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Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu/200

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196 ii 26 Maclaurin, Colin: omit (1753-1821) [q. v.]
206 i 4 f.e. Macleay, Sir William: omit first
211 ii 3 McLennan, John F.: for who survives him read who died in 1896
16-18 for has since been continued . . . towards completion, read and then by that of William Robertson Smith [q. v.], was completed by McLennan's widow and Mr. Arthur Platt, and published in 1896.
228 i 28 Macmahon, Sir Thomas W.: for 1800) read 1860)
231 i 8 Macmillan, Daniel: for 1853 read 1835
16 f.e. after Alexander insert (1818-1896)
233 ii 25 f.e. Macmoyer, Florence: for given read sold for 200l.
244 ii 19 f.e. MacNally, Leonard: for 1778 read 1787
248 i 11 McNeill, Duncan, Baron Colonsay: omit and the title became extinct
259 i 33 Macpherson, Ewen: for Maitland Club read Spalding Club
260 i 27-28 for through the good offices of read after being refused by
262 ii 25-26 Macpherson, James (1736-1796): for Macpherson had again hinted at read Blair referred to
30 for he read Macpherson
263 i 33 for 1762 read Dec. 1761
22 f.e. for by Blair read of his own
ii 10 f.e. for Strahan read Johnson
6 f.e. for 14 Oct. read 19 Oct.
264 ii 107 f.e. for He induced the government . . . in the Jacobite rising, read The government offered him the lands of his relative Macpherson of Cluny, which had been confiscated in the Jacobite rising, but he refused them in favour of the rightful heir.
5 f.e. for Kensington Gore read Manchester Buildings;
267 i 26 after controversy insert Cf. T. Bailey Saunders's Life and Letters of Macpherson, 1895
275 i 29 Macqueen, Robert, Lord Braxfield: for St. George's Square read George Square
277 i 9 Macrae, James: after p. 280; insert Cockburn's Memoirs, p. 8;
292 ii 44-45 Madden, Sir Frederic: for One of his sons read His eldest son
294 ii 6 f.e. Madden, Sir George A.: after painted insert in 1817
4 f.e. for engraved read copied in oils
310 ii 21 f.e. Magauran, Edmund: for Russell read Fitzwilliam
316 i 21 f.e. Magee, William C.: for and in 1859 also read In May 1860
19-16 f.e. for Within a year . . . . Enniskillen. read He preached his first sermon there 7 Oct. A month later (28 Nov. 1860) he was instituted to the Trinity College living of Enniskillen. His association with Quebec Chapel finally ended in March 1861.
317 ii 10-11 for is in course of preparation read was published in 1896
20 Magellan, Jean H. de: for hardly possible read quite impossible
331 i 19 Maguire, John F.: for John Forster read William Edward Forster [q. v.]
340 ii 17 Maidstone, Richard: after MSS.; insert Wylie's, Henry IV, ii. 362, 363;
345 i 2 f.e. Maine, Sir Henry J. S.: for Frederick read Edgar
348 i 6-5 f.e. Mainwaring, Sir Philip: for Gowes-worth read Gaws-worth
365 i 8 Maitland, John, 1st Duke of Lauderdale: for (d. 1698) read [see Murray, Elizabeth]
12 for Talmarsh read Tollemache
367 ii 16 Maitland, Sir Peregrine: for Caroline, daughter of George Dewar read Jane, daughter of General Mathew of Clanville, Hampshire
17 for a daughter read Lady Jane, third daughter
18 for Ancaster read Ancaster and Kesteven
19 for in 1777 read 6 July 1777
32 after the passage of insert Bidassoa, at the battle of Nivelle and at the passage of
33 after (gold medal), insert also at the operations before Bayonne, at the action of Bidart, and the passage of the Adour,
12 f.e. for and governor read He resigned on account of his aversion to the official countenance given to heathen religious festivals. He was governor