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Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu/85

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326 i 28 Colet, John: after exist, insert He was treasurer of Chichester Cathedral 1516.
9 f.e.
12, 55
Coley, Henry: for Selby read Sibly
330 i 7 Colfe, Abraham: for brother read uncle
32 Colfe, Isaac: after Canterbury, insert He was prebendary of Canterbury from 1596 till his death.
332 i 9 College, Stephen: for Lord William Stafford read William, Lord Stafford
337 i 19 f.e. Colley, Sir George P.: after C. B. insert (1874) and after C. M. G. insert (1878)
18 f.e. after K.C.S.I. insert (July 1879)
344 ii 23 f.e. Collier, Jeremy: for Nicholson read Nicolson
351 i 18 f.e. Collier, John P.: for C. W. Singer read S. W. Singer
353 i 5 f.e. Collier, Robert P., Lord Monkswell: for 1842 read 1841
l.l. for Kemp read Kempe
354 i 42-43 for protected read protested
365 i 28 Collins, Arthur: for thrust into the fourteenth volume read introduced
373 ii 24 Collins, Mortimer: for 1865 read 1855
375 ii 46-47 Collins, Samuel (1619-1670): omit and was incorporated . . . . 1659
376 ii 29 Collins, Samuel (1618-1710): for in 1652 read on 24 June 1659
378 i 18 f.e. Collins, William (1721-1759): for 408 read 419
381 ii 21 Collins, William L.: for 1835 read 1853
382 i 5 f.e. Collinson, John: for Sept. read Aug. and after thirty-six insert and was buried in the nave of Long Aston church
384 ii 13 Collinson, Septimus: after 1827 insert He left 1,500l. to found a school in the parish of Great Musgrave, which is still in existence.
29-30 Colles, John D.: for Kennicott, Pusey, and Ellerton read Kennicott, and Pusey and Ellerton
390 ii 24 Colman, George, the elder: for 1755 read 1757
399 i 29 Colonia, Adam de: for Berchem read Berghem
400 i 1 Colpoys, Sir John: for July read June
ii 3 after year insert when he was made K.B
14-15 omit he had also been . . . . the Bath,
402 ii 29 Colquhoun, John C. (1785-1854): omit (brother of the third)
403 i 12 Colquhoun, John C. (1803-70): before was born insert eldest son of Archibald Campbell-Colquhoun [q. v.]
405 i 1, 13 Colquhoun, Patrick: for Yates read Yeats
4 for Dr. H. Boase read Henry Boase
406 i 18 Colson, Lancelot: after stone, insert He also compiled an almanack for 1680.
407 ii 13 Colt, Maximilian: after resign, insert He married in the Dutch church in Austin Friars, on 31 Jan. 1604, Susanna Geeraerts van Antwerpen (Register, ed. W. J. C. Moens).
22-23 for the preceding June read June 1606
25 for Anne read Mary
26 for the previous December read 16 Sept. 1607
6 f.e. after or Coult. insert In the marriage register he is described as 'Maximilian Poictrin van Utrecht.'
408 ii 43-44 Colton, John: for Caius and Gonville College read Gonville Hall
409 i 35 for 1881 read 1882
417 i 20 Colvile, Sir James W.: for Wedderburn Colville read Wedderburn, who changed his name to Colvile
32-5 for the influence . . . . the appointment of read he was appointed
419 ii 35 Colville, Sir Charles: for 1834 read 1832. He was colonel 5th garrison battalion 1812-5, colonel 34th foot 1815-23, 74th foot 1823-34, 14th foot 1834-5, and 5th foot 1835 till death.
422 i 5-4 f.e. Colville, William: for the Tron Church read Trinity College
424 ii 7 f.e. Colyear, Sir David, 1st Earl of Portmore: after Scotland, insert He was colonel Scots Greys (2nd Dragoon Guards) 1714-7.
425 i 11 omit of
428 i 34 Combe, George: for 1830 read 1820
435 ii 3 f.e. Comber, Thomas (1645-1699): for Barkham read Barcombe
439 ii 4 Comgall, Saint: for St. Finian's read St. Finnian's