Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol II (1901).djvu/119

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Dale's illegal resistance to the ordinary had been instigated by the English Church Union. The prosecution was abetted by the Church Association. Soon after his release Dale was presented by the patron, Charles Trollope Swan, to the rectory of Sausthorpe-cum-Aswardby in Lincolnshire, to which he was instituted on 21 April 1881. In this country parsonage Dale, who, though of an obstinate spirit, was by nature studious and devout, and had a most sincere hatred of publicity, resumed his Hebrew and scientific studies and his water-colour drawing, at which he was a proficient. Several of his drawings made on a foreign tour in 1882, at Padua and Venice, are reproduced in the 'Life' by his daughter. He died on 19 April, and was buried in Sausthorpe churchyard on 25 April 1892. His unassuming piety and devotion to his church had won the hearts of his country parishioners. By his wife (married in 1846), who survived him, Dale left several children. A brother, James Murray Dale (1822-1877), was author of 'The Clergyman's Legal Handbook' (1858), 'Church Extension Law' (1864), and 'Legal Ritual' (1871).

Pelham Dale was the author of:

  1. 'A Life's Motto, illustrated by Biographical Examples,' 1869 (studies of St. Augustine, St. Bernard, J. Wesley, J. Newton, Charles Simeon, Kirke White, Ed. Irving, and the missionaries, H. Martyn and Mackenzie).
  2. 'A Commentary on Ecclesiastes,' 1873: a translation and a paraphrase, the sense being sought by a microscopic attention to the grammar and phraseology of the author. Dale called himself 'homo unius libri,' and this as his opusculum.
  3. 'The S. Vedast Case: a Remonstrance addressed to all True Evangelicals,' 1881: a vigorous defence of ritual against what he called the 'Zwinglian section' of the church.

[Life and Letters of Thomas Pelham Dale, by his daughter, Helen Pelham Dale, with portraits, 2 vols. 1894; Guardian, 12 Feb. 1879, Sand 10 Nov. 1880; Church Times, 22 April 1892; Times, November and December 1880, passim; Church Review, 2 June 1876; Grier's Imprisonment of the Rev. T. P. Dale, 1882; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

DALLEY, WILLIAM BEDE (1831–1888), Australian politician, born in Sydney in 1831, was descended from Irish parents. He was educated at the old Sydney College and at St. Mary's College, where he came under the tuition of the Roman catholic archbishop, John Bede Polding [q. v.]; with him he contracted a friendship which endured till Folding's death in 1877. In 1856 he was called to the bar, and in 1877 was nominated a queen's counsel. In 1857 he was returned for Sydney to the first constitutional parliament, and in January 1858 he would have been returned a second time; but, finding that his election was likely to exclude Sir Charles Cowper [q. v.], with whose party he had identified himself, he drove to the polling-booths and requested the electors to vote for his colleague. He was immediately afterwards returned for the Cumberland boroughs. In November he entered Cowper's ministry, succeeding Alfred James Peter Lutwyche as solicitor-general. He early distinguished himself in parliament by his eloquence, while his popularity was enhanced by his being a native of the colony. In February 1859 Cowper's ministry resigned office.

In 1859 Dalley visited England, and in 1861 accepted a commission to return to that country with (Sir) Henry Parkes [q. v. Suppl.]to continue the work begun by John Dunmore Lang [q. v.] of inducing men of good ability and repute to establish themselves in the colony. They lectured in most of the large towns of Great Britain, but met with little success owing to the anti-democratic feeling aroused by the American civil war. A year later Dalley returned to Sydney, but he took little part in politics until the formation of the administration of Sir John Robertson [q. v.] in February 1875, when he accepted the post of attorney-general. Not being in parliament at the time he was summoned to the legislative council on 9 Feb., Robertson was defeated in March 1877, but came into office again in August, and Dalley became attorney-general for the second time. In December the administration once more retired.

Shortly afterwards Dalley received a severe blow in the death of his wife, and he scent the next four years in retirement at his country house at Mossvale, on the slope of the Blue Mountains, abandoning the pursuit of politics and his lucrative practice at the bar. At the close of 1882 the Parkes ministry was defeated, and on 5 Jan. 1883 Dalley reluctantly accepted office for the third time as attorney-general. The illness of the premier, Sir Alexander Stuart [q. v.], at the beginning of 1885 threw upon Dalley the duties of premier and acting foreign secretary, and gave him an opportunity of attaining fame. In February the news of the fall of Khartoum awakened a lively sympathy in Sydney, and a keen desire to assist the imperial government by the despatch of troops. The origination of the idea is claimed both for Dalley and for Sir Edward