Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 3.djvu/183

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of his policy; and in the same year 'Shipbuilding in Iron and Steel,' for several years the standard treatise on the subject. In 1868 and 1871 he contributed papers on the construction of ironclad ships to the 'Philosophical Transactions'; and in 1871 wrote 'Our Naval Coast Defences.' In 1872 he founded a quarterly named 'Naval Science,' many articles in which were from his pen; he continued it till 1875. His 'Treatise on the Stability of Ships' was published in 1884, and 'Modern Ships of War,' in writing which he had Admiral E. Simpson as a collaborator, in 1888. He was in addition a frequent contributor to 'The Times' and other periodicals, and took an ardent part in many controversies on technical subjects. He died in London on 30 Nov. 1906, and was buried at Putney Vale cemetery.

Reed married in 1851 Rosetta, eldest daughter of Nathaniel Barnaby of Sheerness, and sister of Sir Nathaniel Barnaby, who succeeded him as chief constructor in 1870. Edward Tennyson Reed (b. 1860), for many years an artist on the staff of 'Punch,' is his only son.

A painted portrait by Miss Ethel Mortlock, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1886, was presented by the engineer officers of the royal navy to Lady Reed. A cartoon portrait was published in 'Vanity Fair' for 1875, and a photogravure portrait is prefixed to the 'Transactions of the Institute of Naval Architects' for 1907.

[Trans. Inst. Nav. Architects, xlix. 313; Proc. Inst, of Civil Engineers, clxviii. pt. ii.; The Times, 1 Dec. 1906; Reed's own works.]

REEVES, Sir WILLIAM CONRAD (1821–1902), chief justice of Barbados, born at Bridgetown, Barbados, in 1821 (the date is often given erroneously), was one of three sons of Thomas Phillipps Reeves, a medical man, by a negro slave Peggy Phyllis. Reeves, cared for by his father's sister, received some education at private schools and attracted the notice of Samuel Jackman Prescod, a journalist. The boy was fond of reading. Prescod gave him employment on his paper, the 'Liberal.' Reeves learned shorthand, and mastering the details of management, was soon able on occasion to edit and manage the paper. He joined the debating club at Bridgetown, and proved ready in debate.

Disappointed in the hope of obtaining an official appointment, Reeves by the kindness of friends went to England, and became a student at the Middle Temple in May 1860, being called to the bar on 6 Jan. 1863. While in London he acted as correspondent for the Barbados press. In 1864 he returned to Barbados to practise at the local bar. From May 1867 he acted for a short time as attorney-general of St, Vincent, an island which at that time was under the same governor as Barbados, and soon gained an assured position in Barbados.

In August 1874 Reeves entered the local house of assembly of Barbados as member for St. Joseph, and became solicitor-general. In April 1876, when the governor, Sir John Pope-Hennessy [q. v.], provoked a conflict between the crown (as represented by himself) and the legislature. Reeves resigned office and took up the cause of the old constitution of Barbados as against schemes of confederation and crown government. Reeves was acclaimed by all classes and colours as a Pym or Hampden. Equally in 1878 he opposed the proposal introduced by Sir George Strahan for the reform of the elective house of assembly by the introduction of crown nominees, He thus became the champion of the ancient Barbados constitution, and the general public marked their sense of his services by presenting him with an address and a purse of 1000 guineas.

In 1881, however, the next governor. Sir William Robinson, enlisted Reeves's cordial support in framing the executive committee bill. The enactment of this bill enabled the executive to secure a proper control in matters of finance and administration without interference with the traditions of the house of assembly. The governor acknowledged Reeves's support by appointing him attorney-general in Feb. 1882. Reeves was created K.C. in 1883. As attorney-general he helped in 1884 to carry out an extension of the franchise. Later in the year he went on long leave to recruit his health, returning to Barbados in 1885.

In 1886 Reeves became chief justice of Barbados. The promotion was a rare recognition of worth in a black man, and was well justified in the result. He was knighted in 1889. His judgments were clear and well worded. Several of them were collected in a volume by Sir William Herbert Greaves, a successor as chief justice, and Mr. Clark, attorney-general. Reeves died on 9 Jan. 1902, at his home, the Eyrie, St. Michael's, and was accorded a public funeral, With a service in the cathedral at Westbury cemetery. Reeves married in 1868 Margaret, eldest daughter of T. P. R. Rudder of Bushey Park, St. Thomas, Barbados. He left one daughter, who was married and resided in Europe.