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the result of his labours is embodied in a Blue Book (C. 4889,86). This position he held for ten years; and amongst the more interesting episodes of his administration were his expedition with a small escort in 1888 to visit Lobengula, whose attitude he changed from hostility to compliance, and discussions with the chief Khama on the liquor question. By the former he paved the way in some measure for the Charter of the British South Africa Company. He retired on pension on 16 Nov. 1895, when British Bechuanaland was annexed to Cape Colony. On his way home he was at Johannesburg just after the Jameson raid, and threw all his influence on the side of peace.

Shippard, who was made C.M.G. in 1886, and K.C.M.G. in 1887, became on 21 April 1898 a director of the British South Africa Company, and rendered the board wise and loyal service at a time when the development of the company's territories was at an anxious and critical stage. He died on 29 March 1902 at his residence, 15 West Halkin Street, London. He was buried at Nynehead, Somerset.

Shippard married, first, in 1864, Maria Susanna, daughter of Sir Andries Stockenstrom of Cape Colony (she died in 1870, leaving three children); secondly, on 18 Dec. 1894, Rosalind, daughter of W. A. Sanford of N3mehead Court, who with four children survived him.

Shippard, a man of culture and refinement, with a taste for music, acquired a high reputation as a Roman -Dutch lawyer. He published 'Dissertatio de vindicatione rei emptse et traditione' (thesis for D.C.L. 1868), 'Report of Case of Bishop of Grahamstown [v. Merriman) '(1879), and several legal judgments in 'Buchanan's (Cape) Reports' (1880-5).

[The Times, 31 March 1902; South Africa, 5 April 1902; C.O. lists, 1875-1895; official blue books; Who's Who, 1901; Anglo-African Who's Who, 1905; information from Lady Shippard.]

SHIRREFF. [See Grey, Mrs. Maria Georgina (1816 – 1906), promoter of women's education.]

SHORE, WILLIAM THOMAS (1840–1905), geologist and antiquary, born on 5 April 1840 at Wantage, was son of William Shore, architect, by his wife Susannah Carter. Brought up at Wantage, he became (about 1864) organising secretary to the East Lancashire Union of Institutions at Burnley. In 1867 he was sent (with others) by the science and art department at South Kensington to the Paris Exhibition to report on scientific and technical education, and gave evidence on the subject before a select committee of the House of Commons in 1868. In 1873 he was appointed secretary to the Hartley Institution (now the Hartley University College) at Southampton and curator of the museum, and later became executive officer of the institution. Shore was the founder of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, and remained its honorary secretary until his death. He contributed many papers to the society's 'Transactions,' including 'Ancient Hampshire Forests' (1888), 'The Clays of Hampshire and their Economic Uses' (1890), and 'Hampshire Valleys and Waterways' (1895). In 1882 he was secretary of the geological section of the Southampton meeting of the British Association. He was elected fellow of the Geological Society on 3 April 1878. Both as a geologist and an antiquary he was an authority of high repute upon Hampshire. In 1896 Shore moved to London and founded the Balham Antiquarian Society. Shortly before 1901 he became joint honorary secretary of the London and Middlesex Archæological Society, and contributed to its 'Transactions' a series of papers on 'Anglo-Saxon London and Middlesex.' He died suddenly at his residence, 157 Bedford Hill, Balham, on 15 Jan. 1905, and was buried at the cemetery of St. Mary Extra, Woolston, Southampton.

On 24 Jan. 1861 he married Amelia Lewis of Gloucester, who died on 31 May 1891; by her he had two sons, William Shore, M.D., dean of the medical school of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and Lewis Erle Shore, lecturer on physiology at Cambridge, and three daughters.

Shore published: 1. 'Guide to Southampton and Neighbourhood,' 1882. 2. Letter-press description to 'Vestiges of Old Southampton,' by Frank McFadden, 1891. 3. 'A History of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight' (Popular County Histories), 1892. At his death he was engaged on 'Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race,' which was edited posthumously by his sons. A 'Shore Memorial Volume' (pt. i. 1908, ed. G. W. Minns), undertaken by the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, contains his contributions to the society and other papers.

[Quarterly Journal Geol. Soc. 61, lviii-lix; private information.]