Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/741

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CTCLADES. «* Oylibtn, uil OB Iwwii« tlut tlu PuthUm • bag mj off that oitnuia into Cappodocia, ud wera huging m tb« bcnten of Cilicia, he imiaedi- •tei/ Durobsd ioto Cilida tbn»Kh the P7IU of the Tannit, and ettat to Tarnia (ad AU. r. aO> Thia ii qnilii cooaiitnit with Stntm, and ihon that Leakt baa miiplaoed Cjbistn. The exact aite icroaiiia tc tatsdit WlMlte Cfiirtn ia nallj a diflsnat place fraa C^biatnL, aa aama g«agrapheii aaamm, may drabted. [0. L.] CYY;LADES (KMfk^i), a gnnp of ialaada the AogMan Sw, Ijing ta the south of Altka and Enhoeft, and ao caUad becawa thty laj in a circle i^ir idiAy) anmnd Daloa, the MtUeat bat the nuat importaBt (f them. Attntding lo Stobo (l p. 485) thej WBTB originallj only twtJ™ in nmabsT; nameij, Ceu, Cylhnos, Seriphoa, Uelcs, Sipbnoa, Cimoloa, Fans, Kaioa, Syroa, Hyeotias, Ttota, Andn*. To thcae Aitemidiinui added Prepeainlhaa, Oliaiva, and Cyam, thm makinK Ihem fifteo. (Sbah. L n.) Seylax diSini frem all other wrilen id niaking two gnnpa of Cyoladaa, a DottheiD and a aouthsn. Id the Docthwu hs piaeaaCedi, tlnlfa, "jthnni, Be- riphoa, (SpluMB, Pane, NaJua, Delaa, Bbaoe, Scyna (an oTBT probably of the tnoaEriber, for Syna), Hynnoa, Tenee, Andns. (Scylax, p. 32.) In the aootbem eraop he epecifiee lt«l«e, Cimelos, Obana, SdBoa, Thoa, Aitapbe, Aitypalaea. (ibid. p. 18.) Uoot aathoritjca, howe^, nuke the Cycladea ovi- aiat id the twelve iakoda matCkoed by Strabo, with the emptJoa that they enbetitate Rhene or Phi—" tor Ueloa, which ia certunly more DOnwt, lince HelcM acarcsly lay within tba circle. Accocdinfily the twiln, taking them in a circle fnm the NW. are [ Ceoe, Cythaos, Geiiphoa, Sipluua, Fuoa, Naioa, Deka, HMuaia, HyeciKia, Syroa, Tones, Andcos. Uda (ii. 7), probably only Ihcoogh inadnrteDca, «aiilB Ceoa, and nanus SkinM inauad of Cythnoa. Eliny (ir. 13. a. 33) taUam Artonidania in in- doding Prepaunthaa, Oliaros and Cyane. Aecording to Tbocydidea (L 4) the Cydada WBD originally inhabited by Cahana, who wm •ipdbd by Minos. (ConiiL End. i. 171.) They wore afte n» afd a '-J—'i'™' by looiana and Dorians, pindpally by the fara^. The hUtiry of each ia giten nndar ita omi name. GYCLOBOBU& [Attica, p^SSa, a.] CYDATHENAEUH. rATiLEV>t P'^'^^.M CYDND& rCiudA.Jfc^iSIij*', CrDVNlA (Kutmrfa. Kularti, PtoLir. 17. § 8: £tk and A^j. KllSmnaT^t, KMvr, XvMnai, Kv- 8mwi, Ki^M^f, KutsHM^r, Cydon, Cydmeos, Cydoniatas, Cydonitea, Cydoaina: Khamd), one of tba nMSt andeot and important dtiea of Crete. (Strab. I, p. 476.) Honnr (OlLiil SS2,zix. 176) Bpeaka of the Cydooian* who dwelt abont the riror lardanns, whom Stiabo (p. 475) ctniidsra lo be in- ladtyCydonia. The CTLLANDITS. rss IBS. (Died. T. 78; Paia. TiiL 53. g 3; SehoL ad Tlmocrit. yS. 13; Bi!hiA.adAp(MM.SluKLiT.i93;Ftw.m.7.^t.j Herodotiu (iii 44, 98) aaaigns ita fbondatioo to the fiamjana who ratabliihed themeeltea then, and dniing thtir S yean' naidence in it bnilt tba tanple of Diotynna, aa wall as those which still existed whui the hiataian wnta. Tbs city, however, as J plain from the legenda, existed brfors the tiou of Poly- cratts, though adcmol by the Samiana. In ths na engaged in hoalilitiea with the Gortynbns, who wers aaiisted by an Athenian sqoadron. (Thuc ii.3S.) Cydoiia, as Arnold (I. c.) ninarb, woold especially hate and be hated by tba Atheniana, as a eoasidmble portico of ita ciliisia wen Aeginetan eolmisla. (Herod, iii. 59.) At a later pencd it fbimed an allianoe with the Cnaaaiane. (Polyb.i».59.§4,muii. 15.54.) AfUrtbetomu- natioa of the Sacred War, PbaLaecns, the Phocian ge- Denl, attacked Cydooia, and was kiUed with moat el bit troope dnring the iie(^ (Uiad.iii.Gl.) Atone time shs earned on boniiitiee tingle-handed against both Cnoaiua and Qortyna. (Lir. ixxvii. 40,) The first engagement between the Cntans, nndcr La- ■tbenes and Panares, and the Boman t^iona, nndsc UeEeUns, waa fought in the Cydenian district. The Einnans wen victoriaoi, Mctellus was saluted in- psmtor, and laid siege to Cydcuia. (Apjnan, Cret TL 3 ; lir. Epii. icviii.) Slrabo (p. 479) deHSibei Cydonia as ntnated «a the aea and looking lowaids Laconia, at « diatanca of 800 stadia &«n both Cnoasua and Gortynk Scylax CGeag. Graee. Mm. vol. L p. 18) menlioia CydMiia as baring a harbour which cooki be ciceed (i^ nXturrii'i; the pifft rf KKmid exactly answers to this descnptian. This identity of pby.- sicsl featarea with lbs notirea d aevend ancient

