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Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu/157

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343 ii 1 Hardinge, Sir Henry, 1st Viscount Hardinge: for sketching near the Prussian position read in attendance on Blücher
49-50 for July to December 1834. read December 1834 to April 1835.
5 f.e. for early in 1844 read May 1844
345 ii 20 for the present viscount, born 12 Sept. 1822, read second viscount (1822-1894),
350 i 18 Hardwick, Philip: for survives read died 27 Jan. 1892
362 ii 20-22 Hardyng, John: omit With his master he . . . . there. Very soon
23 for afterwards read Afterwards
25 for and read was present at the battle of Shrewsbury in July 1403, and witnessed Hotspur's death there. Hardyng
365 i 21 f.e. Hare, Francis: after Hoadly. insert Butler wrote a 'Letter of thanks to Dr. Hare for his sermons at Putney,' in which Hoadly was attacked.
ii 3
for Vatche read Vache
8 for 1721 read 1731
16 f.e. after his death. insert The younger Francis Hare died without issue in 1775.
15-13 f.e. omit and a third, Richard, was father of James Hare [q. v.]
366 ii 6 f.e. Hare, Henry, 2nd Lord Coleraine: for Portman read Potman
369 i 38-39 Hare, James: omit and his grandfather was Bishop Francis Hare [q. v.]
373 ii 28 Hare, Robert: for father read grandfather
376 i 8 f.e. Harford, John S.: omit eldest
ii 37 for visitor read sub-visitor
381 ii 7 Hargreaves, James: for Epinasse's read Espinasse's
384 ii 20-19 f.e. Harington, Henry (1727-1816): for in Bath Abbey. read in the chancel of Kelston Church.
385 ii 11-12 Harington, Sir John: for Christ's College, Cambridge, . . . his tutor John Still, read King's College, Cambridge. It is possible that he afterwards migrated to Trinity College. He acknowledged much indebtedness to John Still, master of Trinity (from May 1577) and
392 ii 5-6 Harley, Sir Edward (1624-1700): for Red Marley read Redmarley
393 ii 13-14 for Essington read Eastington
394 i 19 Harley, Edward (1664-1735): for Essington read Eastington
399 ii 17 f.e. Harley, Robert, 1st Earl of Oxford: for Essington read Eastington
401 i 24 for Dewes read Dawes
405 ii 7-8 for Whitley Court read Witley Court
416 i 35 Harness, William: for at Cambridge read in London
14 f.e. for learned and tenable read and learned
ii 30 omit a
429 i 19 f.e. Harper, Sir William: after St. Aubyn insert (Lord St. Levan)
430 ii 18 f.e. Harpsfield, John: after death;' insert (first published in 1547 in 'The First Book of Homilies appointed to be read in Churches')
431 ii 3 f.e. Harpsfield, Nicholas: for 1662 read 1622
437 ii 20-21 Harriot, Thomas: for St. Mary's Hall, read St. Mary Hall,
440 ii 16 Harriott, John: for Piedmontaine read Piedmontese