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Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu/148

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161 ii 16 Gordon, Alexander, 4th Duke of Gordon: before Anderson's Scottish Nation insert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, ed. Wood;
178 ii 9 f.e. Gordon, George, 4th Earl of Huntly: for Margaret read Jane
203 ii 15 f.e. Gordon, Henrietta: for in his house read in the house of James Crichton (d. 1650) [q. v.]
209 ii 8 Gordon, James B.: omit [q. v.]
214 ii 1 Gordon, Sir John, 1st Viscount Kenmure: for in 1721 read about 1627
219 i 6 Gordon, Sir John W.: for (1805 read (1814
9 for in 1805 read on 4 Nov. 1814
17 for 1823 read 1833 and for twenty read ten
220 ii 8 Gordon, Lucie: for Brandenberg read Brandenburg
221 i 25 Gordon, Osborne: omit double
29-30 for to the university read in Christ Church
30 for he succeeded read he served as one of the proctors and succeeded
31 omit proctor in the university and
14 f.e. for on the board of read one of the
11 f.e. for houses read heads of houses
ii 21 for the board of commissioners read the Koyal Commission
10 f.e. for Παμφιλίον read Παμφίλον
226 ii 13-16 Gordon, Robert (1580-1661): omit In the edition of 1655 . . . in uncomplimentary terms.
260 ii 4-6 Gosse, Philip Henry: for who helped him to embody them . . . in two volumes. read who embodied them in his handsome work (in two volumes) on the subject in 1886.
262 i 29 Gosset, Isaac (1735?-1812): for 16 Dec. read 12 Dec.
263 i 21 f.e. Gosson, Stephen: for (1555 read (1554
20 f.e. for born in 1555, read baptised at St. George's, Canterbury, April 17, 1554, was son of Cornelius Gosson and
269 i 16 f.e. Gouge, Robert: for (1631? read (1630
11 f.e. for 11 March 1646-7 read 8 June 1647
10-3 f.e. for Robert Gooch, . . . . his early education, read Robert Gouge, born at Chelmsford, and having been educated there, was admitted at the age of seventeen a sizar of the college. Another entry in the college registers records the admission on 11 March 1646-7 of one Robert Gooch of Great Yarmouth, with whom the independent divine has been wrongly confused.
277 i 1-4 Gough, John (fl. 1570): omit He revised and edited with a preface . . . Wycliffe's translation of the Bible.
282 i 9-10 Gough, Strickland: for (fl. 1730-1751) read (d. 1752)
12 omit not earlier than 1715
13 f.e. after parish, insert He died on 13 Dec. 1752.
289 ii 13-14 Gouldman, Francis: for Prebendary John Boys's read the work by Prebendary John Bois [q. v.] entitled
298 i 19 Gower, Henry: for Monokton read Monkton
300 ii 18-19 Gower, John: omit lost. It is described as
21-22 omit also stated to be
28-29 for The work has disappeared and left no trace, read The 'Speculum Meditantis,' which was long believed to have disappeared, is clearly identical with the 'Mirour de l'Omme,' a French poem of some thirty thousand lines, which was discovered by Mr. G. C. Macaulay in a manuscript in the Cambridge University Library and was printed by him in his edition of Gower's works. A few pages are missing at the beginning of the manuscript.
303 i 18 f.e. for and Cressida read with Cressida
311 ii 25 f.e. Grafton, Richard: after the printer of insert the first book of Homilies in 1547 and
314 ii 24 f.e.
22 f.e.
Graham, George (1675-1751): for 1675 read 1673
318 i 25 Graham, James, 1st Marquis of Montrose: for Henry read (Sir) John Urry [q. v.]
358 ii 4 f.e. Graham, Thomas, Lord Lynedoch: omit College
359 i 4 f.e. for Sir Robert Douglas [q. v.] read Sir Kenneth Douglas [q. v.]
361 ii 5 for at the Oaks read at the Epsom Meeting