  • riten(PloLJL<L; Plin. It. 13. s.20), conplsd with

the drcnmitanea that maritime aymboli an foond on antonomoos cclns cf Cydonia, bu led Ur. Paafaky (Trm. ToL L p. 13) to fix tba Bte in or near the }dem£AiBwf. The quince-tiee derhcd its name from the Cretan Cydooia, in the district of which city it was indige~ nous, and was thence transpirtal into other cogntries. (Plin. IT. 1 1.) Tbe fniit waa called utilfiaAar in CntM dialect. |;B.B.J.] frrV&KRK{KiiSp(ipa:Eili.fli«tpafimoi). Eteph. (i. e. K^pafo) reien to the serentfa bo^ iS He- dotna tat the mnM of this place, and adds, — rh ienidir Ketpapaiiii bt Mtyofmai. Bnt this ftnn Mrynpaiia ia donbtfnl. (Sse the note in Veinecke's ed. of Stephantis.) [CARtrRA.] [G. L.] CYINDA. [AXAZAIIBDB.] CYIZA (KBifa, Ptol. tL 8. 5 8; Martian, p. 33; AiTian, Biit. Irulic. c 37), a small port on the ooast aC the country of the IcthyopfaatH, to whtdi the fleet of Nearchns came, bnt at which they were not able lo land owing to (he heavy sea, which was running on the shore. It does not ap- pear that the plaae can be identified with any exist- ing town, nnleas the name baa been prees i Tsd in .T*«"ior .which is spoken of by Otter (TVueeb, vol. ii. pi 409; compL Vincent, F«. 0/ Ktarviiu. vol. L ^ ss?)- [v.] CYLIPEinjS SINUS (Plin. iv. S7). the gnlf near which the Abbtui were found; now the 0*1/ of Riga. [E, B. J.] CYLLANDU3 (KiXXartts: Eth. KuAAorh^), 3 A 3