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Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu/272

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159 ii 8 f.e. Sullivan, Barry:for Charles James Lever [q. v.] read Charles Sever, a journalist
166 i 8 Sumner, Charles R.: for Dawson read John Dawson
170 i 15 Sumner, John B.: for the university of Durham; read University College, Durham;
180 i 32 Sutton, Sir Charles: for Thornton read Thoroton
182 ii 32 Sutton, Sir Richard (d. 1524): for His portrait read The portrait
185 i l.l. Sutton, Thomas (1532-1611): for St. Swithin read St. Swithun
ii 4 for Snaith read Knaith
189 i 11 f.e. Swain, Charles: for Tavaré read Tavarez
229 i 7 f.e. Swinburne, Henry (1560?-1623): after 1500-1714; insert Yorkshire Archæolog. Journal, i. 202, vii. 54;
247 i 10 Sydenham, Thomas: for 3 March 1626, read 26 Feb. 1626-7,
264 i 18 f.e. Sylvester, Josuah: for Frascatorius read Fracastorius
271 ii 21 f.e. Symonds, John: for 1728-9 read 1729-30
277 i 15 f.e. Symonds, Richard (1607-1692): for Ellington read Ettington
300 ii 7 Tait, William: for 1846 read 1864
342 i 19 Talboys, Sir William: for Guy read Grey
349 i 12 Tallis, Thomas: for Willersley read Willersey
353 i 12 Tancred, Christopher: for Hargreave's read Hargrove's
370 i 11 Tarlton, Richard: after improvisation insert Roger Williams, in the address to the reader prefixed to his 'Discourse of War' (1590), wrote of Tarlton that he 'would couuterfeite many artes, but he was no bodie out of his mirth.'
372 i 16 Tarver, John C.: for in 1818 read about 1822
374 ii 8 f.e. Tassie, James: for 1777 read 1772
385 ii 20 Tatham, John: after requests insert to Queen Henrietta Maria
390 ii 9 f.e. Taunton, John: for Gloucestershire read Worcestershire
407 ii 34 Taylor, Edward: omit as an ironmonger
412 i 9 f.e. Taylor, Sir Henry: for 1876 read 1870
424 i 9 Taylor, Jeremy: for Seyes Court read Sayes Court
426 i 21 for repeated read repealed
439 ii 5 f.e. Taylor, John (1694-1761): for Manchester New College read Manchester College
442 i 38 Taylor, John (1703-1772): after Extraordinary insert History
447 i 8 Taylor, John (1781-1864): for Parker read Parkes
465 ii 14-15 Taylor, Simon: omit The date of his death is uncertain.
23-25 Taylor, Thomas (1576-1633): for Cambridge, . . . . B.D. 1628, read Cambridge, where he matriculated from Christ's College, graduating B.A. in 1594-5 and M.A. in 1598. He was fellow of his college (1599-1604) and Wentworth Hebrew lecturer (1601-4), proceeded D.D. 1628,
473 ii 12 Taylor, Tom: after Clothing' insert (10 Feb. 1857)
480 i 33 Taylor, Wittewronge: for said read improbably said