Ftlopon- ■rnoea. f. 3!l), on the frontiers (S Ptophidia; Znouin (AiMiioiu'), Maoboa {KtaiSaa), Saa (NotfiH), Oryx or Hojut C'^l»'i- 'AAsCi), and rjalioilu (eaxullki), all on the rirer Ladon. (Paoa. TiiL as. § !; Leake, Ptloprmneiiaca, p. MS.) 16. CrsAETSA, wiln > small tenitorj N. of 17. In Ptopliidia (Vv^Ia). > district W. of Ottona, on Ibe frontienof Elia: Psofhis, with the Tillage TVopoeo. 18. 1b neifnuin (etXmrfii). the district S. of l!iB preceding, abo on the fnntiers of Elis; Thel. rrrtx, and <^CEii.ii or Oxcab. Tbe ntB of the following Arcadian towns, men- Coned bT fiteibmit Bjiantinns, is quite unknown : AOimh' CiMdm,): AtUAaiia {'ArSJra); AiJon <AlAi(>), fler™ (i<f«a); Diope (aufcrn) ; Elii (*HJUf); Epigra C'*<V): £"o(EOa); £115™ (E»yM); tfjno(To(o)i Aofo (Ntfji); Nflania (N.ffTw((i); A'oWio (NoffTia): OwWto (0(;{a Ala): iVIoeCnilXoi); Phoriaa (*ofita:); Theaa (e<>ai); rAynumn (evpajbr). ABCATTOM [Abp ira ] ARCES NE [Ahokoo*.] ARCEUTHUS ( Ap«™ft)s), a small Inbnlary of the OroDlea m Sjris, ^wing throngh the plain of Anlioch. (Strab. lyi. p. 751 : Malal. viii. p. 8*.) A'RCnABIS {"ApxaSii), a river of Pontus,— or Anbis, as it utAiids in Ike text of Scjlix (p, 3!), — appeals to be the Arhara. The distance from the Arvliabis to tha Apeams was reckoned 50 stadia. The Arehabis is ^ced between the Pjiitea and the Apcvas. [G. L.] ARCHAEOTOLIS CApxai^wiiAiO. » «!'? <^ Colchis, on tha borfera of Iberia, in a very strong poHlion on a rook near the river Phasis. At Ihe rime of the Bytantiae -empitB, it was the capital of the Lazic kingdom. (Piwop. B. G. iv. 13; A^th. iiL5, 8, 17.) [P. S.] ARCHAKDRO'POLISCAfl xiripia Tifr j, Herod . ii. 97, 98 ; StefJi.B. i.v.: Elh. 'Afixa»V"^"l')i * city in Lower Egypt, between Naocmtij and Sals, which derived its name, accordinf? to Ilerodotaa, from Archandros of This, the father-in-law of Danans. He olBerres that Archandma is not an Enjptian appellation. [Akbhopolib ] [W, B. D.] ARCHELA'IS Cf^px"^!}. 1. In Cappadoda, and on the Halys, as Plinj aUtes (vi. 3); a founda- tion of Archelaus, the last king of Cappadooia, which the emperor Clandiua made a Colonia. The site is aaanmed to be .4jfc-»eroi (Hamilton, JtoforcAti, vol. ii. p.230;£ond. (;ea^.JiRirn.rol. viii. p.146); bnt At-4erai is not on die Haljs, as Leake supposes, Ak-itrai is in 3B° 20' N. lat., "in an open and well-cnltiratcd valley, through which a small stream called the Beyai-Su flows mto the salt laks of Koch' bisar." Ai-ierai, however, agrees very well with tbe position of Arcbelais as Uud down in the Itine- raries, and Pliny may have been misled m suppceing the stream Ml which it tUai to be a branch of the Halya. [G. L.] 2. A TiOage built by Archelans, son of Herod (J«eph...4R(ig. iTti. 13. §l),and notliu'from Pha- saeUa (iviii. 2. g 2). It is placed by the Peutinger Tables 12 M. P. north of Jencho. (ReUnd. Palatil. p. 576, comp. pLitc, p. 421.) [E. B.J.] ARCl, a city of Hisjaoia Baetica, and a colony, is identified by coiiu and inscriptions with the rains at Aran on the CuaudaUlt, E. of .Xer«. (FIoim, iT.p.90,x.p.*S.) [P.S.] AHCIDA'VA (Tab. Peut. ■Apyltam, Ptol. m. 8. § 9), a city of l>acia, on the road from Vimina-