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lished 'Diseases of the Kidney, their Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment,' and in 1873 'Lectures on Bright's Disease,' 8vo. His last publication was 'The Pathology of the Contracted Granular Kidney,' 1896.

Johnson's other works were:

  1. 'Epidemic Diarrhoea and Cholera: their Pathology and Treatment,' London, 1855, post 8vo.
  2. 'The Laryngoscope: Directions for its Use and Practical Illustrations of its Value,' 1865, 8vo.
  3. 'Medical Lectures and Essays,' London, 1887, 8vo.
  4. 'An Essay on Asphyxia,' 1889, in which he attacked the views advocated by many modern physiologists.
  5. 'History of the Cholera Controversy,' London, 1896, 8vo.

He reintroduced the picric acid test for albumen and the picric acid and potash test for sugar. He at once recognised the great use of the ophthalmoscope in renal pathology, and assisted Sir Thomas Watson [q. v.] in revising the last edition of his famous 'Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Medicine.'

[Lancet, 1896; Brit. Med. Journal, 1896; Brit. Mus. Libr. Catalogue; Churchill's Med. Directory; Biograph v. 514; private information; King's College Hospital Keports, 1897.]

JONES, HENRY (1831–1899), known as 'Cavendish,' writer on whist, the eldest son of Henry Derviche Jones of 12 Norfolk Crescent, was born in London on 2 Nov. 1831. His father was an ardent devotee of whist, and was in 1863 chosen to be chairman of the Portland Club whist committee, which, in connection with James Clay [q.v.] and the Arlington Club committee, framed the 'Laws of Short Whist,' edited by John Loraine Baldwin in May 1864. Henry was educated at King's College school (1842-8), and proceeded as a student to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, where he was a pupil of Sir William Lawrence. After qualifying in 1852 as M.R.C.S. and L.S.A., he practised for some sixteen years in the neighbourhood of Soho Square. In 1869 he retired from practice, but retained a connection with his old profession as a member of the court of the Apothecaries' Company.

In 1854, at Cambridge, Henry's younger brother, Daniel Jones, joined a knot of young men of considerable ability, who had at first 'taken up whist for amusement, but who found it offer such a field for intellectual study that they continued its practice more systematically with a view to its more complete investigation, and to the solution of difficult problems connected with it.' In London, a few years later, Henry was introduced to his brother's set, of which he soon became the most advanced member. He began to make notes upon difficult points and to record interesting hands, and he joined the club known as the 'Cavendish,' situated at the back of the Polytechnic, in Cavendish Square. He subsequently became a member of the Portland Club, where he met James Clay. His first written contribution on the subject of whist appeared in 'Bell's Life' for March 1857. In January 1862, in an article in 'Macmillan's Magazine,' William Pole [q.v. Suppl.] suggested the utility of a handbook embodying a series of model games at whist. After correspondence with, and encouragement received from, Pole, Jones brought out in 1862 a small edition of such a manual entitled 'Principles of Whist stated and explained by Cavendish.' A fifth edition was called for in 1863, when the title was altered to 'The Laws and Principles of Whist.' The eighth edition of 1868 was recast, a ninth edition was dedicated to James Clay, the tenth contains new matter, while the eleventh, of 1886, introduces the subject of American leads, as promulgated by Nicholas Trist of New Orleans. 'Cavendish' very soon came to be regarded as the standard authority upon whist, and was (so the story runs) appealed to as such by, among other prominent players, Jones's own father, though the latter had no idea that the writer was his son Henry, of whose powers as a whist player he had formed a far from commensurate opinion. Its distinctive merit as a manual was not novelty of doctrine, but lucidity, literary skill, and above all theoretical coherence. He was, however, the first to lay down clearly the true principles of the discard, and of the call for trumps.

Two years after 'Cavendish' came the slender and less exhaustive 'Treatise on Short Whist,' of J[ames] C[lay]. 'Cavendish' was certainly a great advance upon anything that had gone before, on the book of 'Major A,' published in 1835, and on the book from which the latter was plagiarised, Matthews's 'Advice to the Young Whist Player' of 1804. Before this came Payne's 'Maxims,' 1770, which for the first time laid down the principle of leading from five trumps; and before him was the 'immortal' Edmund Hoyle, who published his famous 'Short Treatise' in 1742.

Immediately upon the appearance of his 'classic' in 1862 'Cavendish' became whist editor of the 'Field,' and he soon afterwards became 'Pastime' editor of 'The Queen,' producing at the same time numerous manuals on games. Upon the subject of which he was an undoubted master he produced 'Card Essays,' 1879 (with a dedication to Edward Tavener Foster and a sup-