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Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu/301

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272 ii 22-23 Bright, Sir Charles T.: for was himself not directly concerned read was associated as consulting engineer
2 f.e. for Institute read Institution
273 i 21 for E. B. Bright read E. B. Bright and his son, Mr. Charles Bright
292 ii 37 Brind, Sir James: for daughter read niece
295 i 23 Broadhead, William: for Forth's read Firth's
296 i 21 f.e. Broome, Sir Frederick N.: after services. insert He had been made C.M.G. in 1877 and K.C.M.G. in 1884.
18 f.e. after afterwards insert in 1891
302 i 8 f.e. Brown, Robert: omit at Copenhagen
7 f.e. for the degree of Ph.D. read the honorary degree of Ph.D. in 1870.
l.l. after expedition insert in 1863
ii 12-13 for the high school read the School of Arts
13 after college. insert He was also an extra-mural lecturer of the university and interim lecturer on botany there in 1873, and for part of that year in geology also.
19 for In 1875-6 read In 1873
25-30 for and in 1876 was writing . . . to the preparation of read as well as for the 'Academy' and the 'Scotsman.' In 1876 he accepted a post on the staff of the 'Echo,' and removed to London. In 1879 he became a leader writer for the 'Standard,' and retained that post for the rest of his life. Meanwhile he prepared many
4 f.e. for Rink's insert 'Danish Greenland,' 1877, and his
2 f.e. for is valuable read their valuable
303 i 21 after Zemlya insert as well as by two flowering plants, two lichens, and a fossil plant called after him by English and Swiss botanists
306 i 6 f.e. Browning, Robert: for Woodgates inn read Woodyates inn
5 f.e. for Partridge read Pentridge
308 i 18 f.e. for his horse read his uncle's horse
313 i 17 f.e. for Mr. Smith read Mrs. George M. Smith
319 ii 12 Brown-Séquard, Charles E.: for physiologist read physiologist and physician
14-16 for Edward Brown . . . . belonging to Philadelphia. read Edward Brown (a native of Philadelphia), captain in the merchant service.
320 ii 9 after Geneva, insert His second wife had died in 1874, and in 1877 he married a third wife, who was an Englishwoman.
10 for his old master read his friend and rival
28 for second wife read third wife
for the localisation of the tracts in the spinal cord. read the properties and functions of the nervous system.
321 i 6-9 for but he was not a philosophical thinker . . . . interpret his facts correctly. read although the interpretation of the facts he had discovered did not always meet with general acceptance.
12 after Normale insert de l'Homme
13 after Animaux,' insert the 'Bulletins de la Société de Biologie'
339 i 30 Burke, Ulick R.: for Colne read Calne
348 ii 13 Burton, Sir Frederic W.: before On his retirement read Burton was knighted in 1884.
14-15 for Burton was knighted. Despite read despite
354 i 18-19 Burton, Sir Richard F.: for 'Proverba read 'Proverbia
370 i 23 Cairns, John: for Bishop Laughton read Bishop Claughton
381 ii 2 f.e. Campbell, Sir Alexander: for Heydon read Hedon
389 ii 11 Campbell, George D., 8th Duke of Argyll: for 1883 read 1884
396 ii 11-12 Cass, Sir John: for in that year read in 1710-11
397 i 18 f.e. Caulfield, Richard: for Burke read Butler
ii 27 omit unmarried,
30 after co. Cork. insert His wife, Dora Dowden, survived him.
410 i 24 Chambers, Sir Thomas: for 1846 read 1836
425 i 25 Childers, Hugh C. E.: for 1871 read 1870