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reminiscences, entitled 'On and Off Duty' (1881).

Archæology now seriously engaged Oliver's attention. From Guernsey, where he was appointed adjutant in 1868, he visited Brittany, and drew up a valuable report on the prehistoric remains at Carnac and other sites (Proc. Ethnological Sac. 1871). In 1872 a tour in the Mediterranean resulted in some first-hand archaeological observations in Asia Minor, Greece, and Sardinia, published as 'Nuragghi Sardi, and other Non-Historic Stone Structures of the Mediterranean' (Dublin, 1875). Meanwhile Oliver, who had been promoted captain in 1871, was appointed superintendent of fortifications on the Cornish coast in 1873, and there devoted his leisure to elucidating the history of two Cornish castles, 'Pendennis and St. Mawes' (Truro, 1875).' After serving on the staff of the intelligence branch of the quartermaster-general's department he was sent to St. Helena on garrison duty. There he resumed his botanical studies, and made a valuable collection of ferns, which he presented to the Royal Gardens, Kew. Impatience of professional routine induced Oliver to resign his commission in 1878. For a time he acted as special artist and correspondent of 'The Illustrated London News' in Cyprus and Syria. But his health had been seriously affected by his travels in malarial countries, and he soon settled down to literary pursuits at home, first at Gosport and later at Worthing. The value of Oliver's work both as explorer and as antiquary was generally recognised. He was elected F.R.G.S. in 1866, became fellow of the Ethnological Society in 1869, and F.S.A. in 1874. He died at Worthing on 31 July 1907, and was buried at Findon. He married on 10 Sept. 1863 at Port Louis, Mauritius, Clara Georgina, second daughter of Frederic Mylius Dick, by whom he had five sons and four daughters.

Oliver's versatile interests prevented him from achieving eminence in any one subject. But his sympathetic volumes descriptive of Malagasy life remain the standard English authority on the subject. In 1866 he published 'Madagascar and the Malagasy,' a diary of his first visit to the island, which he illustrated with some spirited sketches. This was followed by an ethnological study in French, 'Les Hovas et les autres tribus caracteristiques de Madagascar' (Guernsey, 1869). In 'The True Story of the French Dispute in Madagascar' (1885) Oliver passed adverse criticisms on the treatment of the Malagasy by the French colonial officials. Finally his two volumes on 'Madagascar' (1886), based on authentic native and European sources, give a detailed and comprehensive account of the island, its history, and its inhabitants.

Oliver also edited: 1. 'Madagascar, or Robert Drury's Journal,' 1890. 2. 'The Voyage of Frangois Leguat,' 1891 (Hakluyt Society). 3. 'The Memoirs and Travels of Mauritius Augustus Count de Benyowsky,' 1893. 4. 'The Voyages made by the Sieur Dubois,' 1897 (translation). In addition to these works he assisted in the preparation of ' The Life of Sir Charles MacGregor,' pubhshed by his widow in 1888, and from the notes and documents collected by Sir Charles MacGregor he compiled the abridged official account of 'The Second Afghan War, 1878-80' (posthumous, 1908). 'The Life of Philibert Commerson,' which appeared posthumously in 1909, was edited with a short memoir of Oliver by Mr. G. F. Scott Elliot. To this Dictionary he contributed the articles on François Leguat and Sir Charles MacGregor.

[Memoir of Capt. Oliver prefixed to the Life of Philibert Commerson, 1909; S. P. Oliver, On and Off Duty, 1881; Athenæum, 17 Aug. 1907; Worthing Gazette, 14 Aug. 1907; private information from Miss Ofiver.]

OLPHERTS, Sir WILLIAM (1822–1902), general, born on 8 March 1822 at Dartry near Armagh, was son of William Olpherts of Dartry House, co. Armagh. He was educated at Dungannon School, and in 1837 received a nomination to the East India Military College at Addiscombe. He passed out in the artillery, and joined the headquarters of the Bengal artillery at Dum Dum in Dec. 1839. On the outbreak of disturbances in the Tenasserim province of Burma, Olpherts was detached to Moulmein in Oct. 1841 with four guns. Returning at the end of nine months, he was again ordered on field service to quell an insurrection in the neighbourhood of Saugor, and was thanked in the despatch of the officer commanding the artillery for his conduct in action with the insurgents at Jhima Ghaut on 12 Nov. 1842. Having passed as interpreter in the native languages, Olpherts was given the command of the 16th Bengal light field battery, and joined Sir Hugh Gough's expedition against Gwalior. Olpherts's battery was posted on the wing of the army commanded by General Grey, Lieutenant (Sir) Henry Tombs, V.C. [q. v.], being his subaltern. He was heavily engaged at Punniar on