Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 3.djvu/135

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ment to his country house at Andover. He died there on 23 Nov. 1904 from cardiac failure due to aortic disease. He was unmarried.

Outside his purely medical work Poore was well known both to the medical profession and to the public as an ardent sanitarian. In 1891 he was general secretary of the sanitary congress. In his garden at Andover he proved that living humus had a powerful disinfecting property. In his 'Essays on Rural Hygiene' (1893), chapter iv., entitled 'The Living Earth,' he set forth this opinion with characteristic charm of style and wealth of illustration. He dealt with sanitation and with the wastefulness of the water carriage of sewage in his Milroy lectures for 1899, 'The Earth in Relation to the Destruction and Preservation of Contagia' (1902, with appendix of public addresses), and in 'The Dwelling House' (2nd edit. 1898). His views were regarded by many sanitary authorities as heretical, but he proved their practical value as far as the country dwelling was concerned.

Poore also published, together with contributions to medical journals and orations upon dietetic and sanitary matters:

  1. 'Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Throat, Mouth, and Nose,' 1881.
  2. 'London Ancient and Modern from the Sanitary and Medical Point of View,' 1889.
  3. 'Nervous Affections of the Hand,' 1897.

[Lancet, 10 Dec. 1904; British Medical Journal, 3 Dec. 1904; information from friends; personal knowledge.]

POPE, GEORGE UGLOW (1820–1908), missionary and Tamil scholar, was born on 24 April 1820 in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia. His father, John Pope, born at Padstow, Cornwall, emigrated to Prince Edward Island in 1818, and in 1820 removed to Nova Scotia, where giving up trade he became a missionary; returning in 1826 to Plymouth, he there resumed his business as merchant and shipowner, and took a prominent part in municipal affairs. George's mother was Catherine Uglow of Stratton, North Cornwall. Both parents were devout Wesleyans. William Burt Pope [q. v. Suppl. II] was his younger brother. Educated at Wesleyan institutions at Bury and Hoxton, George resolved in his fourteenth year to become a missionary to the Tamil-speaking population of Southern India. He landed at Madras in 1839, having learned Tamil from books during the voyage. In 1843 he was ordained in the Church of England, and henceforth was associated with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, which had recently taken over the native congregations founded by Christian Friedrich Schwartz [q. v.] and other German missionaries in the extreme south of India. During the first ten years his sphere of work was in Tinnevelly. Then came a visit to England (1849-51), mostly spent at Oxford, where he came into intimate relation with Cardinal Manning, Archbishop Trench, Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop Lonsdale, Dr. Pusey, and John Keble. On his return to India there followed another ten years of missionary labour in Tanjore, during which he felt himself compelled to protest against the practices of the Lutheran missionaries of Tranquebar in the toleration of caste and native customs. At this time he founded in Tinnevelly district the Sawyer-puram seminary for training native clergy, which has a Pope memorial hall and library; and also St. Peter's schools for boys (now a college) and for girls at Tanjore.

In 1859 he founded the grammar school at Ootacamund, on the Nilgiri Hills, of which he was the first headmaster; and in 1870 he was transferred to the principalship of Bishop Cotton's schools and college at Bangalore, in Mysore, where he left the reputation of severity with the cane. With both these appointments he combined clerical duty, and during this period published many educational manuals. In 1859 he became a fellow of the newly founded Madras University, for which he was a constant examiner. In 1864 the Lambeth degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Archbishop Longley. He left India finally in 1880, after forty years of active work. A short time was passed in Manchester, and then he settled at Oxford as diocesan secretary of the S.P.G. In 1884 he was appointed teacher of Tamil and Telugu in the university; in 1886 he was awarded the honorary degree of M.A.; and from 1888 he was chaplain at Balliol College, where he enjoyed the intimate friendship of two Masters, Jowett and Caird. In 1906 he received the gold medal of the Royal Asiatic Society, which is awarded every three years to an oriental scholar (cf. Journ. Roy. Asiatic Soc. 1906, pp. 767-790). He died at Oxford, after a brief illness, on 11 Feb. 1908, and was buried in St. Sepulchre's cemetery. His friends and pupils in India, the majority Hindus, placed by subscription a monument on his grave and founded a memorial prize for Tamil studies in the university of Madras;