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patients he was able to substantiate the suspicion of the great French physician Louis that under the name of continued fever the English physicians had long confounded two entirely different diseases, to one of which Louis gave the name of typhus, to the other typhoid. The credit of drawing this distinction belongs, among others, to Dr. Gerhard and Dr. Shatnaak in America, to Dr. Valleix in France, and to Dr. Alexander Patrick Stewart [q. v.] in Great Britain, but their work was contested, while, since the publication of Jenner's papers, the identity of the two conditions has never been seriously maintained.

Jenner's robust common sense, his sound knowledge of his profession, his kindliness to patients, and his somewhat autocratic manner, made him acceptable to all classes, and enabled him to acquire so lucrative a practice that he left behind him a fortune of 375,000l. The failing health of Sir James Clark threw upon him the chief immediate care of the queen's health soon after his appointment as physician in ordinary, and for more than thirty years he proved himself not only a most able physician, but a true and devoted friend of Queen Victoria, who deeply mourned his loss.

Jenner's papers on typhoid and typhus fevers were published in the 'Monthly Journal of Medical Science' (Edinburgh and London) for 1849, and in the 'Transactions of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society,' 1850, vol. xxxiii. The latter paper was received on 20 Nov., and read on 11 Dec. 1849, the author being introduced by Dr. William Sharpey [q. v.]

Jenner also published:

  1. 'On the Identity and Non-identity of Typhoid Fever,' London, 1850, 8vo; translated into French, Brussels, in two parts, 1852-3.
  2. 'Diphtheria, its Symptoms and Treatment,' London, 1861, 12mo.
  3. 'Lectures and Essays on Fevers and Diphtheria, 1849-79,' London, 1893, 8vo.
  4. 'Clinical Lectures and Essays on Rickets, Tuberculosis, Abdominal Tumours, and other Subjects,' London, 1895, 8vo.

[British Medical Journal, 1898, ii. 1851; Transactions of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, 1899, vol. lxxxii.; Royal Society's Yearbook, 1900, p. 183; private information.]

JENNINGS, LOUIS JOHN (1836–1893), journalist and politician, son of John Jennings, a member of an old Norfolk family, was born on 12 May 1836. Before he was twenty-five he became connected with the 'Times,' for which journal he was sent to India as special correspondent in 1863. For some time he was editor of the 'Times of India.' After the civil war he was the representative of the 'Times' in America, as successor to Dr. Charles Mackay [q. v.] In 1867 he published 'Eighty Years of Republican Government in the United States,' London, 1868, cr. 8vo, and in the same year he married Madeline, daughter of David Henriques of New York. He settled in New York and became the editor of the 'New York Times.' The municipal government of the city had fallen into the hands of the Tammany Ring and 'Boss' Tweed. Jennings, undeterred by threats of personal violence, and even of murder, during many months exposed the malpractices in his newspaper, and finally had the satisfaction of seeing the corrupt organisation broken up through his public-spirited and courageous efforts, and the ring-leaders, who had defrauded their fellow-citizens of millions of dollars, punished. This remarkable achievement was commemorated by a testimonial to Jennings, signed by representatives of the best classes in New York.

Jennings returned to London in 1876 to devote himself to literature, founded and edited 'The Week,' a newspaper which did not meet with much success, and became a contributor to the 'Quarterly Review,' for the publisher of which, John Murray, he acted as reader. In 1877 he had charge of the city article in the 'World.' He was an active pedestrian, and published 'Field Paths and Green Lanes: being Country Walks, chiefly in Surrey and Sussex' (1877 &c. five editions), followed by 'Rambles among the Hills in the Peak of Derbyshire and the South Downs' (1880), with some charming wood-cuts after sketches by Mr. A. H. Hallam Murray. These volumes have nothing of the formal character of guide-books, but are racy descriptions of secluded country paths interspersed with stories of quaint rural wayfarers. In 1882-3 he wrote a novel, 'The Millionaire,' said to depict Jay Gould, the American, which appeared in 'Blackwood's Magazine,' and was afterwards published anonymously (1883, 3 vols.)

His most important literary undertaking was to edit 'The Croker Papers: the Correspondence and Diaries of the late Rt. Hon. John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty from 1809 to 1830' (London, 1884, 3 vols. 8vo; 2nd edit, revised, 1885), a duty which he performed with much skill and judgment. In November 1885 and July 1886 he was elected M.P. for Stockport in the conservative interest, and became absorbed in politics. He was a follower of Lord Randolph Churchill [q. v. Suppl.], but